
Chapter IX - HIM

Once awoken, Serra abruptly sit up, wide awake while touching her neck with shaken hand. She feels alright, no pain or anything but she’s just scared. Was it a nightmare? She asked herself.

“You’re awake,” a masculine voice said that made her look up. Her eyes immediately grew large to see the man who was draining her life in the nightmare. “It seems like your spell had worked on me.”

Spell? What does he mean? Serra was left to stare at him with furrowed brows. Earlier she thought it would be the last pain but here she is ending up alive again. Strange enough, she don’t feel any pain in her body.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stated. “Who are you anyway? What’s your deal with me?”

He raised a brow, a smirk forming at the side of his mouth. Sera couldn’t help but feel alarmed by it but she could never shout.

“You tricked me, Priestess. And now you’re acting like you don’t know who you’re betrothed to.”

It took Serra a couple of moments to finally figure it out. Thi
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