
Leo rushed to the hospital after being shot


Clara rolled her eyes, as tears streamed down gently to her fair cheeks. She gazed as they moved Leo to the ward in the corridor. Those eyes had already been buried in tears and it streamed down slowly till she whipped them and sat down. Leo placed his hand on his chest and the blood wetted that position. A large portion of his shirt was soaked with blood. It was already becoming a nightmare to Clara as she couldn't believe with her eyes that all these things are happening around her, the pains stuck her heart which gave way to the streams of tears.

She felt breathless as if they were no life in her, it was difficult to imagine these situations gathering round her mind. It took some deep moment to reflect on her life, she was completely lost when her father came into the hospital . Clara had worned out of asking any nurses who walked across her, but it seems repulsive. He had been waving but seems completely lost as if she is not in this world.

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