
Chapter Two



“One more whimper and I am going to punish you, Erica” I drawled, rotating the feather pen around her nipple.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she whimpered a second time against my instruction.

I frowned, slapping her bare buttocks with my palm while she moaned loudly.

“Please” I heard her beg

“No, baby… you do not get to beg for this. You will take anything I am willing to give you and you will be grateful”

She nodded, panting as she waited.

My body tingled, my cock hardening even further as I kissed her navel, my fingers trailing spread thighs.

This was one of the many girls I had fucked this week and I wasn’t even sure her name was Erica.

“Turn around and arch that back… I want your ass kissing the air” I commanded.

She turned, her knees wobbly as she knelt arching as far as she could while I smiled at the view.

Erica had been adamant when I had approached her at the club for a quick fuck. She had sworn she was not that kind of girl and that she had a fiance until I had flashed the money in her face.

I was Christian Montgomery and I could have any pussy I wanted, whenever I wanted it.

“Grab the headboard, Erica… you are going to need support” I told her, chuckling slightly.

She did as I instructed while I knelt, touching two fingers to her pulsing wetness and then dipping the tip of my cock and retreating again so she moaned in protest.

“You want my cock, no?” I asked

She nodded, her body jerking against my touch.

“Answer me!”

“Yes” She whimpered

“Ask and it shall be given, baby”

With that I drove the full length of me inside her, groaning as she clenched hard, holding me for a second.

Fuck! I thought

The thrill of my phone interrupted my second thrust.

“Leave it” She argued

“Shut up” I snapped, pulling away from her and reaching for my phone.

The caller ID indicated that it was my father calling and he only called me whenever there was some sort of emergency at work.

“Christian” I muttered as I picked up.

“Son, we need to talk immediately” My father’s hoarse voice filtered through.

“Where?” I inquired

“At the office, now” He commanded

“On my way” I told him, hanging up.

I turned to the girl who was staring at me now, her breasts pointing beautifully in my direction. She was waiting and as much as I wanted to fuck her to next week, I had important things to do.

“Get up” I told her

She stared at me like I had lost my mind

“You can’t… we haven’t…” She sputtered, rising to her feet.

“I have somewhere to be so you need to be out” I told her, reaching for my shirt. “Open the lower drawer and take any money you see there” I instructed.

She opened it, her eyes widening as she pulled the stack of dollar bills laying there.

“When can I see you again?” She muttered, her tongue snaking out to lick her lips.

“Never, darling”

“Then maybe I can do something…” She paused, approaching me and going on both knees.

I leaned backwards as she took my cock in her mouth, slurping loudly as her head bobbed. I groaned, my hands grabbing the back of her head and my hips rotating in her mouth.

She was good, I had to give her that and soon I could feel the buzz that indicated I was about to come.

“Swallow” I commanded.

She nodded, downing my come like a good little bitch.

Her eyes were bright when she got up, smacking her lips as she eyed me.

“So, can we see each other again?” She purred.

“Goodbye, Erica” I told her

She frowned, scoffing at me

“You are an asshole and my name is Cressida… not fucking Erica” She snapped, reaching for her dress.

Oh well, I had had the itch that I was getting her name wrong, I thought to myself as she walked away and out the door.

“Turn my car around, Lucas” I told my driver.

“Where to, sir?”

“The office” I announced, reclining in my seat.

The ride was silent but I could not help but wonder what my father wanted to see me for. He wasn’t one to ever need to talk urgently and I hoped everything was okay.

I was greeted by his receptionist and directed to the boardroom where I met my brother, Alexander waiting. He had a sour look on his face as he glanced in my direction and my father did not look too happy too.

“Welcome, Son” My father said while I took a seat.

“What is this about?”

“Now that you are here; your brother Alexander has been embroiled in a scandal with some model who is threatening to expose him for rape”

I turned to my brother who was looking else where but at me

“Is this true? Did you rape her?” I asked

“Why would I do that?” He raged. “She is a fucking lying bitch who wants to rope me with a baby I did not father”

“She is pregnant? For fucks sake, Alexander… what are you doing?”

“Do not speak to me that way. I remember using a condom and…”

“That is exactly what you said the last time with that girl from the slums you had something with and she where that got us.” My father barked. “If you were not my son, I swear to God, you will be on your way to the hospital to get a fucking vasectomy”

“Is she going to be quiet? Have we offered her money?” I asked

“We have but your brother will have to lay low for a while which is why I have summoned you, Christian.” My father shared. “I am going to be handing over the reins of the company to you”

“That is total bullshit, father.” My brother interrupted. “I might be getting girls pregnant but at least I am not fucking girls day after day like Christian is. Do you think the board would want a man who is widely known as a player to be their leader in a time like this?

“Excuse me, Alex while I speak to your brother alone” My father snapped at him.

My brother stared at me for a second and we maintained eye contact with each of us surveying the other in disgust before he rose, stepping out of the room

“As much as I hate to agree with your brother, he is right. You need to get your act together for the family and I want you to know that being the director of the company will come under one condition” My father said after he was gone

“And pray tell, what condition is that?” I questioned, already knowing what my father was about to say.

“You have to get married, Christian and before you begin any arguments. I have the perfect person in mind. Cassidy is the daughter of a friend and she is the best person to be your wife”

“I know Cassidy and I do not think I want to live in the same house as that crazy bitch” I explained.

“You do not have a choice…”

“But I do, father and I did not want to say this any time soon but I already have a girlfriend. We are steady and I think she is the one” I announced.

“Tell me about this person” My father inquired. “Is she from a good family?”

“I will bring her to see you the next time we meet” I told him, rising to my feet.

The meeting was over but it had just begun for me.

I had lied when I had said I had a girl but there was no way I would ever allow my father pair me with someone as greedy as Cassidy. Besides, she was loose and fucked by half the men in New York.

“Excuse me, Dad” I muttered, leaving the room.

My brother was waiting outside with his arms folded across his chest.

“You are never taking the company away from me” He barked

“I have no plans to, brother” I smiled in his direction, walking away while he shot daggers at me with his eyes.

I reached for my phone and called my friend, Khalid. If there was someone who could figure out a way for me to sort this out then it was him.

“Hey, man” His voice boomed

“We have a problem” I told him, climbing into the car.

“We?” Khalid echoed

“Are you at the club?”


“Good, I am on my way” I muttered, hanging up.

“The club please” I state to Lucas.

I removed the tie around my neck as my head buzzed with the revelation that I was about to own the company. It was one I had struggled and worked my ass out for over the years and although I had good position there, I had never expected to direct it seeing as my brother, Alexander was heir.

If my father wanted a wife then I was going to give him one.

The club was buzzing by the time I got there.

It was a strip club and one I had invested in so my friend could build it up. He had had the perfect idea and although I had told him the money was a gift, he had insisted that it was an investment.

I walked in and straight to our spot where I took as seat and ordered a drink.

“What is the problem?” He asked as soon as he sat.

“I need a wife” I muttered, matter of fact.

Khalid laughed then, slapping his thigh at the absurdity of my words.

“This is fucking serious, man” I snapped. “My father is giving me the company, he wants to retire and the only thing he is asking for is that I get a fucking wife so I need a wife and fast!”

He sobered up immediately, not saying a word as we both downed the glass of wine in front of us.

“If you need a wife then here is no place to search for one” He finally said. “I know a bar that all sort of people come in from different areas and I think that should be the perfect place for your search. Nobody will know who the fuck you are there and it will be easier to snag a quiet girl”

I rose to my feet

“Let us go then”

“I cannot go with you, man but I will give you the address and you can check it out for today” He told me.

I collected the address and was soon at the bar.

It was a trashy place, filled with drunk men and women looking for a good time but he was right about something. This was the perfect place to get someone whom I could easily control and keep quiet.

I climbed on the stool at the bar and requested for their most expensive wine which was trashy by the way while I waited for God to drop someone into my laps.

It was as though he had had my prayers because my eyes caught on some commotion at the corner of the bar…some girl trying to get away from a man who was pawing her.

She looked extremely frightened and before I could think, I had gone straight to her rescue.

She was pretty in a weird and homely type of way with the prettiest mouth I had ever seen and her eyes held some childlike innocence that twitched my cock.

This is my wife, I thought to myself.

“Christian” I murmured, putting out a hand to her.

“Hayley” She breathed, her eyes darting to mine.

Hayley… you are the perfect candidate, I thought.

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