
Chapter 8


“Is he the last patient?” I asked the nurse as the patient left the room. I was making a clinical diagnosis since I was back on the day shift. Maxwell remained in the night shift, and it’s been a week since the start of our new schedule.

“Yes, Dr. Lewis.” She answered, so I started collecting my things to go back to my office to continue my research of a rare brain illness.

I was about to open the door when it suddenly opened, and an unwanted creature entered the room. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I heaved a deep sigh. The nurse was shocked to see him. “How’s my fiancée?” He asked bluntly with a smirk.

“I am not your fianceé, sir. Don’t make such a false claim. Do you need something from me?” I asked while faking a smile. I always remind myself that he’s the boss, so I can’t act recklessly. I might lose my job in an instant.

He motioned the nurse to leave, and she quietly followed. “You cannot avoid me forever, Noelle. We have to talk.” He said as he sat on the chair.

Talk, huh. A few years ago, I asked you to talk to me, but you just shoo me away. You talk like you did not do anything wrong. You’re such a pain in the ass, Levi Alexander.

I smile as I sit on the chair across from him. I place my things on my lap, and then I focus my whole attention on him. Let’s give him a chance. “Sure, sir. Let’s talk.” I said, and his face lit up. He cleared his throat before opening his mouth to speak.

“I am truly sorry for leaving you without saying a word.” He said as he stared at his hands clasping together in front of him.

“Apologize as much as you can, but it won’t change the fact that you abandoned me, Levi.” His eyes quickly darted on me as I called his name. “Stop apologizing and let’s just move on,” I suggested.

His eyes widened in shock as he shook his head. “No. Don’t say that. Don’t tell me to move on because I can’t.” The hell is he saying? I looked at him in confusion.

“Dad wanted me to move on from Vanessa, so he arranged several dates for me. Vanessa was the reason why I acted like a jerk to those women I dated. She’s also the reason why dad made you sign a contract to be my last resort fiancée.” When I heard about it from the chairman six years ago, I hated myself for letting him use me.

“You already knew about it, didn’t you?” He asked as my facial expression did not change. I nodded as my answer. He suddenly brushes his fingers through his hair. “Fuck.” He cursed as frustration skated all over his face.

“The chairman told me about it, so I understand why you did it. I understand why you have to leave with her. I understand why you choose her over me. The reason why I loathe you right now is the way you hurt me to be with someone you truly love.” I explained as I looked intently into his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Noelle. I was confused at that time. I did not know what to do. Vanessa needed me, so I decided to come with her. I thought it was the best decision, but I was wrong. It’s the reason why I came back. I want to amend to my mistake and make things right.” His voice filled with distress, but I could not let his words affect me.

“I can’t trust you anymore, Levi.” Only time and acceptance can heal the damage in my heart. “I am now happy with my life. I moved on, and should you too. Let’s just put an end to this tragic story of us, shall we?” I suggested as I smiled, but Levi just stared blankly at me.

He suddenly stands up as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks irritated all of a sudden. “No!” I was startled by his shout. “You cannot move on from me, Noelle!” My eyes widened in shock when he suddenly pulled me and engulfed me in a hug. I gasped as our bodies collided. “Please stop saying that. Stop saying you’re happy without me. I want to be with you, Noelle. Please—“

“No!” I gathered all the strength to push him away from me. I was panting as I took a few more steps away from him. “You cannot make me fall with those lies again! I hate you!” I shouted at him before storming out of the room.

The nurses and patients in the hallway are staring questionably at me while I run as fast as I can.

That jerk is crazy! Gosh! I should have kicked him! I can’t believe he dares to touch me! How could he say those words without flinching!

I quickly ran to my office and called Maxwell to tell him everything that had happened. “What?! Why did you let him do that?!” Maxwell yelled hysterically. I can imagine him massaging his temple in anger.

“I did not know he was going to do that. I ran away after that.” I massage my nape as frustration engulfs me. “I’m sorry. I won’t let him do that again.” I shut my eyes closed as an image of Levi flashed in my mind. “I hate him.”

I heard Maxwell sigh from the other line. “You better be cautious around him next time. For now, stop thinking about it. Focus on your work first. Do you need me to go there right now?” I sighed as I released the tension built up inside me.

I shake my head as if he can see me. “No. I’m fine. Sorry for waking you up. It’s just that I need someone to talk about it. Thank you, Max.”

“You owe me a cup of coffee and a slice of dark chocolate cake.” He said as he laughed.

I looked up when my eyes suddenly brimmed with tears. Maxwell always gives me this kind of feeling that everything will be alright as long as he’s with me. His words, presence, and laugh always give me comfort and a warm feeling. I hate the feeling that I depend on him too much for the past six years until now.

“It’s on me. Let’s meet in the coffee shop downstairs before the start of your shift.” I said as I tried not to sound like I was about to cry.

“Great! I’ll see you later, Noelle.” He said before hanging up.

I flopped myself down on the couch to calm myself down before making rounds. I have a scheduled surgery this afternoon before the end of my shift. A sudden knock on the door made me sit properly. “Come in.”

One of the resident doctors came in. “Doc. Lewis, the chairman, wants to see you.” He said, and it confused me.

“Who?” I asked as my brows knitted together.

“The chairman of Mitchell Corporation is here to see you, doc.” I shut my eyes closed as I felt this day was getting worse.

Shit! The sly man is here.

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