
You approached me!

“His vitals are stable.And even if it’s completely up to him to wake up,don’t lose hope.”The nurse advised.

“Thank you.”Audrey breathed.​“Is there a room I could go lay down in?”

​ “Of course, darling. This way.” The nurse led Audrey down the hall. “Right here. This room is empty, and not used for patients. Please take all the time you need.”

​ “Thank you.”

Audrey walked over to the bed, and set her bag down on it. As she went to sit down, a pang of dread hit her.

​ “Lucien’s phone,” she whispered in terror. She’d turned it off that morning in spite, but forgot to turn it on again.Audrey held it as though it was a bomb about to go off in her hand. She turned it on and saw 14 missed calls from him.”God, he’s going to kill me.”

​ The phone began to ring. Audrey took a deep breath and answered.

​ “Hello?”

​ “What the fuck,Audrey?!”Lucien shouted. “I’ve been calling you all day! Why is your phone off?”

​ “The battery was dead,”Audrey lied. “I must have forgotten to put it on the charger
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