
3 - Run, Baby


“Well?” Alpha Devlin arched one eyebrow, impatient for my reveal. While all alphas were pushy and demanding, his affliction had to be on the extreme side.

My eyes snapped open. “Well what?”

“Goddess, please tell me there is something in me worth saving!” Alpha Camden groveled on his knees where he belonged.

The Moon Goddess enjoyed the taste of his despair. Everyone thought the goddess must be a kind and loving entity. I knew better. In my experience, she was temperamental and egotistical as well as benevolent. In other words, the goddess’ personality was complicated. Go figure. “Not in you. In her.” I spoke in annoyance. “Sadie will carry the mate to Alpha Devlin’s son. Through our young, our packs will flourish.” The words flew out of my mouth uncensored.

I blinked. Time slowed to a standstill as I witnessed glimpses into a future I did not want. I held a little boy of around three years old. He was more beautiful than I could ever imagine with a head full of dark curls and green eyes. My son smiled, showcasing amazing dimples inherited from his father. Alpha Devlin kissed my cheek and ruffled the head of our son. Alpha Devlin rubbed my protruding belly before kissing it.

No! I clutched my chest. It couldn’t be real. Damn these stupid revelations! The goddess loved to play with the fragile shards of my mind. Alpha Devlin attempted to capture my gaze. I felt his tug on our mental connection. I avoided him and locked it down tight. My own thoughts were too loud in my head to deal with his along with mine.

Alpha Devlin called my name aloud, putting force behind it. “Gemma! Does the goddess speak the truth? I will have a son?” He cradled my face gently.

I froze under his compelling expression. While I did not share the pack’s natural inclination to obey their alpha, I still felt the pull of his authority. I shook it off. To heck with goddesses and their stupid prophecies! My future was my own. I wasn’t predestined for a life of misery. Surely, my fairy godmother had better plans for me!

“Gemma!” Alpha Devlin grabbed my shoulders and invaded my personal space.

“Give me a minute.” I teetered on the brink of an emotional breakdown. With my luck, there were no minutes to spare.

Luna Sadie reached for me. “Help me.”

Distracted by the damning revelation, my hold over the unstable luna slipped. Shit! I looked at Alpha Devlin. How much control had I lost? Did I expose the petrifying truth to him?

Luna Sadie grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach. “Help me! Save our offspring.”

OMG! Why phrase it like that? I know goddesses emanated perfection, but I’m sure she got it wrong. Luna Sadie was one big bottle of crazy sauce. I tried to deny the goddess’ decree. She rewarded me with agonizing pain. My head felt like it shattered into a million pieces! I staggered backwards. Alpha Devlin steaded me, saving me from falling to a miserable heap on the floor. A light trickle of blood ran down my nose. Ugh!

“Do not resist her.” Alpha Devlin whispered in my ear.

“Easy for you to say!” I gritted my teeth. The pain did not subside until I grabbed Luna Sadie’s outstretched hands. She pulled me closer until our lips touched. The goddess drank her down, fed on her substantial amount of resentment and anger. We swallowed it up like a greedy whore.

The edges of my world blurred into nothing. Sadie held my sagging body upright with her immense strength. Probably went a bit overboard with it as her nails dug into my skin. Bitch. See if I helped her ass again.


“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!”

I groaned and sat up. Someone had carried me to the couch in the waiting room. Corbin, an enforcer and my friend, smiled at me. “Why are you so freaking chipper? And where is everyone? Are they all dead?”

He crouched down in front of me and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “I’m happy to report no casualties.”

“Craptastic. Where is everyone? Is there a party I’m missing?”

“They are deep in negotiations.”

“About Alpha Camden’s and Luna Sadie’s imminent deaths?”

“Damn, girl! Stop with the violence.”

I punched his arm.

“Ow! That hurt!” He mock-glared at me.

Right. He could demolish a car with a single punch. How did my puny strength compare to his? “Great! Our packs are besties. I am super thrilled.”

He laughed. “After announcing their offspring is vital to our pack, what did you expect?”

“That really happened?” I buried my face in my hands. “My life is a nightmare!”

“Goddess problems?”

“You have no idea. Sucks to be me.” I peeped at him between my fingers. “Hey! You have the power to save me.”

“I do?”

“Yes! Let’s get out of here. Ride off into the sunset on that badass bike of yours.”

“And where would we go?”

“I don’t know. I’m feeling tropical.”

“Tropical sounds expensive. You got any money?”

I frowned. “All my assets are tied up in handbags and shoes!” Damn my expensive tastes. “I hear Florida is cheap.”

“Florida?” He chuckled. “You’ve seen a map, right? How long do you think it will take us to get from Colorado to Florida on my bike?”

“I thought you were adventurous.” I pouted. I suffered no shame applying my feminine wiles when the situation demanded. “Nobody would miss us if we took a long road trip.”

“Ha! You would definitely be missed, gorgeous.” The flirty smile melted off Corbin’s face. I knew my situation had intensified from bad to worse. Behind me, a throat cleared. Definitely worse. I turned around.

“Gemma, are you plotting an escape?” Alpha Devlin scowled. He frequently scowled, often in my direction. He possessed no sense of humor that I could detect.

”Moi? Corbin and I are simply planning a date. Motorcycles are hot and I love to ride.” My eyebrows wriggled in emphasis.


“No? What do you mean no?” I demanded.

“No dating. Him or anyone else.”

Long ago I pegged his attitude as the crux of our problems. All it took was moments in each other’s company for the bickering to start. I’m talking epic screaming matches at times. No joke. The guy had an enviable set of lungs. Alphas made the worst partners with their temperament and self-centered outlook on life.

“That’s unreasonable! You’re such a cock-blocker! Since when do I need your permission to do anything?” I flipped him off. He brought out the worst in me. I’d take the victory now and deal with my punishment later. I lived for the moment.

Alpha Devlin ignored me and pointed at Corbin. “You should know better than to encourage her behavior!”

Corbin held up his hands in surrender. “Alpha Devlin…”

Nice. Some hero! I stood up. “I’m putting this conversation to rest! Thank you, gentlemen. It has been most amusing. Please excuse me. I have big girl work to do.”

“Gemma, I need to talk to you.” Alpha Devlin grabbed my arm.

My cell rang in divine intervention. “Shoot! Hold that thought, Alpha Devlin.” As if the fixated alpha would forget or move on. “Hello? Henry?” I glanced at my watch. Holy shitcake! How long had I napped? “So sorry! Hang tight. I’m on the way. Tell Leslie to stop crying.”

“We need to talk.” Alpha Devlin persisted like a bad yeast infection.

No. We did not. “Sure, sure.” My day, hell, my year, was booked solid. “I can squeeze you in between never and never.” I patted Alpha Devlin’s shoulder and walked away.

Henry’s voice carried very well from the cell pressed against my shoulder. I put it to my ear once more. “Calm down! I’ll be there in two minutes! Of course I’ll credit you the lost time.” I rubbed my temple. The happy boat sailed hours ago. It was shaping up to be one of those days when strong coffee wouldn’t suffice. “I had business with our alpha. Sheesh. Do you think I was taking a nap?”

I mouthed goodbye to Corbin and waived at Alpha Devlin. True to character, Alpha Devlin looked pissed. He stepped towards me. Instead of peeing my pants like a baby, I turned and ran. When facing an angry alpha, I always recommended running away. Worked for me.

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