
Chapter Three


Not once throughout the journey do I have a moment of hesitation. It is the opposite actually.

I am acutely aware that every step brings me closer to having this six foot seven hunk of masculine sexuality and my blood hums in response.

The club swims around me and he is the only solidity in sight. I stumble a little, and I wish to death I could have held up on the whiskey a little.

His hand comes to rest on the small of my back and liquid heat lances through my middle at the contact. I glance at him to find him studying me as his hands guide me forward.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I wouldn't say anything to jeopardise this evening.

"Yes." I whisper, knowing his sensitive wolf ears can catch it.

We climb up the stairs to the rooms and he pushes into the first room we come across.

"Is the room yours?" I ask him.

"Nope." He says, shutting the door behind him.

I am alone with him.

I stare at him and he watches me back. The air between us is alive and breathing. 

"What happens when the room owners come back?" I ask.

"We had better be quick before they do then." He says.

A thrill zaps into my heart, more intense from the rush of possibly being caught.

And then he is closing the distance between us.

He grabs me and lifts me into his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist.

Our lips collide and our mouths duel. He pushes into my mouth and I throw my arms around his neck and hold him to me. His tongue thrusts into my mouth hotly, urgently. My back arches with desire and I groan into his mouth.

His hands flexes on my ass in response and his tongue is everywhere in my mouth, tasting, setting me on fire. I meet him halfway, taking as much as I can.

I am intoxicated to his scent all around me, his taste in my mouth, his bulge prodding into my middle.

We have not come up for air since and I cannot breathe. I am gasping for breath but breathing takes second place to him.

His hair is soft beneath my fingers. He is a delicious blend of soft and hard in all of the right places. His tongue thrusts into my mouth again and I shiver against him.

I want more.

He pulls away and I moan in protest. A second later, my back meets the bed and I am panting for air while he stands above me, a sex god come to life.

The look in his eyes could set me on fire.

It is intoxicating to be the only focus of that heated gaze. The thought of everything he could be thinking of doing to me makes my middle clench.

"Who are you?" He asks me in an incredulous and nearly confused voice.

This intense and powerful man is completely boggled by me. I want to blow his mind away.

He does not wait for an answer. He grabs his shirt in one hand and rips it straight down.

Staring up at him, I wonder why that is the hottest thing I have ever seen.

The bed dips as he bends over me.

"You are mortal." He says.

He is still worried he is going to hurt me.

A tender warmth blooms in my chest but no, I don't want to stop. Even if he is going to tear me apart, I will take it to get even one night with him.

"I can take it." I say.

To emphasise, I ride my hips up to tease his cock bulging out of his trousers. He is hard as iron, for me.

He hisses between his breath, and yet he hesitates.

His eyes are wild with lust and his biceps are bulging from his effort to keep from descending on me. I admire his willpower really. And yet he is powerless to move away from me.

The power in my hands makes me high.

I want him just as much as he wants me. If I don't have him, I will fracture into a thousand pieces.

"I don't fuck mortals." He says.

He throws the word between us like an insult.

"And yet here you are." I whisper.

The only regret I will have is if I don't have this man.

I lean up and seize his lips with mine.

He groans, actually groans and it is the sexiest sound I have ever heard. I want to hear him groan a thousand times more.

And then all of that willpower disappears and he descends on me.

Thoughts are chased from my mind as his lips carve a burning path of madness over my neck and my collarbone. I writhe under him.

He grips my shirt between two fingers and the sound of ripping fills the room.

I gasp and my skin pimples from the shock of cold. Then his lips are there to chase the cold away. He is at my neck, kissing, grazing. His teeth nick me and I gasp, my nails digging into his back, scoring him. A rush of warmth drizzles from me and I ride up to grind against him. He lets out an animalistic growl against my skin that rips through me and my core tightens painfully.

And then he descends lower.

There is banging on the door. The sound intrudes on this perfect moment with the insistency of a gnat.

I grab him close, needing him to remain here doing a thousand thrilling things to my body.

The banging increases. I think they are going to tear down the door.

His wolf growls and when he rises, his eyes are feral.

I stare with wide eyes as he rises until he is standing, and I am looking directly into the eyes of his wolf. I freeze, my mouth going dry. I see why he is Alpha. His wolf is almighty.

The banging increases.

"Stay here." He orders me and then he stalks toward the door.

I ogle his unrealistic body as he matches away, drooling at the work of muscles rippling beneath his skin.

I want him. I want all of him. For days and days.

And then he throws open the door and my eyes widen because I am in my underwear. My first instinct is to dive up and out of view of the intruders, who I vaguely realise must be the real owners of the room.

I dive and the room dips around me.

Shit. I realise too late.

Something happens every time I drink too much and move too suddenly.

I fall to the bed, deeply unconscious.


When I wake up, I find myself tucked into a bed. The same one that...

I spring up and my eyes dart around the room in a panic.

I am in the same room and I am alone. No alpha male and no room owners.

What the fuck happened?

And then I remember, I passed out as usual.

I groan and hit my head onto the bed. How could I?

Another panicked thought. I throw the blankets off me, somehow fearing that we did more and I just don't remember. My shorts are intact and my bra is still on.

I slept off.

I am so mortified I could die.

Home, I want to go home.

I'll find the darkest deepest hole and crawl into it and never see the light of day again. I don't deserve to see day.

I cannot bear to wonder what he must have thought of me. It does not bear thinking.

I have no shirt and I am about ready to run out of here with the spread wrapped around my chest when I finally notice something at the head of the bed.

I approach it like one would a silver grenade.

A new shirt, neatly folded, and on top of it is a note.

Gingerly I pick it up.

Find me below-stairs.

The note is simple enough.

I hurriedly pull the top over my head.


The night is lightening up outside. Hours have passed because I don't feel the effects of the whiskey again. I slept for hours.

As much as I long for the night of passion I never got to have, if I never see him again I will be only too happy.

I don't know how I would face him otherwise.

I climb down the establishment through the window, landing nimbly on the floor.

I creep towards a window and peep in.

My friends are long gone and my eyes find him immediately.

He is sitting alone in front of the bar, still waiting, for me.

I allow my eyes to feast on him one last time and I gasp when he suddenly stiffens and starts turning in my direction.

I spin around and beat a fast pace away from him.

I hope we never meet again. I hope to the moon that we do.

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