

"Gosh!" Scarlett sighed heavily with her head leaning on the seat.

"Ok! I agree that this is one hell of a Mission. But I'm still puzzled as how you became a substitute?" Lisa glanced at her curiously and then turned back to concentrate on driving.

"I don't know. But I really don't want to have anything to do with them again. If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have agreed to embark on that mission." Scarlett closed her eyes frustrated.

"Fortunately, you completed the mission. I just hope that Mr. Damien Malcolm will not look for you again" Lisa prayed and sincerely wished so.

She knew that the Man's name spelt danger and ruthless and she doesn't want her friend to be involved in it at all.

"Are you going home or should we eat out?" Lisa asked Scarlett.

"Go home. I need to catch my breath and I miss_" Scarlett said with her eyes closed but then Damien Malcolm's face appeared in her eyes.

"Aahhhhh!" She shook her head frustrated to drive the face out of her head.

"What's the
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