
Chapter 5

Kara's POV...

A man peeked from the window of the house, my eyes caught sight of him. He moved his face almost immediately and it made me worry if he went into hiding to avoid helping us. But to my surprise he stepped out of the house with a water pitcher in hand. He sure knows how to read the atmosphere. 

Keisha and i looked extremely grateful when he handed us the water without a word. We mouthed a thank you and drank to our fill. After that,  he ushered us into the house, asking us to feel comfortable. A delighted look appeared on mine and Keisha's face, as we felt the soft comfort of a couch. 

"You both must be hungry." The man said. "I will make you a quick meal." 

We both nodded in agreement and sat still, waiting for the meal. I turned my head to look around the room, it's more of a cabin and would have looked comfortable without all the operating scissors and knives that hung on the wall, and there was a table at the corner of the wall that looked stained with blood, it was next to a space that had curtain draped over it. Different boxes were laid on the ground, and they were well-taped. A kind of lemon stale smell in the space is quite puzzling. 

I looked towards Keisha and then the man, causing our eyes to meet. Something tweaked inside me, and I couldn't hold back on asking  a question.  "Sorry, if you don't mind me asking. What do you do here?" 

A smile appeared on his face as he rinsed out some plates. "I'm a doctor. I help anyone in the woods who get hurt."

"Oh, that explains the surgery equipment." Keisha chipped in. 

"Please come to the dining table to eat." He called out to us. 

We sat down to eat the plate of pasta and grilled chicken he served to both of us, glaring at it hungrily, we ate in relish. The doctor didn't say anything and only watched us eat. Keisha offered to wash the plates. He also directed us to the washroom at the back of the house to get cleaned up. The doctor had some extra clothes that he handed the both of us. After we were done, he invited us to sit outside the house to receive fresh air, handing us a glass of lemonade each. it felt like maximum comfort. 

"Thank you so much for your help, doctor," Keisha said. She is no doubt a grateful one. 

"Oh, it's nothing. I wasn't surprised when I caught sight of you both. I have met many people who lost their way around here and ended up right here with me." He said with a smile. "I'm Doctor Declan, by the way." 

"My name is Kara, and this is Keisha," I replied. For some unknown reason, Amara doesn't seem to settle well with the man; something smelt fishy about him. But then, I have never actually trusted anyone before. Since I am always on the lookout to cause harm to others, it's hard for me to think people would do something so easily out of goodwill. Keeping my fingers crossed with my eyes alert would do for the meantime. 

"It's nice to meet you both. Where are you both headed?" Declan asked. 

Keisha glanced at me, and i nodded for her to go on. "we aren't lost; we are refugees seeking a place to stay. And I know this might sound too soon, but can you please let us stay with you? We would do whatever job you ask of us, please." 

A throaty sound escaped my lips, "We really wouldn't mind giving whatever you want in return." I said, holding his gaze while hoping he understands the underlying meaning of my words. 

Declan grinned lightly, "It's okay; as long as you both feel comfortable, there is no problem. I actually go into other packs to render any help if my service is required. So, it's possible you both won't see much of me around, but you definitely can feel comfortable without worry." He assured. 

Keisha was practically jumping out of her seat in excitement. "Thank you so much, doctor." 

He nodded, "You are welcome. I need to get something inside the house quickly. Please enjoy your lemonade." Declan said, heading into the house. 

"Did you see that?" Keisha mused, gulping down the entire content of her glass. "we are so lucky." 

I nodded absentmindedly; my instincts never fail me. Just as I had known Alexa would be trouble from the very beginning, and I was right, I can also feel that there is more to this unbelievably nice doctor than meets the eye. 

"Aren't you going to drink that?" Keisha pointed at the glass in my hand. 

I looked down at it; the lemonade didn't really interest me, and I had barely drunk a quarter of it. "You want it?" I asked. 

She nodded her head hurriedly, "Yes, I do. Thank you." 

I couldn't resist the smile that appeared on my face as I watched Keisha. If innocence was a person, she is no doubt the perfect example. It made me think about taking her along to the Red Lotus pack when my plan finally forms. I yawned at the same time as Keisha. 

"The both of you must be tired." Doctor Declan said behind us. 

"I feel so sleepy," Keisha said amidst her yawns. 

I rubbed at the back of my neck. "Same here." 

"Let me take you to the room you both will sleep," he ushered. 

It didn't take long for us to settle into the surprisingly comfy bed we laid on. Our bodies will no doubt thank us for the rest. 


My eyes fluttered open, and I groaned in pain. Yawning loudly, I sat up, smiling at the moon shining brightly into the room from the opened window. 

A wall clock was opposite me; staring at it, I noticed it was just midnight. I must have been really tired to have slept off so early. It wasn't that late when i slept off. Also, despite the walk, I didn't feel precisely tired, but the moment my lips touched the lemonade, my eyes fell asleep in their own oblivion. 

Yawning again, I looked to my side. Keisha isn't next to me, which is surprising. I remember clearly that we had gotten into bed together, and Keisha had wished me a good night's rest which I had maliciously been unresponsive to. I decided to go back to sleep, with the thought that she must have gone to ease herself. Laying on my back, I couldn't fall asleep, only to realize that it's been past twenty minutes and Keisha still wasn't back from taking a dump. 

Curiosity gnawed at me, and i could no longer stay still. Getting off the bed, i tiptoed out of the room, looking around the house. There were only two rooms aside from that space i had noticed earlier, and everywhere was quiet. I walked stealthily to the back of the house, and Keisha was nowhere to be found. I don't think Keisha would run off without telling me. Where else could she be if she isn't in the comfort room? 

For a long while, I stared at the store-like space. Gulping hard, i tiptoed closely to the place; a very light sound came from the room that sounded more like a clap. It made me giggle to myself; Keisha isn't so innocent after all. The doctor is obviously fucking the hell out of her in the enclosed space. Promising myself to only take a peek, i noticed the table from earlier was no longer there. 

The moment i opened the curtain, I stood still, terrified. Keisha lay dead cold on the table, her organs out and blood splattered around the space. Doctor Declan stood over her, pulling out the organs like a very normal act. Sensing an intruder, he turned to look at me with a murderous glare in his eyes. I gasped loudly, stumbling to the back in sheer horror.

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