
43. Remy the Bestie

A stylish friend

Never goes out of style

- Jacqueline

"You're going with Remy, right?"

"Yeah, he's going to pick me up in an hour. Ghazi has business in town and we're going shopping." I gave Grady my sweetest smile and the man chuckled and kissed my temple.

But his brother, Percy, was a bit harder to convince, he kept on insisting that we take one of their cars with their driver. "Not that I don't trust Ghazi's men, but we just trust our men better."

"Pfft...same difference, you guys are all the same, what do you think Ghazi said to Remy."

"You know what, why don't you meet there so each with your driver?"

"Percy? seriously? You're going to be one of those parents?" I teased but surely the man did not budge, so I relented, then huffed and puffed but eventually agreed with Percy, telling him that I'd meet Remy at the appointed boutique store.

"Baby girl, we love you, all we want is to spoil you, and to do so we need you under the best care." Grady pulled me in for his signature h
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