
Chapter 3

I was back in the woods, chasing animals. But this time there was a fierce animal with me. It was a wolf. A huge great wolf with golden fur. It was a fearsome and terrifying creature, a being of darkness and shadow that struck fear into the hearts of all who encountered it. Its powerful, muscular body was covered in thick fur that seemed to ripple and shift with a life of its own.

As I ran through the woods, the wolf at my side, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. The trees seemed to twist and turn in unnatural ways, and the shadows seemed to shift and move on their own. I knew that I was dreaming, but the fear and anxiety I felt were all too real.

I chased after a deer this time, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to catch it. The wolf kept pace with me, its golden eyes fixed on our prey. I could feel its excitement and hunger, and I knew that I was not alone in my desire to hunt.

But as we closed in on the deer, something changed. The wolf's body seemed to ripple and shift, and before I knew it, it had transformed into a human. I froze in shock as the figure turned to me, a sad smile on its face.

"It's time to wake up," the figure said, its voice soft and soothing. "You don't have to be afraid anymore."

As I lay in bed, trying to catch my breath and calm my racing thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder what the

dream meant. The wolf and the deer had seemed so real, and the transformation of the wolf into a human had left me feeling confused and disoriented.

I knew that I needed to process these emotions and try to make sense of what had happened in the dream. So, I got up and grabbed a notebook and pen, determined to write down as much as I could remember about the dream.

 As I began to write, the words seemed to flow easily onto the page. I described the twisting and turning woods, the shifting shadows, and the feeling of fear and anxiety that had pervaded the dream. And as I wrote, I began to feel a sense of clarity and understanding about what the dream might be trying to tell me. As I began describing the man's features, I halted for a moment, thinking about his cold black eyes and his hair which was swaying with the trees.

When I was finished, I read through my notes and realized that the dream might be trying to tell me that I was feeling lost and uncertain about my direction in life. I knew that I needed to talk to my therapist about this and work on finding ways to cope with these feelings of uncertainty.

I went back to the therapist the next morning.

“What did the human look like?” She asked.

I thought for a while. I could remember what he looked like as if its the back of my hand.

“He was around twenty years old with a sharp jawline and piercing eyes. He looked so handsome that I was out of breath for a second.” I replied without thinking.

The therapist looked up from her notes with a confused look.

“Isn't it supposed to be a nightmare?” She asked.

I didn't know what to say and instead gave her a nervous smile.

She sighed and said, “Is there anything else you didn't tell me Rebecca?”

“No. I told you everything I know.”

“Alright then. Tell me about your parents.”

“They're gone. Died in an accident when I was ten years old.”

I looked off into the distance, lost in thought for a moment. "It's hard to talk about my parents and the

accident," I said, my voice tinged with sadness. "I still have trouble believing that they're gone. I was only ten years old at the time, and it was such a sudden and unexpected loss. I remember feeling so alone and lost like I had no one to turn to for comfort or guidance."

 I paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But eventually, I learned to find strength within myself. I

started seeing a therapist, who helped me work through my grief and learn healthy ways to cope with the loss. And I was lucky to have a strong support system in my friends and family, who were always there for me when I needed them."

I smiled, a look of determination on my face. "It's been a long road, and there are still days when I miss my

parents terribly. But I've learned that life goes on and that it's important to find joy and meaning in the present moment. And I'm grateful for the love and support that I have in my life today."

“That's amazing. I can see that you're recovering but I have another question for you. So your parents died at the same time your dreams started to appear?” she asked.

"Yes, it was around the same time that my dreams started to become more vivid and intense. It was a really tough time for me, and I think my mind was trying to cope with the loss in any way it could.”

“Hold on. I think I know why you have those dreams. It's probably because the wolf wants to help you out. It wants to stay with you because it thinks that you are alone. It's just a guess but that may be the case.” 

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