
Chapter 2

Annabelle pov

The temples of my head throb as the pain in my body gravitates to my head . The strong hospital scent assaulted me as I sniff in the 'fresh air 'surrounding me .Wait a hospital? What am I doing in a hospital?

I would normally open my eyes in a rush if I was filled with anxiety but I had to use all the energy I have to just open my eyes . I slowly peel them open one by one.

In front of me is a dark figure that I don't recognize . I adjust my vision for some time to get a clear picture of who I am with in this hospital. Surely it can't be Ben because he does not have such a dominating figure even though he is an alpha. He also doesn't care about me . I would be dammed if he really showed up here just to make sure that I'm okay.

"Finally you are awake ! "the deep voice reverbrates and jolts me from my hazy thoughts . The sweet sound makes my whole body shiver and my heart starts pounding. Why is my heart pounding so loud ? Why does this stranger's voice have so much effect on me right now?

I open my mouth slowly and my voice cracks and the first thing that comes out from my mouth is, "who are you ? "

The dark figure comes closer to me and finally I get to lay my eyes on the stranger that is in the hospital room with me . Maybe he saved me from the road accident? Or He didn't?

"Well that's not the question I was looking for ? "he chuckles deeply and turns to a serious look within a few seconds .

"What are you doing here then ? "I ask as I squint my eyes to look at him and get a proper view of his body .

The man in front me of me is a tall man with soft dark hair that is sleeked back neatly. His muscles bulge through the dark suit that he is wearing and his eyes sparkle with a little bit of mischief as he looks at me. I think away from his dark penetrating look that is already piercing my soul in half. His electric blue eyes are enchanting and almost bring me to my knees

Everything about him looks so familiar. Even though my mind is not able to register everything at once . I definitely know this person . I shift uncomfortably as I try not to feel so awkward about it. I use the pain that I feel n my body as an excuse to fidget uncomfortably.

I open my mouth and decide to thank him for his kindness. After all any normal person would have just left me there to die .

"Thank you, "I smile weakly.

"I'm the one that ran you over , "he replies looking at me without a waiver, "you don't need to thank me, "

"You ran me over ? "I splutter angrily.

"To be fair I wasn't the one in a wedding dress running with an absent mind , "he answers sarcastically.

"Who are you to talk to me like that! How dare you ! "I frown as I reply with a heated look. He is so rude! I feel like I might fight with him toe to toe .

"Jason , "he answers with a straight face and his cold blue eyes rake me over in a swift motion . It's not a heated look but a look if pity .

The name Jason shocks me to the core as the name leaves me gobsmacked . I freeze as I look at the man in front of me . This can't be the Jason that I knew from childhood . The man who silently worked so hard to be the best warrior in the pack.

The man who killed my brother and got banished after that. Every moment that I had buried resurfaces as I relive the shouts and torments of my twin brother. I can't believe I'm with the person that was involved with his death .

"Jason , "I spit his name in disgust.

"Alpha Jason , "he corrects me with a smirk.

"Where are the doctors and nurses? You shouldn't be here anyway and my sister!? "I look around weakly trying to get a way out. He is a murderer and I don't want to be in the same room with him .

"Your sister is coming soon. My contacts already let her know where you are , "he responds calmly.

"What are you doing here? "I ask in a frustrated tone . I really don't want him around me but I'm yearning for his body to lay next to mine. The feeling is so deep and impulsive . I shake my head as I try to get rid of the thoughts.

I raise my face to look at hm and show him no emotions at all. As a wolfless wolf, its hard to smell emotions. I'm practically human . Nothing special to it.

"The question is what were you trying to do ? "he asks me as he eyes me up and down in a calculating manner.

"What kind of question is that ? "I mutter angrily.

"it's a valid question Annanbelle , "he says me name in a sexy drawl.

"It's none of your business , "I answer as I pat my blankets gently while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Well you were in a wedding dress and you were completely distressed . You practically jumped in front of my car.. "he pauses and looks at me.

"I didn't jump in front of your car ! "I correct him with a raised voice , "my groom cheated me on my wedding day! "

"Very interesting , "he replies with an amused look.

"There's nothing interesting about this.. After all- "I pause considering not telling this man any more information.

"After all you need your pack to definitely survive , "he finishes for me.

"Who told you that ? "I answer with a bewildered look as I try not to look at his perfect chisled face that could make any female drop dead.

"A little birdie , "he simply answers nonchalantly and looks at me with a serious look . Everything about him is so calm and domineering. How the hell did he become alpha? He was a warrior in my pack . He is strong but how the hell did he do it.?

"I know what you are thinking , "he starts and smirks, "but I won't explain that for you but what I do know is that we both need something and we can only achieve that through one thing, "

"What do you want ? "I ask curiously even though I'm clearly not interested in making deals with him but if he has something I want then I might reconsider.

"I want a heir to keep the bloodline of my pack going and you need the money , resources and an arm to support your pack, "

"So what are you suggesting ? "I ask confused.

"Marry me ! "

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