
Chapter 3

"Now that you're here, it's time for you to take over the family business." My father sat in front of me with my mother. We were having tea together in the back garden, enjoying the peaceful afternoon.

I gazed at the back garden, the large yard that used to be my place for fresh air, as I was pretty happy to stare at the sky with its various colors and feel the wind blowing past me. It was unimaginable for me to come back and see that place again after I chose to leave.

"Vanessa?" I turned my face towards my mother.

"Yes?" I stared at my mother for a moment and then turned to look at my father's face.

"Are you listening?" She probably thought I was lost in thought, but I was listening to what my dad was saying. "I'm listening, Mom." I smiled at her, lightly stroking her hand because I knew she was worried about me. But there was no need because I was fine so far.

Well, not that good. Perhaps I would have been ruined if I still loved Jaxon, but other than the hurt from their treatment and the anger and disappointment I felt for him, I was determined to avenge those who wasted my sincerity.

"Our family has great wealth, which you won't easily spend even if you try to spend it in your lifetime. So don't think about unnecessary things. Prepare yourself to become Hector's heir again." Dad sounded serious. I could see his face trying to contain his anger.

Not just my dad but my mom was the same way. They both seemed to care for my feelings and didn't try to bring up what happened, they just asked me to focus on other things to get my mind off my breakup with Jaxon.

I took a sip of my tea, showing my calm demeanor so they wouldn't have to worry about me. "I had intended to."

I wondered, if Anne knew that I was not an orphan and was the sole heir of the Hector family whose wealth was known but whose existence was mysterious and whose figure was only known to a small number of people among other conglomerates, would they treat me the same, or even treat me like a princess more than they treated Catherine yesterday? But that's not important anymore because I want to avoid returning to them.

Father smiled happily after I said that, and he observed me momentarily. "That's good then. I'm thrilled that you're finally back."

"I'm sure you'll come back someday." I smiled at that, retaking his hand. I honestly felt guilty for my choices in the past. I didn't think about the feelings of those hurt by my actions, I admit I was selfish.

"Vanessa!" I heard the shout of a man whose voice was quite familiar to my ears, but before I turned around to see and recognize him, he first hugged me tightly. "I missed you," he said in a low whisper in my ear.

I looked at my parents awkwardly and felt uncomfortable at the hug I was getting. I was sure the person hugging me right now was Andreas. I try to let go even though it's pretty tricky because he's holding me tightly; even so, I manage to let go. "What are you doing..." I complained; I slowly tried to control my breathing first, then looked up to see who the aggressive person was. "Andreas, you're making it hard for me to breathe." My eyes rounded perfectly to stare back at the figure I hadn't seen or avoided in over two years.

Andreas smiled at me, his bright green eyes looked at me warmly. Not only that, I also saw that those clear eyes held a lot of longing in them. "Good thing you still recognize me." He gave a small snort, pouting while looking slightly annoyed. While I only replied with an awkward smile and watched my parent's reaction, I was worried about their thoughts.

"Of course I remember you." 

Andreas is my stepbrother. He's the child brought from my stepmother's marriage to my father. Although we were not blood-related, he was very close to me.

"I was worried that you had forgotten me because you chose a different life and suddenly disappeared." He showed a face full of sadness and worry.

I smiled awkwardly at him, secretly keeping my distance to avoid getting too close to him. "Yes, I realize I acted quite foolishly a few years ago. Embarked on a meaningless adventure and ended up miserable."

Andreas looked at me with sad eyes. The look on his face showed that he didn't like what I said. "You never looked sad. It was just a process for you to understand more about yourself. Consider it a lesson for you to grow and behave."

He tried to comfort me, the smile on his face expanding while his eyes looked at me intently, reluctant to look away. I averted my gaze from him, then tried to step back and give him some distance.

"Where are you from?" I glanced at him, who seemed to have returned from a distant place.

"I just landed. Then I heard you had just returned, so I rushed home to meet you." He smiled again after his enthusiastic words. "I missed you so much." Every word he said made me anxious. There was something about him that made me nervous.

Andreas looked at me with eyes filled with various things he wanted to pour out to me. Not only his eyes, but his gestures also showed his desire for me. Whether I was mistaken about his feelings or I was right, I tried to ignore that strange thought. After all, we were brothers even though we were not bound by blood.

"I know you're very busy right now." I taunted him, trying to distract myself.

Andreas shook his head. "Not really, just doing this and that." 

He was like that, never boasting himself exaggeratedly in front of me, but I knew he wanted my praise and recognition. Andreas was a success that he founded with his skills and talent. Dad only helped a little while he did everything until the company was recognized.

"Don't be modest. I know news about you was published in various magazine articles and many young women are talking about you and are interested in you. You must have a partner already, right? It shouldn't be hard for you to choose since there are so many queuing up to be your partner." I said, patting his shoulder, being casual like a brother.

But Andreas's reaction wasn't what I thought it would be; he looked flat-faced and severe. He held my hand while his eyes looked deeply into mine. "I'm not dating or getting close to any woman because I'm waiting for someone."

Something might happen if he continued talking. "Oh, is that so?" I pulled my hand away from his, and I admit I felt a little awkward and uneasy. I saw my parents smiling at us, happy their two children were getting along. But we're not as close as they think we are. "Andreas, rest." I looked at him with a forced smile.

Andreas looked up at me with a cheerful twinkle on his face. Ten years ago this boy came and became my family. Back then when he first arrived I was happy because I felt like I had a friend and Andreas' attitude was so good, he was fun and friendly too. Our relationship had no problems, but as I grew older, I felt that his gaze was different. And it made me, who didn't want our family to have any problems, anxious about it.

"It's still afternoon. I'm not tired yet. We can still chat together." She turned to my father. "Yes. Right, dad?" I knew it wasn't too late to rest because the clock on the wall still didn't show 10.

My father nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, it's been a while since we sat together."

I looked at my father. Was it just me who felt awkward about this situation. I was worried that they might misunderstand Andreas' closeness to me. I turned my face back to look at Andreas. "But I want to rest. I'm a little tired." I told them as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Let Vanness rest, Andreas. Don't disturb him." Mom's quiet voice made me turn to her, and I saw Andreas nodding reluctantly.

"All right, rest." He stood looking at me. I looked at them one by one before leaving.

My eyes were still closed, but I felt something moving on my bed. I started to think that maybe I was exhausted until I hallucinated or had a dream that was so real. Since it couldn't be honest, I clearly remembered that I had locked my bedroom door.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and gathered my consciousness, trying to fall back asleep, until I felt someone gently stroking my hair and touching my cheek. I'm sure this isn't a dream; the touch feels real, and now it stops at my lips.

Someone snuck in? I was surprised to realize it. I opened my eyelids spontaneously and saw Andreas staring at me at such a close distance, in front of me, while placing his finger over my lips. "Shhh....don't scream, they'll hear you."

I widened my eyes, looking at him angrily. How could Andreas sneak into my room when I had the door locked. My heart raced at the sight of him so close to me.

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