
Chapter 37 Cold

"How did you find out he was wounded?" She questioned without thinking.

He gestured to the trash and said, "There's a trail of blood from the other room to this place, and there are bandages with human blood in it."

When Kamara opened the room and saw that one of her children's shirts was torn, she was shocked.

"You are sure it's human blood? With her heart pounding wildly in her chest, she questioned.


She felt her heart soften, but Caiden's words also made her wary.

"How could this man have been injured in the children's room?"

He continued, "Most likely, the quads are discovering their wolf nature," which made Kamara's heart race once more. "The monster within us emerges to save us when they're under pressure."

Oh no! This couldn't be happening. Kamara almost broke down. Why hadn't she considered this earlier? With a heavy heart, she departed the cottage, regretting not having prepared her kids for that particular moment. It never occurred to Kamara that she would have
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