
Monday, February 04, 1258

░ The Palace Marie, Vorannes, the Duchy of De Guignes, Duaples

░ Monday, February 4, 1258

░ At 4:15 p.m.


He got up and walked towards the painting of his sister, which was hanging above the fireplace. He had explained to me that he often meditated in front of this painting. Sometimes he felt like he could hear the sound of her voice, so he would ask her for advice from time to time. The first thing he told me in front of this painting was that it was the last representation of his living sister. It was painted a few days before she left for Edios to marry Harlan V.

"Why did you object to this engagement? Although I am young and one day I will have to get married, I hope that attitudes will change and that parents will stop interfering in their children's love lives. I consider that marriage is a sacred commitment between two individuals who love each other, and not a political tool to perpetuate a lineage of only noble blood or to bring together several families or sever
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