
The escape

Natalia's POV

It's been two days, and I still didn't know if Aaron was serious about getting married to me or not, but I was not going to wait to find out.

I took out one of my small bags and I folded a few of my clothes into it. I needed to escape, and I needed to do it at night to avoid getting caught. After packing the bag, I placed it on my bed and locked the door. I didn't want anyone to find out before I got to escape. I had not succeeded in bringing Luca to my side, I would had asked him to help me escape instead, and it would had been much easier. Now I had to do it on my own, and I had to do it right.

When night came, I walked out of my room and around the pack house to make sure that no one was there to stop me, before I went back in to carry my bag.

I carefully walked out of the house, praying that everyone was asleep or too busy to hear me. I finally came out, and I was more than thankful to be out. It pained me that I couldn't stay back to make Aaron pay for everything that he did. Anyway, I could always come back when I was sure I could do something to him. I needed to plan. It surely took him a very long time to plan and come up with a way to kill my father, and also have people to support him. I really could not wrap my head around everything that had happened. Was it that my father did not have anyone that was loyal to him? How could everyone just betray him like that?

I tried hard to think of the things he did. Aaron said that I was protected, and I knew nothing of who my father truly was and the things that he had done. Even though I was ignorant, was I that ignorant?

I then took a deep breath and decided to focus on my escape. I would dwell on other matters later.

I held my bag tightly as I began to walk briskly away from the house, my heart beating fast.

"Natalia!" I suddenly heard his voice, and my legs stopped on their own. "Where the hell do you think you are running off to? Get back here now?"

That was all it took, and I ran off into the night. I then heard his footsteps coming after me. He was a better runner, coupled with the fact that he was not carrying anything, unlike me who carried my bag.

"Stop right there." He was catching up really fast, and I felt my hope shatter. Soon he got to me and grabbed my arm, making me face him. "Where the fuck are you going to by this time of the night? You think it is safe out there?" He yelled at me, and I tried to wiggle my way out of his hold, but it only tightened around my arm.

"Why are you stopping me? I am of no use to you. Allow me leave. You have the pack now, you are the Alpha. You have your men, you do not need me. Let me go." I pleaded with him.

"Go back into the house and to your room."

I shook my head fervently. "I can't. I can't go back there and live my life in fear, wondering when the next person is going to come and lock me up. I can't live, wondering when you would come and force me to marry you. That house is torture for me. I need to leave, I need to fucking leave."

Aaron stared into my eyes for a while, and I wondered what he was thinking. In the next moment, he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, and I cried. I struggled to get out of his hold, kicking and biting, but he wasn't fazed.

"My bag. It had fallen." I yelled. I was the one who threw it down on purpose, hoping that he would let me come down to take it, or maybe distract him and I could escape.

"I will send someone to get it." Aaron said, and I bit him again. "I am not letting you go anywhere."

"Why? You can marry anyone of your choice. You know that a lot of girls would swoon over you, why did you pick me?" I asked him. I couldn't help but think that the only reason he would not let me escape was because he really wanted to marry me. "I am not ready for that, and you can't force me into it."

Aaron didn't say anything to me anymore, and he just walked me back to the house. I also gave up fighting him off, but I felt so sad. Now that he caught me trying to escape, it would be difficult for me to do so again.

Aaron didn't put me down until he got to my room and on my bed. He never entered my room before. If he needed to see me for anything, he would simply knock, and I would come out.

He lay me down on the bed, and I scoffed at his gentleness.

"Stay here and do not leave."

"You can't keep me in here forever. I will have to live my life eventually, and that does not involve marrying you, or anything to do with you."

"Next time when you try to escape, don't do it at night. It is dangerous." He stated calmly, and I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "And keep it in mind that you are an easy target for predators. You are the daughter of an Alpha and you have an Alpha's blood. Now they see you as someone without a protector, so you better be smarter than that."

I looked down, knowing that he was right. A lot of people would want offsprings with my blood. Rogues, theives, criminals could see me and r*pe me for that purpose, knowing that my father was dead and I had no one on my side.

My heart cracked at my reality. "You did this to me, Aaron. You did this to me." I muttered.

"I did what I had to do."

I wanted to be mad, to yell, to cry, to hit something, but I knew that it would be of no use. It would not change anything.

Aaron stared at me for a while, looking like he had something to say. "Lie down and rest. You need it." He finally said, and I couldn't help the feeling that that was not what he intended to say.

I then lay on my head, curling myself under the duvet. I just wanted to sleep, and not think about anything for a long while.

Aaron then opened the door and left.

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