
Chapter 6

SO WHAT SHOULD you wear, Nina Celestine Gabriel? She asked herself as she stood in front of her life-size mirror and stared at her own reflection there.

She is holding two hangers with her pretty dresses that she chooses to wear and trying to measure what suits her the best.

"Miss Nina."

"Yes?" Nina murmurs without looking at Soleil.

"I want to inform you that House Huxley is here."

Nina's brows furrowed when she looked at Soleil. "For what reason? Do we have any party or event that I missed today?"

House Huxley is where Nina gets her clothes from. They've been styling her since she was a kid. And new designs, new releases, and limited editions of clothes, shoes, and bags are first shown to her before it is released in the Mercado. But of course, she's only the one person who can wear those clothes she chose and likes.

"I called them, miss because you seem to be having a hard time choosing what to wear right now." Then she eyes her bed.

Nina also looked at her bed and frowned a little when she saw how messy her bed was. The different colors and styles of her dresses were all over her bed and scattered even on the floor.

She cleared her throat, though she felt a little embarrassed, Nina did not show that to Soleil.

"I don't want you to think that I'm prying or anything, miss Nina but you will be late in your office. And this is the first time that I see you act like this." Soleil said meaningly, there's suspicion and mockery in her evasive eyes too.

Nina cleared her throat again but she still kept her face professional. Why is she even acting like this? Even in choosing what to wear, she was like a teenager who is restless and wants to be perfect in the eyes of others.

I've always been like this. So what's wrong? She reasoned out while still trying to choose what to wear.

She's always been this stylish but not too fancy that can be too exaggerated already.

In the world she lives in, there should be no fault in her in any aspect, especially in the clothes she wears and she should always be pleasant to look at. A perfect role model not only for her employees and all the women in her age but the younger generations.

"Tell them to leave and this doesn't have any other meaning, Soleil," Nina said with firmness, she took a red dress and went to her walk-in closet to change.

She knew what she said and did was so unprofessional but it's Soleil's fault too. Sometimes her thoughtfulness goes too far and she becomes intrusive.

But Nina can't fool herself and she also can't lie to herself because she knows what's the reason why she's acting like that. Well, she should correct that because it should be who and not what, and that's what worries her the most.

NINA WASN'T HERSELF while waiting for the elevator to open. She went up first because she still had important documents to review so she left Soleil and Argus in the basement.

When the elevator opened, she immediately entered, it was about to close but was stopped by a big and manly hand. Nina slightly backed away when she recognized the man and when their eyes met, her chest suddenly throbbed violently. She shouldn't have felt scared but not for him.

"Good morning, Miss Gabriel." Hayes Xavier greeted her in a tender and friendly voice.

Nina just returned it with a simple smile. His presence and effect on her were huge warning bells repeatedly ringing in both her ears. And she did everything and anything not to graze her own arm to his.

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked and he sounded like he was really concerned about her.

"I am. I am fine, Mr..." Nina swallowed down a gulp as she felt the burning of her cheeks because Hayes' gaze is intently directed to her as if nothing matters to him anymore. Like there's nothing more important to him but to only stare at her.

"... Hayes."

Nina can see their reflection in the metal wall in front of them and he's really staring at her. His stares make her weak and his presence is suffocating and intoxicating her at the same time. And her fears increased even more.

She was about to look at the man so he wouldn't think about anything but the elevator stopped and it opened.

The eyes of the two female employees widened when they saw her but when they turned to the man standing next to her, their eyes widened even more. Their lips parted too.

"G-Good morning, miss Nina, M-Mr. Xavier."

They greeted her nervously but it's a different case in Hayes, even though they're a little nervous, their voice still had tenderness.

"We'll just ride the other elevator." The woman said to her friend but Nina immediately stopped them.

"What for? It's still spacious." And Nina couldn't help but strain her voice with an arrogance that caused them to follow her immediately.

And she also regrets that in the end. Then she heard Hayes chuckle softly beside her, she rudely looked up at him. There's amusement etched on his eyes that irritates her more so Nina couldn't control herself anymore and gave him a condescending sneer.

HAWTHORNE COULDN'T HIDE his amusement while staring at Nina, she's been avoiding him for a week now. Though it irritates him a bit she's too cute every time she tries to avoid his eyes.

The woman seems like a gentle kitten every time he catches her off guard, she loses her poise and coolness when she does those things so it’s even more amazing to his eyes. Sometimes she will also do things and invent excuses just to avoid him.

Just like the other day, Hayes called at Nina's office asking for her presence or a simple lunch, it was Soleil who answered him and as he expected, she declined him.

"Tell him I'm not here. Tell him I'm out. I'm with my fiancée." He heard her say on the other line that caused him to smile. Her voice was full of anxiety and she didn't seem to think about what she was saying.

"It's okay!" Hawthorne chuckled. "She doesn't have to lie or avoid me."

Soleil sighed. "Miss Nina, he seems to have heard you."

"Soleil, lower down your voice. I'm not supposed to be here, right? And how can he hear me?"

Hawthorne pictured Nina every time she was annoyed and it brought a smile on his face, it also calmed him.

"I will wait for you..." He paused.

He said that too because he knew the phone was on the loudspeaker in the woman's office and she could also hear what he was saying.

"I will wait for our dinner, Miss Gabriel, until you have free time for me."

Hawthorne intentionally chuckled which got Nina's attention, she turned to him but also immediately looked back at the man talking in front of them. A guy was presenting something and he didn't really care about that. He was really only there because of the woman in front of him who right that moment could not look straight into his eyes.

How can I tame her? Hawthorne asked himself, he leaned back in his seat while playing with the pen he was holding and observing her beautiful face.

"Don't be too obvious, Hayes. You're scaring her."

His face screwed up as he gazed at Safiya who was sitting beside him.

"If you don't know, you looked like a horny old man while staring at her." She whispered but she was looking at the folder in front of her, acting like she was really his secretary.

He became serious then heaved a sigh as he sat properly. He can’t remember when he gave her his consent to this show she wanted. Safiya will act now as his secretary while Draco is his driver and Kyon is his bodyguard. They did that so he can be a credible rich businessman. Well, he's rich but he's far from being a businessman.

WHEN THE PRESENTATION was finally done, Nina immediately stood up because she really couldn't stand Hayes' stare. It seems that throughout the presentation, the man's full attention was focused only on her instead of watching the person who was presenting.

"I want to talk to you, miss Gabriel. If you don't mind or if you have nothing else to do. I just have some questions and things I want to know."

Nina looked at Hayes calmly, yes she may have looked composed but her heart is hammering inside her chest and her hands are trembling. She can't even think properly.

The man was the only one sitting and they were the only ones in the conference room. Nina turned to Hayes' self-proclaimed secretary who was now staring at her as if she was studying her.

When Nina first met Safiya, she thought she was Hayes' girlfriend or sister. Why can't she be mistaken for Hayes' girlfriend? She's really pretty, she has a small face with cat-like eyes and a pointed nose. She owns thin lips that are stingy with a smile, soft strawberry blond hair, and a curvy body dressed with an off-shoulder crop top and leggings.

She doesn't look like his secretary at all.

Nina just told Soleil to wait in her office while Hayes sent his secretary to leave. She sat up, like the professional she was but she also did that because her knee seemed to be slowly losing its strength.

"What do you want us to talk about, Mr. Xavier, and what else do you want to know—"

Nina's eyes widened and she sucked her breath when Hayes stood up then leaned closer to her to kiss her lips. It was just a light touch, just a second before he slightly moved his face away but he didn't completely move away from her.

Hayes glanced at her lips after kissing it then he gazed at her wide eyes full of shock. He caught her off guard. But the funny thing was, she even parted her lips like she was encouraging him to kiss her more.

"Looks like you forgot something, miss Gabriel." He spoke softly.

His hands gripped the edge of the table as he leaned over her. His scent and the warmth of his breath hit her face and his face was only a few inches away from her but she doesn't have the strength to avoid or push him. It was as if she was paralyzed in her seat. It seems like he was sucking her, his musky scent makes her lose her sanity.


Nina blinked and her eyes widened as she turned to the door and saw Diether there glaring at them. She stood up while Hayes calmly stood up straight too. Not even bothered.

"What is the meaning of this? And who the fxxk is that guy? Is he the reason why you're not calling me anymore? Huh? And you really chose this place to fxxk your boy toy."

"What are you doing here, Diether? What do you want?" She asked him coldly.

His eyes burned with anger. "Seriously, Nina? You will ask that to me after I caught you kissing another man?"

She crossed her arms and looked at him boringly. "So how does it feel, Diether? Did I step on your manhood? Your ego perhaps?"

"So this is about revenge? Come on, Nina, stop acting like a child."

"Let's talk some other time, Diether. I'm busy—"

"Busy flirting with other men, huh?" He cut her off then tauntingly smirked at Hayes. "I am her fiancée and this woman is already engaged with me so back off."

Apologizing, Nina turned to Hayes, his arms crossed and he was sitting slightly at the table. But the emotion and darkness on his face made Nina dazed for a while. The guy looks lethal at that moment.

"I am your fxxking fiancée, Nina. Don't you ever forget that." Diether hissed at her before he left.

She knew him to always act like that, when he knew he didn't have any chance of winning against others, he would just retreat but he would definitely retaliate. Diether is such a backstabber.

Nina bit her lower lip, hesitating to come near to the table to pick up her things because the man was sitting right there.

"Sorry about that." She murmurs in a casual tone while trying to get her things, she really avoids not touching him or not making any contact with him.

"Don't be, it's not your fault if your fiancée is such an axx."

She puffed a breath, trying not to smile.

When she finally got all her things, she still remained serious.

"See you around, Hayes."

She will not make the same mistake again even though she likes being kissed by him, even though she wants more than just a kiss.

It was just a light touch but she already craved it.

The emotion on his face changed immediately, it brightened and his beautiful eyes glinted with naughtiness again. He smiled at her like he was teasing her for calling him Hayes.

When she turned her back at him, she let out a deep breath and smiled. She was already at the door when she looked in his direction.

"Can I ask you something?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Feel free to ask anything, Miss Gabriel."

"About the dinner," Nina's heart somersaulted but before it could make her even weak, she would bravely ask him now.

"What about it?"

"Are you having dinner with a woman who already has a fiancée?"

"It's a harmless dinner, miss Gabriel, but if you want it to be more than that then—"

"Just dinner." She cut, her cheeks warming.

He foolishly raised an eyebrow, he seemed like challenging her.

"Just dinner." She repeated to make it clear what the two of them had.

He growled as if he were a child who had not been given what he wanted to do.

NINA KEEP AVOIDING him but here she was, enjoying Hayes' company. While she was with him and talking to him, she forgot all the things that were outside the restaurant. He is the only person she has literally let into her life. The man, no matter what she does to avoid him, she will never be able to resist.

Hayes can make her enjoy the night without worrying about anything that she almost forgot the time. She doesn't understand what is happening to her and she doesn't want to understand anything.

It felt like if she tried to calculate and cipher everything, she would only be hurt.

He's too mysterious, even though they're in the same circulation, it seems like the two of them are still farther apart.

"I really enjoy our dinner, Hayes. Thank you." Nina will no longer pretend to be a hypocrite because what she said is the truth.

They were both standing next to her car while his car was just behind hers.

"Me too, miss Gabriel. Me too."

There's really something about his eyes that sends a feeling right through her. It just feels so homey.

Nina stopped opening the door of her car when she saw the cars surrounding the parking lot and it looked like they were after them.

"Get in the car, miss Gabriel," Hayes said in a small panicky voice.

"Hayes!" She babbled, scared.

He was the one who opened the door of her car but she didn’t move especially when she saw countless men who looked like gangsters get out of their cars and they were heading in their direction. They're holding different kinds of baseball bats in woods and metals.

Nina grips tightly the sleeves of Hayes' clothes.

"We should leave, Hayes."

The fear in her voice is so evident and she hates herself for acting that way.

His gaze dropped to her face and surprisingly she didn't even see any trace of fear on his face. There was a concern but it was definitely just for her. He even looks mad and livid.

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