
Free chapter slash Author's note.

Hey Loveliess!!! I'm so excited, we're back for a second book!. For those of you just finding this book, it's alright, you can read it as a standalone. For the returning readers, I have something special for you. A prologue is set before the beginning of this book. I would have posted it as a regular chapter, buttt, some beta readers did mention they found it confusing. So, I'll just drop it here for those of you who understand!

Oh, and this book will start serializing with daily uploads as soon as we get to 100 views. Thanks!


The Witch

COLOURFUL FIREWORKS painted the night sky while loud music from the palace played. The smell of delicious food and wine hung in the air.

The dark-haired witch walked speedily into the night, clutching her bundle against her chest.

To her credit, the little urchin made no noise. 

The woman hid the baby, her heart pounding as she put on a false sense of bravado and walked past the palace guards.

 Looking every bit like a pack member leaving the palace celebrations early.

“Long night?” One of the guards looked from the woman to the child in her hands with pity.

She gave a nod and changed her accent. “Dis one ere wouldn’t rest. We goin home for the night. My husband will com wit de rest of them kids later,”

“Go on,” the guard smiled at her as she ducked her head and walked out of the palace gates.

She had no time. She needed to be fast, Jiman and his men would be here at any second. 

Men sent by her mother, on her way out of the Lycan’s territory she had overheard them plotting to take the baby.

The powerful new princess brimming with magic. A perfect source of delight to Greta.

But no. 

The witch wouldn’t let her mother get her hands on the babe.

Not if there was a possible chance of the child suffering what she herself had endured for ten years.

Her magic abused, her mental state shattered, her soul broken.

No. Never. She would rather take the girl than let her go to Hottigan.

Tears pricked the woman’s eyes as the beautiful blue-eyed baby gargled and grabbed her dress, not knowing how her fate was about to change forever.

The witch paused for a brief second and looked back at the palace.

Would the High Luna ever forgive what she did? 

A loud wailful cry pierced the night air. 

The guards stood to alert, running towards the sound of alarm as the Sun Goddess’s cry threw the palace into pandemonium.

From where the Witch stood she could hear the guards ringing alarm bells. The pitter-patter of their running footsteps was almost in sync with the loud beating of their hearts.

What could hurt such a powerful woman and make her cry out in so much pain?

Her painful wails washed over the Witch making the tears in her eyes finally fall.

For she knew. The high Luna wailed and cried for the girl in her arms. 

For what greater thing could bring a mother pain than the disappearance of her child?

“Run!” The weak cracked voice of the Witch’s emerging wolf filled her head.

Nafira. She had named her wolf after the life she left behind many years ago.

“RUN HERLEY! RUN!” Nafira gave the frantic command again.

With zero thoughts, Herley tightened her grip on the baby girl and ran into the night. The sorrowful cries of her sister still wailing into the night.

As she ran, her heart thundering in fear, she knew. She would never be forgiven. Not by Daciana and definitely not by Alisa.

But that was okay. She would be the villain. As long as she saved the sweet child from Greta’s clutches.


The Alpha


The man took a deep breath and pushed the silk sheets to the side with one hand. Why had he allowed this woman tempt him?

“My love,” her soft hands touched his bare shoulder as she raised herself from the bed and smiled at him.

He gave her a tight smile and pushed her hand away. Something was wrong, his mind felt muddled and he could barely think straight.

Why on earth had he bedded this woman? He hoped to the goddess he hadn’t mistakenly marked her.

“Leave me,” The Alpha hissed grumpily and wore his pants back.

The room fell suddenly silent and for a second he grew worried that he had been too harsh.

Why was she silent? He had never known her to be a quiet woman.

The Alpha turned back to glance at the woman curiously, but she didn’t pay him any attention. 


Not when her hands shook and her eyes fearfully scanned a piece of squeezed parchment in her hands.

“What? What’s that?” Mild panic and confusion rushed through the Alpha’s stomach at the expression on her face.

Now he was certain. Something was definitely wrong.

He moved to grab the parchment from her and read it for himself when she suddenly raised her head and looked into his eyes tearfully.

“Let’s get married. Do you want to marry me?”

“What?” The Alpha was so confused. 

Had she gone mad? What sort of question—

The Alpha groaned uncomfortably and raised a hand to his throat. Something was horribly wrong. 

“No. No,” The woman shook her head with panic on her face as tears began to leak down her eyes.

“WHAT! What is it?!” The Alpha snapped at her and winced at the sharp pain in his chest.

“I’m so sorry! I I didn't mean It. I Just wanted—“

The woman was damn near hysterical. Shaking and crying at this point.

In annoyance, the Alpha made to mindlink his assistant. If only so Parker could deal with his crazy mate and he could focus on why he felt something was wrong.

He couldn’t. 

The Alpha frowned and reached for his mind link again. It wasn’t there.

His eyes widened in panic as the woman noticed what he was doing and burst into full-on wailing.

“I swear, I didn’t know. The The…the Witch didn’t tell me she—“ she hiccuped.

Witch?! What witch?! Fear and anger blinded the Alpha now.

Why couldn’t he reach his mind link?!

“RAFER!” The Alpha fearfully called out to his wolf.


“RAFER!” The Alpha clawed at his chest in fear as his knees lost all power and he dropped to the floor.

His wolf! His wolf was gone. He was the Alpha of his pack and his wolf was gone!

“I’m sorry, I just wanted you to fall in love with me. All I wanted was for you to want to marry me. I’m so so sorry,” The woman continued to sob hysterically.

But the Alpha could barely focus on her. His senses began to dull as his powers leaked from him. What had she done?

The woman had taken away his wolf!

The Alpha’s eyes reddened and the pain grew crippling. He could barely hear her hysterical cries over the loud roaring in his head.

He vaguely registered his bedroom door being pushed open and Parker his Beta running inside.

“Alpha! Alpha!” Parker ran towards him.


The Alpha paced the room with his arms folded in fear. How would he rule? 

With no powers what did that even make him? Human? 

How would the pack members react when they found out their powerful Alpha was now human?!

The thought left a foul taste in the Alpha’s mouth.

She! His gaze turned to the now quiet but fearful and wide-eyed woman. 

She, who was his mate and childhood friend had done this to him!

“I…I’m sorry,” she hiccuped an apology, almost like she could read his mind.

The Alpha scoffed and turned his attention to the bedroom door as it opened and the Pack Elder strolled in.

“Well?!” He questioned the man when he had barely taken six steps. 

“Your majesty,” The Elder bowed.

“Leave formalities!” The alpha growled. If things remained like this, he might not even have a title anymore, “Tell me?! How do I get my wolf back?!”

He ran a hand through his dark hair in stress and waited for the elder’s words.

The elder looked at the woman and sighed. “You’ve been cursed,”

The Alpha blinked in surprise. “Cursed,” he repeated disbelievingly.

“Yes,” the Elder gave a nod. “The Witch played a fast one. She has cursed you,”

“I “I’m sorry,” The woman tried to apologise again but they ignored her.

“How do we get rid of this curse?” Parker asked worriedly.

“Simple,” The elder smiled. “You need to get the Witch to fall in love with you,”

Love? The Alpha’s head seemed to spin

“Oh? That’s all?” The Alpha’s gamma, Bren spoke up.

“Not exactly,” The Alpha’s heart jumped at those words.

“You need the Witch who isn’t a witch. Her throat burned by the greatest fire. Heart of stone and blood of a wolf. 

You have seven years. More than enough time to woo her,”

“No, no,” The Alpha shook his head. “That makes no sense. I have no intention of falling in love with anyone, least of all a witch!” He spat in anger and stared daggers at the woman who had started to weep softly.

The elder shrugged. “Good thing all you need is for her to fall in love with you and say the words with sincerity. I didn’t say anything about you loving her back,”

Peace seemed to take the Alpha.

“Get ready,” he instructed the Beta. “We’re going to the human world. If I’m going to do this, the pack must not know I’ve lost my powers. The human world is the best place to hide,”

The Alpha’s heart hardened in resolve and he made a vow.

He would find this Witch and get her to fall for him. Good thing he didn’t have to love her back.

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