
Chapter 15

We spent our time talking while eating. We had fun, especially with me.

It felt so good that he could share his life with me. He told me everything about himself. He's the only child in the family. His mother was in the hospital and was sick, and his daddy was caring for his mom.

He was the only heir of their business, so he's managing it. When he was young, Gio was bullied by his classmates; sometimes, they hit him with a baseball bat and burned him with cigarettes. He then was escaped when he graduated from college as Cum Laude.

I really admired his braveness. With his strength and intelligence, he then solved his own obstacles.

"What happened to the bully?" I asked while drinking wine.

"I put him in jail." I was surprised by his answer, and he just grinned.

"He deserves it," I said.

"Well, after his release, he looked for me and apologized."


"And I lend him money to start a new life. You know who he was?"


"Tom, my best friend." He answered prou
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