
Chapter 1


                "Good morning, Tori, how was your evening?"  I had just walked onto the unit and was heading for the nurse’s station to put my bag down when I heard the greeting from Tammy, a fellow rookie nurse and my best friend.

                "Morning Tammy. It was good. I spent it with my father at the lake. How was yours?" She just stood there grinning like an alley cat before throwing her left hand in my face. I grabbed it, thinking she was going to swat at me when I saw a bright glittery flash.

                "Oh my God, he did it!" I looked at her left finger and saw the diamond reflecting the fluorescent lights. It was beautiful, a princess cut stone surrounded by smaller green stones in a platinum setting. "Congratulations, it's beautiful!"  She smiled brightly and giggled a bit before pulling her hand back to look at it herself.

                "Thank you! He took me to our favorite little restaurant and then he surprised me by taking me to the county fair. At the top of the Ferris wheel, he knelt and popped the question, right under the full moon. Eric was so romantic!" She sighed as if remembering the moment, then looked at me with a questioning look. I sadly smiled in return and sat down at the desk. She slowly pulled up a chair and sat next to me. "Have you talked to him lately?" Gently rubbing my arm, her voice soft and apologetic.

                "No, I called and left a message last week, but he hasn't returned it. Not even a text. I have no idea what happened. I guess it just wasn't meant to be". I threw her a small smile and started grabbing charts to read over the last shift's notes. Tammy sat there a moment longer, giving my arm a supportive squeeze, and then started on her own charts. "Don't worry, he'll come around. Maybe he had an emergency?" She suggested sheepishly. Tori just gave a small smile and returned to her charts.

                Tammy and I were roommates in nursing school. It was a rocky start, but once we got the little personality quirks understood, it got better from there on out. Five years later, we graduated top in our class with our specialty in the burn unit. We both worked our asses off, helping, tutoring and supporting each other so that we would be able to apply to the Hidden Falls Medical Center in Hidden Falls. It was a top ranked trauma center in the southern US. Our dream jobs. Luckily, in our last year of school, an internship opened in the burn unit, and with the help of a family friend of mine, we both applied. Unable to choose, they decided to create two positions for the internship. We were both ecstatic, we would be working together at the best hospital in the south.

                Tammy was like a sister to me and I to her. She was there for me when my mother died of breast cancer in our second year of school. She was also my rock this past year when the guy I was dating just suddenly disappeared without even a word. I thought we were doing really well and getting closer and progressing in our relationship, but apparently I was wrong. She keeps telling me I am worth so much more and that he's totally missing out on the best thing he'll ever get. Her words of encouragement made me smile and feel a bit better, enough to get me through my day.

                "We are getting a transfer from Mercy Hospital this morning" Our charge nurse, Mrs. Nixon reported to us as she came into the station and grabbed a chart.

                "Well, good morning to you too" I responded in a sarcastically cheerful voice. She shot me a quick glance and continued on with her daily list of chores, as she calls it. Rolling my eyes at Tammy, who stifled a giggle and turned away.

                I spent the next hour walking through my patients' rooms checking vitals and adjusting their bedding. I had five burn patients under my care. I would measure their healing progress and change their bandages. After administering the morning medications to my patients, I went back to my desk and prepared for the incoming transfer.

                About an hour later, our new patient was settled into their room, and all the IV's and meds set up. With my check list completed and I was satisfied with everything, I quietly left the room, closing the door behind me.

                The morning went by rather quickly. Tending to the patient's and their family's needs. In the burn unit, only the immediate family are allowed to visit and only for an hour at a time, so as to cut down on exposure to outside germs and infection. Some were not happy that they had to dress in gowns, masks and gloves after thoroughly washing their hands. It was a process, but after explaining the reasoning behind such "fuss", as they called it, they obliged without further dismay.

                Once I finished with the morning rounds, I went back to my desk to update all my notes in the charts. A few minutes later, Dr. MacDonald walked in and sat next to me.

                "Hello nurse Tori, how are you?" I looked up from my paperwork and gave a big smile.

                "Dr. MacDonald, it's good to see you! I'm doing well, and yourself?" I turned to give him a small hug. Dr. MacDonald, or Gregory as he requests to be called, was a long-time family friend and has helped me through my nursing courses along with aiding myself and Tammy in acquiring the internship with the hospital. He was a large intimidating man about six foot four, two hundred ninety pounds with short almost buzz cut dark brown hair, but he was the nicest guy I've ever met. So friendly and very caring.

                "I'm doing well. How's that old man of yours? I, unfortunately, haven't been able to speak with him for some time now. Hopefully, we can catch up soon."

                "He's doing.... better. " I answered briefly, glancing away from him momentarily. He grabbed my hand and patted it gently.

                "It will take time, but with your strength and support, he will get through it." He gave me hopeful eyes.

                My mother passed away two years ago from breast cancer and my father took it very hard. For a long time, he was unable to work, eat or sleep. He moved out of his bedroom and slept in a guest room in his house. Finally, after a year, he slowly began doing normal activities, eating and talking to people. Although it was very brief, he made the attempt. He still has nightmares and his bright lively  eyes still hold grief and sadness. I call him regularly, to keep in touch and let him know how I'm doing. He seems very happy that my life is going well and is always cheerful to some extent when we speak. I tell him that I am happy and healthy and that I love him. 

                We sat there for a few minutes talking about the internship and how Tammy and I are settling in to the new ward. I again thank him for the opportunity and his assistance in obtaining this position. He replied that he was happy to help and glad that I was doing well in the new place. He starts to stand up, then turns to me and hesitates.

                "Tori..." I turned to look at him and saw a look of apprehension and question on his face.

                "Yes? Something wrong?" I asked, concerned.

                "No no, I am just wondering something." I gave him an expectant look, waiting for him to explain.

                "Something has come up and I would like to speak to you about it. Would you mind coming to my office after your shift today?"

                "Of course, Dr. MacDonald. I should be there about 330." He nods his head and stands.

                "That will be fine, thank you." He gives one more smile and turns and walks off. I watched him leave and pondered what that was about. My thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. Nixon stepped behind the desk and dropped several charts in front of me.

                "If you're done gossiping now, you think maybe you could update some of your charts hmm?" She turned and walked away before I had a chance to reply. Shaking my head at the blatant rudeness of my charge nurse, I grabbed a chart and started reviewing notes and jotting down my own findings.

                About an hour later, I finished my chart review and began my afternoon check on my patients. Dispensing their medication and lunch as ordered by their physicians. I went in to check on our new patient and saw that he was still unconscious but his vital signs were good. Slowly and carefully, I inspected his wounds and their healing progress as well as changing any bandages that were soaked. All in all, he was doing quite well.

                I returned to the desk to complete my final notes and prepare my report for the next shift. I saw Tammy walk in and sit next to me. She had tears in her eyes and a frown.

                "Tammy? What happened?" She turned to me slowly and took a deep breath.

                "Mrs. Campbell just passed away." Shaking her head, she let a tear fall and a quiet sob left her.

                "Oh Tammy, I'm so sorry. " I put a supporting hand on her shoulder and held her hand. It took her a moment to compose herself before she dried her tears. Half an hour later, Tammy finished her reports and returned them to the rack.

                "Hey Tori, after a long emotional day, I think we need a night out. What ya think?" She had a slightly cheery and hopeful look on her face. I was really tired and not sure I wanted to go out, but if it made her friend feel better, she was all in.

                "Sure, that sounds great. You could even bring Eric as our personal bodyguard." Her face brightened at that.

                "That sounds like a good idea. I'll give him a call and let him know."

                "I'll catch up with you later. I have a meeting with Dr. MacDonald after shift."

                "Okay, I'll call you later at about 8?"

                "Sounds good, See you later!" Tammy walked off towards the locker rooms and Tori grabbed her bag and headed to the elevator for the ride up to the fifth floor, the executive offices. Once there, she stepped out and walked down the hallway towards her mentor's office. Just before arriving, she overheard a conversation he apparently was having on the phone.

                "...... Yes, Alpha, I will be speaking with her here shortly and will give her all the information. I think with her background she will be of tremendous use." A short pause as he hummed in response to questions. "I'll call you tomorrow with an too....I hope so....I'll do my best. Goodbye Alpha."  She heard the phone placed on the cradle and she stood there for a moment, debating whether she wanted to go in. Alpha? Who was he talking to? Although the term was not unknown to her, her mind went frantic, wondering which Alpha? Did this meeting have something to do with that?

                Realizing she had been standing there for too long, she raised her hand slowly, took a breath, and knocked on the door. A brief pause and then he answered.

                "Come in," he said lowly. Tori pushed the door open and took a step inside.

                "Hello Doctor, you wanted to see me?" He turned and flashed her a big smile and walked towards her.

                "Tori! Yes, yes, please come in. Have a seat. Can I get you anything? Tea, water, coffee?" He was a bit anxious, but genuinely friendly.

                "Water will be fine, thank you". She took a seat in front of his large wooden desk and placed her bag on the floor at her feet. A moment later, he appeared with a bottle of water and handed it to her.

                "Thank you" She accepted the bottle and opened the cap. Taking a large gulp, trying to calm her nerves before she had to speak.

                "How was your shift today?" He asked, while he sat at his desk and clasped his hands together.

                "It went very well, I'm just grateful for the opportunity, thank you." He smiled at that and nodded his head.

                "Wonderful! I'm glad to hear it", he responded almost absent-mindedly. Tori started to get a little uncomfortable and shifted in her seat. He started fidgeting in his seat, grabbing papers and stacking them neatly on his desk.

                "Tori...." He started after taking a deep breath.

                " there something wrong? Is that why you wanted to see me?" He shook his head and slowly looked up before hesitantly continuing.

                "Tori....I asked you here to ask for your help." Pausing, he took a sip of his own water and sighed. ".... a friend of mine is having some trouble caring for his nephew. He was caught in a fire about a year ago and has been dealing with the aftermath since."

                "Oh my, that's terrible" Tori responded, her heart breaking for the family already. "Is he...."

                "The victim is his 25 year-old nephew, son of his late brother, who died in the same fire."

                "I'm sorry to hear that, Gregory. What can I do?" He smiled at her. Thinking she was such a sweet young lady, always there to help a friend in need. Putting everyone before herself, doing whatever she could. However what he is about to ask of her, she may change her mind or even regret it. He knows that Tori has a similar past along with his friend, and that she has been trying to avoid being anywhere near that circle, but he can think of no other way to help in this situation. Hopefully, she will put that aside and bring out her nurturing nature and agree to help.

                "My friend,  Colton, has no idea how to help his nephew out of his depression. He's had several specialists come and sit with him, but he refuses to talk to anyone. He was in a  coma for 6 months, and another 3 months learning to walk and talk again. Although still going through physical therapy, he has made great strides in physical recovery, it's more his mental capacity we're concerned about." Tori sat silent, waiting for him to continue, wondering how she could help with this. He said that the nephew was doing well regaining his physical strength, and his mental capacity needed help. This was not her area of expertise, but the next thing out of his mouth stunned her and explained why all in one breath.

                "Alpha Colton is formally requesting your assistance with his nephew, soon-to-be Alpha Ronin of the Hidden Falls Pack."

                Tori was frozen in her seat. She felt like the breath had been knocked out of her lungs. Alpha? Hidden Falls Pack? She thought she had left that world behind when her mother took her and ran from her biological father over 18 years ago! That world. The werewolf world. She'd never thought of looking for it, let alone walk back willingly into it, and yet, here she is being asked by a close friend to go to the pack and help a wolf, an Alpha, back to his former self so that he can take back control of his birth pack. His rightful place since his father had passed. Her friend was asking her to use her inner healing abilities to help his friend's nephew.

                She remembered bits and pieces of what it was like to live amongst the wolves. Her father was the Alpha of the pack she once belonged to. Her mother, a human, found herself mated to her father, Merrick, and became his Luna. It was a whirlwind romance, a marking, and a mating and then Tori came along not long after. With no say in anything that happened. Her mother was basically a prisoner in her own home. The way she acted, dressed, spoke, and held herself in the public eye was too much for her. From stories that her mother was willing to tell her, she learned that her father was not exactly faithful to the bond and acquired several mistresses during their time there. Unwilling to live with this, her mother packed a bag one night, wrapped Tori in warm clothing and they secretly fled the house during one of the Alpha's drunken episodes, so her mother put it. Her father would end the day with a few shots of whiskey in his office. Until one night when she went to confront him in his office, she opened the door to find he was not alone. There on his desk, she found her Alpha mate with another woman engaged in sexual activities. She'd had had enough and that was when she decided to flee with Tori.

                Since then, Tori and her mother would move around until they found a place where she felt comfortable and safe. That's when they met Gregory. Her mother had applied for a nurse's job, where Gregory was a department head, at a small medical clinic in a tiny town hours away from where they fled. He took a liking to her right away and hired her on the spot. Their friendship grew over the years and he had introduced her to a friend, her now step-father, of his and they had clicked right away. A couple of years later, they married and have been happy ever since. He accepted her like his own daughter. Her stepfather, Chase, and her mother, Sara, were unable to have any children of their own, so Chase spoiled Tori. Made sure she was loved and cared for, given everything she could want or need. He was her support system while she was in college, and after her mother passed two years ago.

                But here she was, being asked to go back to that world willingly to help an Alpha return to his former glory. Could she, do it? Did she want to? Would she be able to hold back her prejudices to help a person in need? She would need some time to think about it.

                "Can you tell me about him?" She asked quietly.

                "He only woke up 3 months ago. Physical therapy sessions are held 4 times a week, and they tried to get him to speak with a therapist, but he hasn't been.... cooperative with that. That's where you come in. You have experience with burn victims and their emotional state. He won't speak to anyone about what happened. They want to make sure he is stable to run the pack. He hadn't really mourned the loss of his father and his mother is in her own world of grief, so she is no help either."

Tori sat there thinking about the situation and whether or not it was a good idea to accept it or not. "Also, your.... umm...unique ability to heal would be of tremendous help with this." Tori closed her eyes and shook her head slightly.

                "I assume I would be staying at the house with him. What about my job here at the hospital? I worked so hard to get that position and I don't want to give it up. How long will I be there?" Gregory stood from his desk and walked around to sit on the seat next to Tori. He smiled softly at her and sighed.

                "Yes, you will be staying in the packhouse on the same floor as him and you will still have your job here at the hospital. No need to worry about that." He grabbed her hand with both of his and patted it gently. "I know this is a lot to ask of you, considering your...history. But..." He looked down and sighed apprehensively before continuing. "...I wouldn't ask if I didn't think you were the best for the job. You have such a gentle and caring nature as well as the patience of a saint! I have no doubt you will do great things and bring him out of his depression and back to leading his pack." Tori looked down worriedly before answering.

                "Can I sleep on it? Can I give you an answer tomorrow?" Slowly raising her head to look at him. He gave her a big smile and nodded his head.

                "Of course! Take some time and sleep on it. Give me a call tomorrow. If you have any questions before hand, let me know."

                "Thank you, Gregory, I will give you my answer tomorrow then." They both stood from their seats and shook hands. He walked her to the door and opened it for her. Before stepping out, he stopped her.

                "Tori. Please give it some real thought. Alpha Colton wouldn't have called asking if he had any other options. I know this is not an ideal situation for you, going back into the wolf world, but I truly believe you are what they need to bring the young Alpha back on the right track to healing his mind and soul." She couldn't help but think there was a hidden meaning in that statement, but she held her tongue and smiled at him.

                "Thank you, Gregory, I'll let you know." With that she walked out of the office and down to the parking garage to her car to go home.

                Arriving home, she dropped her bag and keys by the front door and collapsed on her couch. Going over and over the conversation with Gregory in her mind, she tried to find any hidden meaning in it, but couldn't come up with anything. Glancing at her ticking clock on the wall, she noticed she had a few hours before going out with Tammy that night. She kicks off her shoes and stretches out on the couch for a quick nap before a night of dancing and adventure. It'll definitely be interesting with Tammy, since they haven't had a night out in a long time. The last time was their junior year in college. Vaguely, she remembers drinking, dancing, bright red, and blue lights and running in the woods. A night in jail and an appearance before the judge. With some sad eyes, a few tears, and promises of never doing it again, they went back to school with only a slight blemish on their record. Tori had no intention of repeating history. So, tonight she will most definitely have her wits about her. Besides, Eric will be there with them to keep them out of trouble. Hopefully.

                Tori woke to her cell phone ringing. She rubbed her eyes and grabbed the cell.


                "Hey girly! Are you ready to go?" Tori slowly pulled herself up and stared at her phone for a second before realizing it was her friend Tammy at the other end. "Don't tell me you fell asleep and forgot! We'll be there in an hour, so go get ready!"

                "Yeah, I'll be ready, see you then." She shut the call and threw her phone on the table. Letting out a big yawn and rubbing her face, she slowly got up and headed for the bathroom. Turning on the water and adjusting it to the perfect temp, she shed her clothes and stepped in. Letting the hot water run down her body, it felt good to just stand there and not move. Gradually, she felt her muscles relax and the tension disappear. She took her time washing and conditioning her hair and then rinsing thoroughly. Squeezing a generous amount of lavender body soap on her loofah, she quickly lathered herself up, shaved, and then rained the suds off. When she was done, she shut off the water, and grabbed a fluffy green towel and dried herself.

                "I can't believe I agreed to go out tonight. This is gonna be a long and boring night." She mentally scolded herself but went about readying herself for the evening. Little did she know her night was going to be anything but boring.

                Right on time, Tammy and Eric knocked on her door at nine o'clock. Tori answered, wearing her favorite dark green body dress that ended just above her knees. The front came down in a low cross just covering her cleavage and the same design on her back. The hem was covered in lacey trim and a shiny texture that hugged her body.

                "Hey girly! Damn, you look good! You ready?" Her best friend grabbed her arm and started leading her out to the waiting truck where Eric was to be their chauffeur for the evening, holding the door open for them as they slid into the back seat and buckled their seat belts.

                The three of them were chatting about random topics as they drove down the city streets heading towards the local dance bar. After finding a spot in the back of the lot, they headed towards the front door and entered the building. The smell of sweat, alcohol and strong perfume hit Tori right away and she had to cover her nose a bit, discretely, as they moved into an empty table against the wall.

                The music was blaring, and the waitresses were wondering around taking orders and serving customers. With a round of draft beer and a shot of whiskey each, they toasted each other and downed the shot. Tori took a seat and sipped her beer.

                "Hey baby, you wanna go dance?" Eric asked Tammy as he held her hand and placed gentle kisses on her palm.

                "Sure baby, Tori, you wanna come with us?" She asked while standing.

                "And be a third wheel? No thanks. I'm just gonna chill here and people watch for a bit. You guys go shake it up!" She gave a small smile and watched as they whisked away to the dance floor and started grinding against each other. The look of love and adoration in their eyes as if no one else existed. Tori was so happy for her friend that she could find someone to love and take care of her. Eric was a good guy. He was good to Tammy and doted on her every chance he got. He also included her in conversations, going out at night or bringing her lunch as well when he came to see Tammy at work. He knew they were best friends, almost like sisters and were an important part of each other's lives and didn't try to break that up.

                About half an hour later, she smelled a familiar scent as she took in the patrons at the bar. Looking more closely, she saw a platinum blond with her lips attached to a gentleman sitting on a bar stool in front of her. They were going at it for a few minutes until she came up for air and that's when she noticed the guy she was with.


                The same guy she had been dating for a few months and then he disappeared for a couple of weeks with not a word. No calls, no texts, no nothing! As she sat there staring in shock at what she was seeing, they got up and started walking towards the front exit. All her hopes of having a fun evening were right out the window. Sadly, she got up from the table and wandered over to the dance floor to find Tammy. Telling her she was tired and wanted to go home and that she would grab a cab and for them to have fun.

                Walking out the door, she headed for the curb on the other side of the parking lot to call her cab. She heard noises from one of the trucks parked in the back. Shaking her head at the lascivious acts probably being performed, she continued walking to the road. Unfortunately, she had to walk past the truck to get there. With her head hung low, she quickly shuffled past the vehicle as she heard grunts and heavy panting. Taking a quick look at the truck as she wandered by, she recognized him.

    Again, Jonas.

                Tori stood there staring at him as he had his head back on the head rest with his mouth wide open breathing heavily.

                "Damn you, Jonas!" His head shot down and looked right at her. His eyes went wide in shock as he stared back at her. Tori ran over to the truck and started pounding on the hood and kicking the fenders.

                "Tori?" He yelled in shock. A moment later, the blond bimbo raised her head and wiped her mouth as she looked around in fear.

                "Fuck you, Jonas!" He pushes his door open and jumps out of the truck while closing his jeans and fastening his belt.

                "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He yelled as he slowly approached Tori.

                "With me?! You disappeared for weeks, you too busy to make a phone call or a text?" Her breathing was coming in rasps and wheezes as she tried to calm herself.

                "Oh, he's been...quite busy." The blond smirked at me as she straightened her dress.

                "Tori, please.... let me explain...." Tori shook her head and started walking away. Wanting nothing more to do with him. He ran up to grab her arm and she wheeled around and punched him in the face. Holding his jaw, he glared at her. Tori glared right back, with tears in her eyes, she flashed her angry fire eyes before returning them to her normal violet and turning her back on him and walking back inside the bar. Not realizing, someone hidden in the shadows, was watching the whole scene with angry eyes.

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