

Three knocks came on the door before it was pushed open, Mrs Bella appeared from behind, closed the door and walked further into the room

"Child!" She calls out, her voice soft and gentle. Full of patience and love.

"Please don't tell me you are here to make me agree, 'cause I won't," Daisy said as a matter of fact.

Mrs Bella halted in her steps, eyes glued to the crying girl on the bed. "I might be just a maid and your nanny, but you know I love you and will never force you into doing things you don't want to"

"Mrs Bella?" Daisy calls out in tears, "I didn't mean to say that!"

Mrs Bella takes counting strides to her and takes the spot by the side of her bed.

Daisy pushes herself to sit upright and throws herself into her arms the moment Mrs Bella gives an invitation with wide arms.

"I know, child. You never disrespect your elders!" Mrs Bella pats on her head, coaxing the little crying girl

"I don't want to marry him, I can't marry him!" Daisy cries begging Mrs Bella to help her out, "I don't even know him or what he looks like, I've never seen him before. How can they do this to me? Don't they love me anymore?"

Mrs. Bella understands her so perfectly, being with Daisy and taking care of her gives her full advantage because she knows what she wants, likes and hates. She knows when she's happy or sad and knows those things that make her smile.

"Why don't you eat first? You haven't eaten since yesterday. I'll prepare your favorite " Mrs Bella said, ready to leave the room.

Daisy grabs her wrist, stopping her from leaving, " I'm not hungry, please don't go just yet"

Mrs Bella's face twisted slightly, "You need food, and you know I won't rest knowing you haven't eaten "

Daisy's heart sank into her stomach, "Do you not love me anymore? Why do you so much wish I eat while I am in pain? "

Mrs. Bella turns to her, "You doubt my love for you? All these years I've been with you, always hearing you out are nothing but a moment? Of all the things you could say, you choose to question my love for you? Daisy? " She was hurt at her words

" How could you, Daisy? For you, I could do just anything! "

Tears trickle down Daisy's cheeks at the realization she is hurting even those who genuinely care about her.

" I'm sorry, Mrs Bella. I'm just so confused, I need someone to talk to yet, everyone seems to not understand me at all. It hurts, so much!!" Daisy explains in tears.

Mrs. Bella stares at her for a long time, words seem to have left her mouth.

"Your mom is worried about you," she says.

Daisy paused her sobs, "I'd believe that if it was another lifetime" she said with all conviction.

Her eyes sparkle with light, and she turns to Mrs Bella, Can I go out for a while? I promise to be back as soon as I can" she demands with pleading eyes.

"You know your dad doesn't accept you leaving the mansion!" Mrs Bella reminds

"But I've always been leaving, neither he nor mom knew about it... Not even now, I promise to make it quick" Daisy pressed on.

Mrs. Bella had a hesitating look on her face, "You will have to eat first,"

Daisy's face twists, almost crying. "But..." She was cut off by Mrs Bella

"There is no but, I understand you are going through a very tough time but you should know your health is wealth"

Daisy knows she can't escape, it's either she makes a deal or stays stuck in between the beautiful walls of her princess-like room.

"While you are cooking the dish, can I go? I promise to keep time and I won't hesitate to eat up everything you will make for me" Daisy puts on a puppy dog eye

Mrs Bella sighs in defeat, "You sure know how to ditch me, fine! You can go. Be careful not to injure yourself else, I won't help you out this time!"

Daisy's face brightens up, "Yeah thank you, Mrs Bella. I promise to be back on time and don't worry, I won't hurt myself "

Daisy gives her a quick hug and rushes to her window, pulls it open and starts climbing down.

Mrs. Bella watched her struggles till she finally reached the ground," I hope you will one day understand! " She turns her heels and walks away.

Daisy arrives at the top of her building, she calls it Daisy's secret nest. Every time she is sad and broken, she always comes here to cry her heart out.

Her eyes darted around the place, it felt so relieving having to watch the city from the top. And to top it all, the calm and gentle breeze that caresses her body gave her a sense of peace and life.

She turns to the large thick and tall wall on her right painted white, her gaze travels to the top and runs down to the bottom.

She wonders if he's there or not. It happens like a joke, every time she's sad, she always comes here and cries to herself. But strangely, a calm gentle and pleasant voice started talking to her on the other side of the wall.

Now, it's become part of her to listen to that voice whenever she's down and feels so helpless.

She reaches for the wall and grabs it, pushing herself up. Just then, a calm pleasant voice spoke out, startling her

"You there, hidden Beauty!"

She falls to the ground after losing her balance

"You're here!" Daisy breathes out, crawls and leans against the wall. "You scare me!"

"What are you up to?" He demands

"Climbing the wall!" Daisy sighs in tiredness

"What for? " He presses on

"To see you" came Daisy's honest response

Silence engulfs the entire place with only sounds of breath that can be heard.

"Why? " He asked, breaking the silence.

"It's better I get to know the kind soul I was able to share my painful and beautiful memories with before I say my goodbye"

Daisy knows regardless of how much she denies the marriage, it still stands and will hold with or without her concern.

"What do you mean?" He demands confusion evident in his voice.

Daisy let out a heavy sigh, "This is the last time I will be seeing you" she informs.

"Funny I say 'see you' whereas I've never seen your face" she chuckles in pain.

"Where will you be going to?" He asked as though her leaving did not affect him.

Daisy's heart broke a hundred times at his question before she could realise it, tears were rolling down her face.

She forces herself to smile, "somewhere, very far away."

"How far away?"

Daisy felt like crying out loud but she didn't, she closed her mouth with her hands to stop any sounds from coming out

"Very far... Enough to keep us apart for a lifetime"

Silence engulfs the place again, Daisy doesn't know what he's thinking but all she is sure is he doesn't feel the same way about her.

"You think so?" Came his sudden question.

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