
Chapter 2 - Encounter

I didn't pay attention with those girls anymore. Wear whatever they want to wear, it's up to them. I turned to the receptionist and asked for HR department and introduced myself as an applicant.

After a while there was a noise again. The receptionist stood up annoyed, ready to scold again. But, I saw that she seemed suddenly stunned.

I followed where she was looking at and my eyes landed on a group coming that I thought were all executives.

But what is more prominent and noticable for me was the tall man in the middle who looked guarded by the Group.

Dios mio marimar! This man is so handsome! This is the first time I've seen someone this handsome in my entire life in person! He is distinctive and it's impossible not to notice. Is he's an actor or a famous celebrity?

I felt like dreaming while staring at the man who I think is not only handsome, but also looks like smells good and looks good to sniff.

I didn't realize that I was already in the front and next to these noisy girls. It seems like they're about to pee with so much excitement. If I were their mother, I would have pinched their groin tightly, humph!

Since I'm here already, I will make the most of sight seeing and estimate the adonis-like creature in front of me.

While standing and drifting in my own dreams, someone had suddenly pushed me from behind. I immediately stumble when I lost my balance.

When I fell down, the surroundings were suddenly turned quiet, but I could heard someone's gasping and women's giggles. I also noticed that the group stopped and was right in front of me!

It's embarassing!! I feel like I want to bang my head on this expensive floor or dig a hole and bury myself here. Marigold, why are you so clumsy‽

Because of embarrassment, I couldn't raise my head while standing. I just felt that someone was supporting me. "You alright?" I heard him ask.

I do not know why. But instead of turning to the man who helped and supported me, I turned to the adonis-like man.

Our eyes met and I noticed his cold gaze, but he smirked at me.

I felt a sudden heat on my face and I think that if I look in the mirror, I might be look like a ripe tomato, I need to escape!

I quickly thanked the man who help me and quickly left. I didn't bother to look at his face, all I want is to escape. Goodbye!

I went to the restroom and when I confirmed that I was the only one here, I locked the door.

I knew it! My face is blushing like a ripe tomato when I look in the mirror.

It's embarassing!! I feel like a madwoman screaming here in the restroom. I'm not yet satisfied so I slapped both of my cheeks.

The face of that handsome man I saw in the lobby while he was smirking at me suddenly popped in my mind.

Marigold, You are really embarrassing!

What will that man think of me? he might think that I'm taking his attention like those girls did there.

Wait, wait. And what if I embarrassed myself in front of him? I didn't mean to fall in front of them, Okay? Why am I thinking that? tsk, tsk Marigold, marigold. What is happening to you? you were not like this before.

I washed and put aside in my mind what happened earlier. 'You came here with something important, marigold. You need to focus.' After I checked myself, I went out.

I went back to the lobby because I hadn't finished asking the receptionist for directions.

The handsome man is no longer there as well as the jologs women. I breathe a sigh of relief. But, who is that man? Probably an executive too.

While walking to HR, I collide into a woman. I'm the one who apologizes because she looks aloof and a little haughty, she even doesn't seem to have any intention of apologize.

The woman looked me from head to toe and walked towards HR while swinging her hips. I followed her because we were going in the same direction.

When I entered at HR, the women sitting at the waiting area were looking at me. 'Yes, I know my clothes is outdated compared to you, I know that, okay?'

I don't like to ride in What so-called fashion and besides being an introvert, I'm also conservative. I was wearing a simple plain white polo and a long cream skirt that reached my legs. For me, even if I look outdated, I look more decent compared to them who seem to just be in the club.

I didn't pay attention to the way they looked at me. I found an empty seat and sat down.

I waited two hours before I was called. The girl I bumped into earlier called me.

This is it!

I'm nervous.

Take a deep breath.

Marigold, you can do it!

I approached the interviewer and handed over the documents I had with me. He immediately read it.

"You are applying for an executive secretarial position?"

I raised my head when I heard his seemingly surprised question.

"Y-yeah." I stammered to answer.

"Just a moment, I'm going to notify my head first" He picked up the phone from the table and called.

After a few minutes; "Miss, please go to the CHRO office. Someone will guide you there."

When I entered the CHRO office:

"I'm Reynaldo Malibo, the CHRO and the person responsible for the applicants who apply for higher positions."

I handed over my requirements to him.

While reading, the CHRO called and requested coffee.

After a while, the woman I bumped into earlier came in with a cup of coffee.

When she put the coffee on the table, I saw the woman wink at the CHRO. The CHRO squeezing the woman's butt before she left also did not escape in my eyes. Hmmm. There's something fishy here.

After the CHRO read my requirements: "The requirements are okay, but the qualifications fail... If you want, you can apply for another position."

I suddenly turned downcast and left the office sadly, I didn't even take my documents. Before I could wholly close the door, I saw that the CHRO had thrown my documents in the trash. Haizz.... All I can do is Just sigh.

"Miss, wait!"

I was surprised when the man I come across with suddenly called me.

"Can you wait for a moment?"

Even though I was wondering, I nodded and waited for him.

The man entered the CHRO's office. After 2 minutes, he came out.

"Do you remember me?" He asked smiling at me.

I thought carefully where I saw him, but even if I racked my brain, I couldn't really remember him. "I-I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

The man laughed softly.

I noticed the man's dimple near his eye, which made him handsome. It also gave me the feeling that he is a trustworthy person.

"You're way funny. You just saw me earlier but now, you don't remember me? It seems my charisma is decreasing, eh. tsk tsk tsk." He said while rubbing his chin. "Alright, I won't make it difficult to you anymore... I was one of the executives in the lobby earlier, the one who helped you when you fell."

I suddenly shrank when I remembered the embarrassment I had experienced earlier. "Is that so? So,It's you... t-thanks, huh."

"You're welcome... anyway, what exactly did you do in the CHRO office? The HR department was over there?" He pointed at the other direction.

"It said that, this is where people apply for higher positions."

"Oh,.. so you're applying for a higher position, what are you applying for?"

"Um... executive secretary."

"Really‽" I was surprised by his sudden reaction.

"Y-yes..." I answered timidly, not sure of a man Infront of me.

He looked at me from head to toe. "Yes, I think you're really are suited for the position." He said while throwing a few glances at me.

He suddenly took my hand. "Come! I will make your application easier."

I couldn't refuse as I just drifted when he pulled me.

"Um... W-what about my requirements?...."

"I'll take your requirements from MM... By the way, what's your name?"

"M-Marigold Magbanua."

"I'm Jonas Villaflores... nice to meet you"

"N-nice to meet you, too."

Jonas took me to an office almost on the top floor, and we entered without knocking.

"Uncle, look! I have a new recommendation for executive secretary." Jonas exclaimed excitedly to the elderly man at the table.

"Mr. Villaflores, how many times I've told you, don't call me uncle during working hours." The man said while continuing his work without raising his head.

"Fine... but uncle, I'm sure this time I've found Mr. no-symphathy the right executive secretary."

The man stopped what he was doing and massaged his temple. "Stop calling him Mr. no symphathy, one of your fellow executives might hear you and report you, don't you know how to listen?"

This time he looked at me. "Who's this? Your girlfriend? Why did you bring her here to my office?"

I was shy to speak. Shall I explain?

Jonas laughed and introduced me. He said I am applying as an executive secretary.

"Her requirements are in the CHRO office."

"Okay, but we need to see if she is qualified."

That moment I was immediately set for evaluation, and after a while;

"Congratulations, you have passed."

I almost jump up in joy. The CHRO earlier have just said that I failed. But now... I couldn't believe it!

"Jonas, where did you meet her?"

"I just met her today... actually she's the one..."

I coughed deliberately and Jonas seems understood that easily. The embarrassing incident should not be mentioned any more.

"She was one of the applicants earlier who was included among those who applied for internship." Jonas just said.

"Then, Ms. Magbanua, we'll just call you to tell you when to start."

"Thank you very much. I'll do my best at work" I almost bowed again and again with joy.

I felt like I was floating while walking in the lobby. I feel like this is the beginning of my dreams and goals.

Because I spent several hours in the cold offices, I felt like pissing, so I went in the restroom before leaving.

When I sat down in my chosen cubicle, I suddenly heard a thud in the adjacent cubicle.

I didn't want to pay attention to it but, something banged again. Because of this, my piss can't come out.

I was about to ask if she's okay, when he suddenly spoke.

"T-take it easy.... someone might suddenly come in,..... we will be caught then~"

The woman seems to be talking to someone on the phone and seems to be fine. So I thought to ask her later.

But when I was going to release what I was supposed to release earlier, I heard a different voice.

"Isn't it good?.....and more exciting?..... That's what's you want, right?... ummm~"

I was startled by what I heard. The sounds seems belongs to a man! This is a women's restroom, what is a man doing here?

"Ahh... ahhh... S-slowly... D-don't... too... hurry hmmm~"

It's a woman's voice again! Why are there men and women in the other cubicle? And it seems that something is wrong.... Why do they seem gasping and seem to be struggling with difficulty?

Wait a minute... Wahhh!!... I think I already know what's happening on the other side! Immoral people! Why're you doing that here!

I could barely breathe properly for fear that they might discover someone else was here.

"R-remember.... y-your promise....y-you said... you'll find... a way... to... place mehhh... in... in executive secretary.... po.... position." The woman seems to be struggling.

"Ahhh... I knohhww.... I was....was.... t-taking a ch....chance....ohhh~"

I haven't been able to pee anymore because it don't want to go out either. I covered my ears for having a goosebumps from what I heard from them. But wait.....what did she say? That woman seems wants to be an Executive secretary?

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