

Nathan's POV 

"Good morning, Board Members," 

I walked into the board meeting as nervous as possible. I received a call from my secretary that we had an emergency at work. I asked her how terrible it was and she told me it was enough to run the company down.

I'd worked so hard to build my company from scratch ever since I graduated from high school, watching it crumble right when I'm alive is not something I'm ready for. I knew I was ready to move the earth just to avoid this problem. 

I told my secretary to call all board members to an impromptu meeting by twelve and to my surprise she called ten minutes later and told me I needed to be at the office immediately. 

"What happened? What's going on?" I asked as I took a glance at the board room. All board members were available and I realized the matter must be more serious than I'd thought. 

"Our biggest investors, Silicon Internationals, pulled out last night" my secretary replied 


"We don't know anything about that yet. We only heard the news from their lawyers this morning and they told me they'll be here soon to explain what happened," 

Investors pulling out was a red flag for any company not to talk of A-class investors. At that moment, a million and one things were running through my head, but one thing I couldn't stop thinking about was how rough the coming days would be.

"I want you to keep this news within the company as private as possible till we get new investors. I want everyone to do their research and give me a list of every company who we can meet for investments, we're supposed to launch one of our gaming apps this coming week, nothing should stop it," 

I announced. 

I already had my thoughts at one or two companies but nothing can be assured about these companies yet. It's almost the end of the year and it's not the appropriate time to make any investment or even ask for investment. 

That isn't my problem. 

I take risks all the time, especially at the end of the year. 

It'll be a lot of paperwork but I was ready. I was born ready to not succumb to failure or disappointment.

"They're here," One of the board members announced at the same time as the door to the board room opened wide. Some people walked into the room and I could recognize some of them as Silicon lawyers while the rest were strangers. 

"Mr. Nathaniel Lancaster, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Fraser, owner of the law firm representing Silicon," 

He stretched his hand out for a handshake. 

I took it, despite how disappointed I was at their client's inefficiency. 

"Are you here to tell me why your client pulled out of my company without prior notice?" 

"Straight to the point as always," 

"You should know better that I have no time to waste on matters like this," 

"I understand, Mr Lancaster. Silicon pulled out their investments because of a new development which I'm here to discuss with you," 

"I'm all ears," 

He smiled. "I'm sure you are. A new company was interested in investing twice as much as Silicon did and they asked us to withdraw our investment for reasons best known to them. I'll introduce you to their lawyers and they can explain it better to you," 

I frowned, curiosity washing over me. Why would a new company ask an old company to withdraw its investments? 

A new lawyer took over from Fraser and we also exchanged a handshake. I was still on my foot, hoping all these make sense as soon as possible. 

"Hi, I'm Boxer, a legal representative for Baron and Sons, the law firm representing Williams and Williams LTD. We would like to discuss the terms of the contract with you and make sure you're comfortable with all conditions before signing," 

Williams and Williams? The company sounds super familiar but I couldn't put my finger around how I know the company. 

"I'm afraid even if you explain the terms perfectly, I wouldn't be able to sign unless I'd done my research about the company," I explained.

"Like any smart businessman would. I don't see any problem with that," Boxer replied.

I offered him a seat which he took while other lawyers took a seat behind him. He brought out some files from his bag and gave some to me, and some to my company lawyers. 

"You can read through while we wait for Dr. Williams Cadry," 

My ears perked at the mention of Williams's name. 

"Williams Cadry is the owner of Williams and Williams LTD," 

Boxer raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you didn't know," 

I laughed. "I wasn't sure until now," I lied.

I didn't know the man had a company and that might be the biggest surprise I'll be getting this year. 

"Why is a man like Williams interested in my company?" I asked. 

"You might want to wait to see him to get an answer to that question," 


"He's on his way here," 

Thirty minutes later, Williams Cadry walked into my office. I left the board room after I'd gone through the terms of the contract and it was most favorable and suspicious at the same time. At foresight, he's around my father's age and his presence dominated the entire room. I've heard and read so much about this man but nothing adds up to who he is. His handshake was firm which is a good trait, among businessmen.

"I believe you have one thousand and one questions, Nathaniel. I'll be sure to answer them all," 

I gestured for him to take a seat while I took one opposite him. 

"Why did you decide to invest in my company?"

"I heard about your company and I did my research. I decided to invest because you remind me of a younger me. I made a lot of mistakes while I was building up my company and I wouldn't want you to make such yourself," 

"You're offering investment and mentorship. You want me to believe there's no string attached to this," 

"Yes, Nathaniel. It's just an investment and believe me, you're not the only company I'm investing in. I was at the first company earlier," 

"So, you demanded for Silicon to pull out," 

"I hate competition," I groaned. This was one thing I hated about investors. Competition and pride. 

"I bet you do," 

"You look so much like your father, Nathan," 

"He must have told you so much about me," 

He laughed. "He did but trust me, I'm not investing or trusting you with my money because of your father. If anything, he would be the last reason why I would invest in something. I finalized my decision to invest in you because I realized he had no attachment to this company," 

"Is that hostility I'm sending," 

Eh laughed loudly. 

"No, Nathan. I just love how you built your company outside your family's money. It's a great feat," he applauded and for the first time, I felt good about all I'd accompanied. I always didn't think I was good enough, nothing made sense but hearing it from someone like Micheal made it all make sense to me now. 

"Thanks, Williams. I'll do my research and get back to you on my decision," 

"Take all your time son, but don't take too much time," 

We shook hands as he got ready to take his leave. 

"I heard you're married. Will I get to see your wife at the Christmas party at your residence?" 

What? What am I supposed to say?

"Sure, you'll see her there," 

"The last time I saw your grandma, she wouldn't stop talking about your wife. It'll be a great pleasure to meet someone like her," 

I forced a smile. 

As Williams walked out of the office, I crumbled into my seat as I rolled and tumbled in despair. 

I think I have a problem.  

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goodnovel comment avatar
Kimberly Bynum
I am so excited about this story and how it is him who has supposedly everything to be feigning over her and have to come crawling back

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