
Chapter 3

The bouncing, jolting carriage journey carrying Athena and Craig to their new start at Fairfax Manor seemed never-ending. A journey of one hundred miles was a severe distance when trying to transport so much equipment, tools and design material. 

Though the cousins shared an intense loyalty, Athena had not confided in Craig about her concerns about Baron Oliver. The meeting in the study had seen no further attempts at flirtation and she had decided to regard it as purely a misstep on his part. 

She could not help but observe a sly grin on his face throughout her detailed presentation. His rich brown hair had shone in the sun glinting through the window and she shook her head at the recollection.

Nonetheless, contracts had been signed to construct a vast lake complete with an ornate, romantic pagoda at its centre. The extensive mile-long driveway was to be replanted with vivid foliage and in Oliver's words "enliven the Gothic monster of a house" as it currently stood.

During the carriage ride, Craig had kept his wounded heart secret. Maintaining a resolute silence on the topic whilst his mind raced with replayed memories and exchanges. As he cursed his foolishness, his anger towards her treatment of him only increased. 

By the time six hours in the carriage had passed he had determined that all women could be damned to hell. He made a silent promise to never offer his heart to a woman again.

Their conversation was instead focused on the task at hand. To many, it would seem dull but they shared a love of engineering and design and discussions of water tables, manpower and excavation made the hours pass. 

Athena knew the labourers assigned would not follow her instructions with respect. Conversely, Craig, could never quite get the respect of his employers, he preferred to be filthy and exhausted at the end of the day rather than explaining the technicalities of iron manufacture over a card table. 

Finally, they arrived at an inn for the night. Whilst the carriage men sorted themselves and the horses, Athena changed into her deep purple cotton dress belted with a broad plum ribbon under the chest. Her brown hair hung down in loose curls whilst the blonde Craig wore a smart dining shirt and trousers, highlighting his huge build. In the dining room of panelled wood, both pairs of vivid green eyes dazzled in the candlelight. 

They shared a large table with various other travellers from the area. Athena was approached by an older woman from the village nearest Fairfax Manor. 

"I hear from your Cousin you're destined for Fairfax Manor" she slurred, clearly worse for wear. She wore a tightly bound ruby red dress. Athena nodded silently, but couldn't fight her curiosity. 

"Do you know the brothers of Fairfax Manor?"

"Only by reputation, which is something to make you blush!" she cackled and slapped the table with merriment.

"I have not heard much about them apart from their being orphaned relatively young?"

"Well, all that power and money so young doesn't always bring out the best in a man I can tell you."

"What are you implying?" Athena's curiosity raged at the woman's vague notions. Finally, the woman lowered her voice and motioned for Athena to lean in closer. Practically inhaling the wine fumes from the woman's drunken breath she muttered her tale in a hushed whisper.

"After completing his education he took himself around Europe to...educate himself on the intimacies of our sex. Miss, the very rumours of the places and boarding houses he frequented would appal you. He has no interest in a wife or domesticity, he's just a savage beast"

"How do you know all this isn't rumour?"

"Because my nephew works the stables at Fairfax and has heard many conversations between the gentlemen. I'm Nancy Mellor, my nephew is Thomas Mellor if you think to doubt my provenance"

Athena was shocked, at both the information and her lingering curiosity about just what would occur in a notorious boarding house. She was not naive enough to have no concept but had never been romantically involved in her twenty-four years.

"I can hardly believe it, I was stood with Baron Oliver only a week ago and he seemed a gentleman like any other."

"Oh, Miss you mistake me...I was referring to the elder brother, Baron Felix. You watch yourself around that cold-hearted deviant."

"My goodness…" was all Athena could manage whilst Nancy took another large gulp of wine, her unravelling blonde curls getting messier with every dramatic gesture.

"I'll tell you the worst tale I heard, a mistress of his in Paris dared to tell him she loved him. He threw her into the busy street completely naked and left the city the same afternoon!"

"That's appalling!"

"I also heard that he was so demanding and rough of his lovers that some were permanently injured" and her eyes widened dramatically, her hair now a crows nest thanks to her wild gesticulating.

The level of hyperbole snapped her back to reality and the realisation that she was holding onto every word of a drunk woman.

"Well, I thank you for the warning but I must be retiring, it is another long journey tomorrow"

Nancy lolled back into her wooden chair and eyed Athena sullenly as she stood up and left the room.

"Take care young lady! Ask after the young servant Claudette if you doubt me! "

The parting words echoed down the corridor as she made her way back to the room. In a daze, she undressed and repaired to her bed. Alone in the dark, she tried to calmly unpack the conversation.

The vulgarity of the topics discussed by Nancy both repulsed and intrigued her. What kind of man would act like that. If he was a savage should they not reject the contract, perhaps this was why only Baron Oliver had been involved so far. She felt ashamed of her initial repulsion, had she judged his character wrongly?

The deepest recesses of her mind ached with the unanswerable question...what would he think of her, and what did she want him to think?

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