

The small house, built close to an offshore not far from the fields, had a little unit of the Silver pack. They had come there to attend to their yearly transaction of giving tribute to the bigger packs.

“Are you going to give up soon and catch some rest?” his beta asked, eyebrows raised at Alpha Tyler's ragged appearance.

There was no doubt that the handsome Alpha looked like he had aged a thousand times and could use a break. Even his wolf bitterly whined in his head at the frustration of being overused. He wanted to have fun.

“Please, stop, Gael. I'm too busy for that,” Alpha Tyler scolded his wolf, Gael.

His wolf howled and went silent in anger.

Suddenly, the door slammed open as his Gamma pranced in as if he owned Tyler's office. Tyler grunted and growled at him quietly, rolling his eyes and jumping up from the sofa where he had been going through some files. Elijah was the head of Gamma.

“They refused the tribute and said if you don't double it by two weeks, they'll see it as a sign of rebellion and that wouldn't go unpunished,” his Gamma informed, arms crossed his chest.

“Are they doing this because we're a Rogue pack? Or, because we have an Alpha who is disciplined enough to play by the book and avert bloodshed?” Tyler's Beta questioned, anger lacing his words.

“Viktor, enough. I'll decide the next course of action.”

“I heard that the outskirts of this place are filled with beautiful girls,” Elijah, his Gamma, said, a smirk plastered on his face.

“I heard you'll be dead in a second if you can't shut up and focus on why we came here. Don't even think about getting yourself and your horny wolf some action. We'll do business and head back to the pack at nightfall tomorrow,” Alpha Tyler chimed in.

Elijah and Viktor went silent. Gael growled in Tyler's head again, and he ignored the crying wolf. Gael was getting on Tyler's nerves with the growling and whining. Out of outrage, Tyler slammed his fist hard into the table, shattering it.

The sudden impact caused Viktor to jump alert. “I guess we'll have to use the floor until our departure.”

Tyler's wolf growled louder as if it was fighting within to get free. Tyler huffed. Tired of his wolf, he decided to shut off their communication when he heard a subtle, soft, withering wolf that sounded like a plea. At first, he thought it was Gael trying to play tricks on him, but the voice came again. “H…help…me,” it struggled to say. It was female, weak, yet, resounding to Gael and Tyler.

Abruptly, Tyler felt dizzy, causing him to stagger like a drunk man. He grabbed the top of the chair he had been sitting on, for support. An image flashed through his vision. A girl covered in blood, battered and naked in the open fields. He wasn't using his visual sense, so the connection surprised him. But, the vision disappeared as quickly as it came.

“Are you okay?” Viktor and Elijah asked out of concern.

Tyler straightened out. He shook his head and went for the bottled water on top of the cabinet. “I'm fine.” He opened the cap and downed everything. "I was just…” He saw the vision again. This time, clearly.

The empty bottle fell to the floor. Slowly, he began to transform. A transformation built with anger and bloodthirst.

“What's happening?” His Beta and Gamma questioned again. Both of them began to equally half transform, a sign they were alert to their Alpha's command.

Tyler regained himself and embraced his human state. Elijah and Viktor, too. “We're going hunting!” he announced. Before Elijah and Viktor could process his command, he had taken off. Elijah gathered one-third of the Gamma they came with, with Viktor, and followed Tyler.

First, Tyler was always composed when it came to transformation. He hardly did so. He fought well using his human form. Secondly, hunting? Tyler never never had leisure. The Alpha was a workaholic. Anything that wasn't related to business, training, and defending his pack was a waste of time. But, Neither Viktor nor Elijah had the time to question him. That would be conservation for later. For now, they obeyed.

Tyler felt himself being directed, more and more he ran through the harsh field, whooshing past his territory. Where he was headed belonged to another pack of Rogues that would use his invasion as an excuse to put his head on a stake, since they hated his guts. However, Tyler couldn't stop himself. His body was being controlled by the desperation to save something. Save someone.

To where his body led, he followed. To where the peculiar flowery scent came from, he inhaled. Finally, he came to a stop.

“Search everywhere. It's here,” Tyler ordered.

“What are we looking for?” Elijah questioned.

“When you see it, you'll know,” Tyler responded.

Frustrated, “you heard the Alpha! Search, but be quiet. You all know that we're in the enemy's territory,” Elijah commanded.

They began swirling around the fields, searching for the unknown. Carefully, they saw a group of Rogues circling something. They were quiet, so the Rogues didn't hear or see them.

Tyler ordered for the Rogues to be knocked out and, if they proved stubborn, killed and whatever they were after retrieved. Elijah advised against his command but only earned a howl from Tyler which sent his Gammas forward.

They fought easily since they outnumbered the unsuspecting Rogues. “This will start a war when their Alpha learns of this,” Elijah reprimanded as Tyler effortlessly snapped the head of the last Rogue that was an obstacle between him and the calling voice.

Ignoring Elijah, “burn their bodies,” he commanded and moved closer to the pale figure on the floor. It was naked, bruised, and unmoving. Despite the girl's horrible state, she was the prettiest Tyler had seen. Silver hair that had strands of gold, which cascaded down to her belly button. Her hair was the only cover she had as she lay coiled on the floor. She was bare.

Immediately, Tyler removed his cloak and flung it over the girl, wrapping her. “Help me,” her voice begged again before it completely died off. “Mine,” Tyler whispered as he reached for her.

“No. No. No. This is bad. You're bringing war,” Elijah reprimanded. “She's dead. Leave the birds to feed on her. We have killed Rogues. It's best if we disappear now before our presence is discovered. We might not be able to handle the consequences of this judgment.”

Tyler looked at the body again. It looked dead, but the voice… Where did it come from then? He was certain the girl was the source. It was where his body had led him. There. Meaning that she was still alive.

Tyler knew that his head Gamma was right. Taking up this girl meant trouble, especially when she was laid in a strategic place like where he had found her. It meant she wasn't supposed to be touched. What would he do? Listen to the voice of his head-Gamma? Or, listen to the plea that might bring war to his peaceful pack?

After all, he was supposed to exit without leaving any traces. Now, he had killed Rogues of a rival pack and was about to take someone who wasn't meant to be saved.

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