
Chapter 4 - Nightmares

Olivia knew she was stuck in a nightmare. The images were hazy, and she felt like she was floating. But the fear was real. She’d known this fear once before and it paralyzed her. She was running, a corridor that just kept getting longer, a never-ending run from them. She could hear them laughing behind her. She knew they would catch her. They always did. When would she stop running and just let them do what they want? Maybe then the nightmare would be over sooner. But the thought of what they do, of the pain and humiliation, was too much to think about and she kept running. When the hand grabbed her arm, she screamed. And she knew it was the first of many screams.

Cassandra jolted awake, she nearly dropped to the floor, in the moment of panic she forgot she was on the couch. What had woken her? Screams? Emma! She sat up and started for the door when she heard a low whimper. She looked to the bed and watched as Olivia thrashed around, she was fighting invisible hands, shoving at them, pushing them away from her. And she was crying. Tears glittered in the moonlight that shone through the window. Cassandra rushed to the bed and with one knee braced on the bed, softly touched Olivia’s arm. The scream tore at her heart. Her body shuddered as anger and sadness filled her. How many times had she found Emma like this? How many people would she have to kill before this kind of cruelty stopped? She placed both hands on Olivia’s shoulders and shook her. “Wake up!” She ordered and dodged the fist aimed at her face just in time. She was a fighter. Cassandra would have to give her that. “Wake up Olivia!” She shook her again and the woman went still then with a last scream her eyes popped open just as the door behind Cassandra was shoved wide.

“What the fuck?!” Emma rushed forward and started to pound Cassandra on the back with her fists. “Get off her you oaf!” Emma shoved at Cassandra, who, too astonished to do anything else, backed off the bed and away from her sister. Emma glared daggers at her as she placed herself between Casandra and Olivia. “Of all the things I never thought you’d ever do, this wasn’t even on my list!”

“Wait.” Olivia sat up, she was still rattled from her nightmare, and now confusion ran wild as she stared at Cassandra who looked like she’d been slapped, and stood watching them. Emma, between them, was pointing a finger at Cassandra.

“Get out.”

“Wait, just hold on, she didn’t…”

“Get out!” Emma repeated. Cassandra dropped her head but not before Olivia had seen the pang of hurt. When she looked up it was nowhere in sight and only the blank cold stare was left.

“I’m sorry,” Cassandra said and left the room, she closed the door quietly behind her.

“Are you okay? I never thought she’d do something like this, I’m so sorry, I’ll make sure you go home in the morning.” Emma reached a hand out to Olivia who was still staring at the closed door. “Olivia, are you okay? Did she hurt you?”

“What?” Olivia snapped back and stared at Emma. “No, you have it wrong.”

“You were screaming, she was on top of you and holding you down.” Emma glared over her shoulder at the door. “I will kill her myself.”

“Emma, calm down please, I need to think. She didn’t try to hurt me. She was waking me up.”


“I was having a nightmare, I must have woken her, and she was trying to wake me up.” Olivia reached for her water on the nightstand and flicked on the light too. She took a long drink and then pulled the covers back. “Where would she go?”

“Shit.” Emma rubbed her temples. “I fucked up.” She closed her eyes to think. “The water. Beach, she’d go down to the beach.” She grabbed Olivia’s hand. “You can’t go down there, not alone, the guards won’t allow you to.”

“I’m going,” Olivia said. “Besides, the fresh air would do me good too.”

“Okay, well, just be careful, she’s wounded now, and she will bite.” Emma stood. “Please tell her I’m sorry, I’ll do it myself tomorrow. But just tell her okay?”

“I will.” Olivia slipped on her shoes and pulled a robe off the door. She walked out and found Pedro standing a few doors down. “Where did she go?”

“Out.” He said in his usual short manner.

“Can you just point me in a direction?”

“She said to keep you here.”

“I’m aware that I’m a prisoner, but right now, I want to see her, and you’ll either take me or I will roam this fucking house all night until I find her myself!” Olivia could swear she saw his mouth twitch.

“This way ma’am.” He walked her down the stairs and out the back door. “Follow the lights, I will be close by.”

“Thank you.” He nodded and seemed to disappear into the shadows. She took a deep breath and made her way down the narrow path to the beach. At the end of the light trail, she stopped and looked left and right. “Crap.” She didn’t know which way to go.

“Making a run for it?”

The quiet voice made her jump and she had to stifle a squeal. “Jesus.” She rubbed her chest, her heart pounded frantically.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“This time or up there?” Olivia asked.

“Both.” She gestured with her head. “Walk with me?”

“Yes.” Olivia fell into step next to Cassandra. “I’m sorry your sister got the wrong impression. She says sorry too.”

“That’s fine.” 

“No, but we’ll leave it there.” She looked out over the expanse of the beach. “Does this all belong to you?”

“No, it’s public property, but, this time of the night, hell even in the day, it’s mostly deserted. Too close to the devil.” She laughed softly but there was no humor in the sound. “I love the ocean. I don’t know why I’m telling you. But anyway, I love it, the peace and the rhythm of the waves, it soothes.” She stopped and turned to look down at Olivia. “What soothes you?”

“I don’t know.” Olivia waved a hand and shook her head. “I guess my work at the hotel. Being away from all of this.”

“Then, I am truly sorry for bringing you into the middle of it,” Cassandra said. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“What? The nightmare or you keeping me prisoner?”

“Both, either.”

“No, but my therapist says that it’s good to talk it out.”

“If you want to talk to Emma rather, I understand.” Cassandra started to walk again. “She’s been through it.”

“You don’t know what I’ve been through,” Olivia said. “Don’t presume to know me.”

Cassandra stopped and looked back at Olivia. “I do know.” She said simply.

“Of course, you do,” Olivia said and shook her head in dismay. “I hate that you have the power to just get information, I hate that you know.”


“Because you see me as weak, as just a woman who went through something terrible.”

“Weak is the last thing I’d think,” Cassandra said. “You broke one’s arm. Killed one and put the other in a coma. You’re a warrior.”

Olivia stared at her. For once she had no comeback. A warrior? She was anything but. She walked to where Cassandra stood. “I can’t figure you out. Usually, I’m good at reading people, but you’re a mystery.”

“I’m no mystery, Olivia.” Cassandra put a hand on her back and started back to the house. “It’s cold, we should get back inside.” They walked back in silence. When Pedro moved out of the shadows, Cassandra rubbed Olivia’s back when she started. “Yes?”

“We have a situation.” He flicked a look at Olivia. “I think it best I just show you.”


“The front gate.”

“Take her back to the room.” Cassandra walked off without another word.

“What’s happened?” Olivia asked Pedro.

“Not your concern ma’am.”

“Just tell me what happened, please.”

“Your father sent a message.” He said simply. After making sure she was inside her room he closed the door and she heard a click as the door locked.

“Really?” She shouted through the door and heard a low chuckle. She smiled as she walked to the bed and sat down. She’d wait, and she’d make Cassandra tell her what the hell her father had done.

An hour later the door opened, and Cassandra walked in. Her shirt was covered in blood and her hands shook as she closed the door behind her. Without a word, she stripped and walked to the bathroom. Olivia swallowed but didn’t look away. “What did he do?”

“Go to sleep, Olivia.” The tone was cold, hard.

“Who was it?”

“Fuck!” Olivia jumped at the word and a hand smacked into the wall. “Just go to sleep,” Olivia swore under her breath and crawled under the covers.

“You can be a real bitch.”

“I am one,” Cassandra said.

Olivia heard the water turn off and looked up. She watched the woman dry herself off and then walk to the walk-in closet. She could still see her in the mirror and low light from the closet. She was dressing for the day already. Olivia checked the bedside clock. Two am. “What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed.” Cassandra snapped. Olivia watched her pull on tailored pants, black shoes, and a crisp white shirt, the buttons are only done up to between her breasts a fitted jacked followed. The light flicked off and the tall, dark figure made her way to the bed. “We all have our own nightmares to deal with.” Softly so softly Olivia thought she imagined the gesture. Cassandra touched her cheek. “Go to sleep.” And then she was gone.

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