
2. Longing


The sun peeped into my room, and its rays fell on my face as if waking me up to a new day of extreme search and jealousy. I didn't want to leave my bed, afraid of another futile search which happens to be all I could get in finding my mate.

"Good morning, my love," Nemiueh, who had spent the night with me, said and if I didn't feel disgusted, I felt annoyed.

She placed her hand on my chest, rubbing it in circular motion which was classic of her. She does this whenever she wants to make a request. It made me cringe as I recalled how many times she has used our nights together to make outrageous requests some of which I fulfill.

"Hmmm," I breathed while waiting to hear what she had to say, stopping her hand from moving on my chest. 

"My love," she whispered next to my ears but I didn't want that attachment.

"Prince," I corrected, "It's Prince Richard or Sire to you, nothing more or less." I started in a clear tone and she rolled her eyes. 

"Mark me," she blurted out and my eyes widened at the mention of the sacred means of union between werewolves. She was not my mate and even if she was beautiful and great in bed, she still wasn't my mate.

"Never!" I snapped, leaving the bed immediately and going in search of my pants, "You must leave now." I growled but she didn't move an inch.

"Don't you even feel a spark for me?" She asked in a soft voice, making me turn around to stare at her small form on the bed for a good five seconds, expecting to feel something but all I felt was the urge to be alone.

"No," I replied and she gasped in shock, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. What was she expecting from a man who just wants to get the one for him?

"How long, Richard?" She asked, picking up her dress and sliding it up her legs, "How long would you keep searching for her?" She asked, referring to my mate.

"For as long as I can," I replied softly and my face tilted towards the window where my younger brother, Charles and his mate, Marta sat beside the lake. Where one goes, the other follows. It was as if they truly called out to each other without making a sound. They were inseparable and that was the uniqueness of having the one destined for you.

"It's because of them, isn't it?" She asked, interrupting my thoughts but I didn't reply. She was right but she didn't have to know that. I wanted what they had, what they shared and everything that comes with it.

Not really about leading the pack because my brother has gotten that role already since he has found his mate. My father tried his best to make it easier for both of us and himself so there is no tussle and I agreed. I wanted the freedom to be with someone and know that they loved you just as much as you loved them and even more.

"Not everyone has a mate, Richard," She stated in a soft voice but I noticed she sounded closer than she did the first time she spoke and I was right when I felt her warm hand resting on both sides of my shoulder.

Shrugging to get her hands off, I replied, "Every wolf does, and it's only a matter of time until they are found." 

"It could take eternity." She sighed, "Don't you see what we share?" She asked and I suppressed the urge to throw up at the mention of those words.

"We share nothing, Nemiueh," I snapped, moving away from the window area and walking towards the closed door, "Nothing even a tad bit close to what a wolf shares with his mate," I deadpanned, pulling open the hard wooden door, "You must leave!" I said firmly while holding the handle of the door as I waited for her.

She took slow steps towards the door, trying to maintain a seductive poise which only made me gag inwardly. Rolling my eyes, I said, "It doesn't take eternity to get to the door now, does it?" I asked, taking strong fast strides towards her and pulling her by the hand, ignoring her gasps and pleas until she was out of my room.

"Ric…" she looked around the walkways to ensure no one sees her or hears what she was about to say, especially her calling me by my name. She leaned in and I raised a brow now standing between the door and she said, "When next do I come?" She asked with a wink.

"Your services are no longer needed here." I spat, shutting the door in her face but not fast enough to not see the shock on her face. She might be a threat to me but that was the least of my worries.

I needed to search differently this time around, maybe go back to the board and fix what I haven't been doing right or wait until she finds me but that was risky, very risky because she might not be a wolf and could freely get married to someone else without even noticing me.

What if she's married already? "Ugh!!" I pulled roughly at my hair, dragging my hands down my face in frustration. 

"What if who is married?" I heard a very comforting voice ask before noticing the light coming into the room from the door area. 

Gently, I raised my head and my eyes landed on Charles first and then Marta as they stood hand in hand beside each other by the door.

"He's probably worried," Charles sighed, "Brother," he whispered, leaving Marta's hand and gradually approaching me. "Listen, you're doing a great job searching for your mate but you need to take it slow." He advised, 

"Ever since the fortune tellers made known her presence, you haven't tried to or even had good conversations with any of us." He complained, snaking his arm around my neck.

Marta cleared her throat as if seeking permission to speak and Charles nodded, wearing a warm smile on his face, "There's going to be a ball at Odyssey and everyone has been talking about it," she paused and Charles made a circular motion with his hand, urging her on. 

From what I've noticed these past few weeks, she isn't much of a talker unless she's talking to Charles and that's of course, when they are alone and notice no one staring at them. By no one, I mean, Me. 

She continued, "Father," She gulped, "I mean your father is making arrangements for everyone to attend. I am suggesting that you be in attendance this time around, don't go searching just this once." She pleaded, "Since the ball is for everyone, You never can tell who might just be in attendance." She finished and I let out a sigh.

"But fate says she wou…"

"Would be found in an unexpected place," Charles finished off my sentence before I could, "Just see this ball as a trophy for all your worries and searches these past weeks, like a getaway." He stated.

Taking a long breath, I stared from him to Marta and then at him. Letting out the breath I've been holding, I forced a smile, "Alright." I whispered only for Marta to jump in excitement.

"You owe me," She shouted, smiling ear to ear while pointing her index finger at Charles who laughed along with her.

"What is this about?" I asked in utter confusion and their laughter died down only to erupt again.

"We have a ball to get prepared for and you, my dear brother, should get ready." Charles replied while leaving my bed to hold Marta by the hand as they turned around and walked to the door but of course not without a trailer load of public display of affection. 

Upon reaching the door, Charles held the door open for her and tilted his head to my direction, "We have a meeting with father tonight by the lake." He informed me before shutting the door.

Ezeogu Ogochukwu

Dear reader, Thank you for stopping by this book. I hope you enjoy every bit of it and leave your honest reviews as well. I believe that for you to get to this chapter, you're interested in this book as much as I am because even I want to know what happens in the end. I would love to make you understand that in this book, mates are discovered at 18 years and above. They are not discover by scent as in other books, here they're often discovered by the individuals' wolf behavior towards their mate which you would witness as you read. Thank you once again.

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