
4. Meeting Aurora(2)

"I'm not telling you our kingdom's secret... not until you tell me yours"

"You might want to tell yours first, mine is gonna throw you off balance"

"I anticipate for it then" She let out a deep breath and raised her head.

"Yes. My sister was banished, she was the first child of my father, an Alpha but wasn't the heir to the throne according to the law, a female child don't rule the wolf kingdom. All she wanted was to change that rule of law, she was becoming an opposition and so he had a talk with the elders and they cast her out of the kingdom for contempt against the throne"


"He never loved her from the start, hated the fact that she wasn't a male child to take over the throne and that was just an excuse to dispose her"

"Was she really an opposition?"

"I can't say but she's unpredictable. She was assembling a pack of wolf in the kingdom already, wolves who were loyal to her.... kept gaining followers as days rolled by and this drew father's attention"

"King Kane was scared" He let out and she turned to him.

"Don't argue with me. It's a fact"

"I wasn't going to. Give her five years and I bet she'll get what she wants"

"Do you hate him for it?"

"I don't hate him for trying to protect the throne but she was the only one who always stood up for me"

"You must be heartbroken, "

"It's two years already. I'm past it"

"You must be a strong lady" He gazed down at the new set of wolf dancers who were climbing the podium.

"You talked about bringing humans into the palace, isn't that...."

"Against the law. That's right but I'm a law breaking prince " He bragged.

"I don't think so"

"Well. I bring humans into the palace and..." He made an eye contact with her and smirked as he looked away.

"No. No way" She shook her head and scoffed sharply.

"You bang humans in your father's palace, what the hell are you thinking?" her voice rose.

"I prefer humans to wolves"

"It's a heinous offense"

"I love risks"

"Do you mean risky s*x?" She inquired in the calmest voice possible.

"Something like that. I know it sounds gross but you're welcome to speculate"

She let out a deep breath and looked down at the cheering crowd.

"I guess we got similarities after all" A creepy smile escaped from her lip and she relaxed on the chair.

"Maybe. We're both from royal families, loves domination over others, no mates...." He was listing when he realized what she meant.

"No way" He looked into her cold face and sighed.

"You do humans?"

"Wolves don't keep secrets, they are only loyal to the Alpha, my father, but humans, I can bend them to my wish and make them keep quiet about it"

"Sounds like rape to me" He told and she scoffed in response.

"They enjoyed it. Just like the humans you go into too"

"We're so much alike then. Tell me, do you enjoy it?" He moved to the next seat that was between them.

"I should ask you that" She replied looking away from him.

"Humans are vulnerable and weak. My sister testified that they almost screamed the ceilings down and she couldn't sleep"

"Speaking of your sister. She's a b*tch"

"She's always like that and I love the way you put her in her place with eyes, the way you roll them over gets me tripping"

"You can say that again. You take on humans because they're weak and that makes you dominant against them" She told him.

"I'm dominant. I can do same with wolves but their loyalty is with the king, they'll spill things out, we have same reasons"

"Father wouldn't let me move out of the kingdom and find my mate. He doesn't want to lose me"

"I thought he got your sister kicked out of the kingdom"

"Oh. um that's right" She chuckled gently and he smiled in response.

"I'm the only child he has left. I'm sure she's out there enjoying the freedom she now has"

"Freedom?, she was banished"

"She was happy to be sent out and I thought it for once. Maybe she wanted it, it was a way out of father's controlling behavior. I bet she found her mate now in the human world"

"Human world?" He asked and her eyes popped.

"Um, yeah,...."

"Are you alright?, you look uncomfortable"

"This are secrets that shouldn't slip from lips"

"I'm no kid, Aurora"

"I know. Well, there are rumors that she was banished into the other world"

"The other world. The world of humans?, that's not possible, only witches could travel between the worlds and those old things have been scrapped out of the wolf Kingdoms long ago "

"I thought so. No one have heard from her since then, she's probably roaming in the forbidden forests with her pack. My sister was banished with the little group she had"

"The other world. Is it real or a myth?"

"It's real Prince Zayn, I haven't been there but it's real, the ancient wolves claim they've been there before.... I wish I could get there one day, the stories I hear about this paradise are captivating"

"Yeah, The stories, they're too good to be true, but now that you just confirmed its real. I feel like eloping with you to the other world"

"That's such a bad joke, Zayn" She laughed loudly.

"Unfortunately we don't have a way to go"

"Did you say we?. I never agreed to eloping with you"

"Are you gonna reject me?, you want to get to the other world too, don't you? "

"Okay. Keep your imaginations to yourself, don't dwell in the fantasy world you've created in your head,"

"I love bringing fantasy to reality"

"And what fantasy do you have up there now?"

"I'll keep that to myself now"

She smiled and looked away as she bit her lower lip.


"I'll keep that to myself too"

"Such a comeback"

"It's such a long journey and I'm feeling dizzy right now" She yawned loudly and rested on the chair with her eyes shut.

"Don't tell me you're sleeping off"

"My eyes are heavy. I deserve even a minute of sleep"

"It's it's... more comfortable at my chamber, there's a bed and... I'm sure you're not comfortable here, A princess deserves something..."

"No stories. Lead the way"

He was shocked that she agreed but he had to hide it as he lead her away.

Zayn made sure to take a secret door at that particular gallery so they wouldn't be seen by the anyone at the hall, their family inclusive.

"I hope you understand this is risky" She told as they moved down the stairs and moved down the deserted hallway.

"I love risks... " He was telling her when a baritone voice sounded from behind.

"Zayn Hendrixson"

They turned slowly and there was the full beard man in a wolf coat that covered him.

The Prince took a deep breath and shook his head.

"Uncle Silas, you scared me"

"Apologies, I picked your scent from across the hallway"

"Oh, I thought you were at the hall already"

"I was, moved down to get some items, I spoke with your father, the king, he says you're with King Kane's daughter, you must be Aurora" He turned to her.

He nodded gently and bit her lower lip.

"I'll leave you two now, I have to get back to the hall now"

"Uncle Silas" Zayn called as he made to leave.

"Little Prince"

"Oh God!, I hate that name"

"Well, I love it"

"You never saw us, remember that"

"You're doing bad things again Zayn, I never saw you" He replied and walked away.

Silas was the king's brother who couldn't get to the throne because he was the second child and so have no option but be loyal to the royal highness, his brother.

Its been years now and he had become one of the most closest person to the king's family making everyone believe that he was no longer angered.

"What was that?" She asked hurriedly.

"Had to make sure he keeps his mouth sealed about us together"

"Will he?"

"Of course, he knows the things that I do but pretends he doesn't, typical Uncle Silas" He told and she smiled.

"He must be sneaky just like you"

"Who knows?" Zayn answered her and they got to the door of the chamber.

"And here we go..." He pushed the door opened revealing his place which was now arranged unlike the last time, the servants must have done a good job after he left.

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