
New Bodyguard

Agency office...

"Thank you for your help all this time, Max. Even though I realize that words will never be enough to express my gratitude to you," Aura said while hugging Max warmly. A friendly hug because Aura already felt so comfortable with Max.

"Don't say that, Miss. I'm just doing my job. Moreover, being able to work with you is an honor for me.”

"Well, but still, you've been taking care of me and doing your job very well all this time. And here, I have a little gift for you. Consider it as a farewell present from me, so please don't refuse, okay?" Aura pleaded, making Max have no reason to refuse.

"Alright, I'll accept it. Thank you, Miss."

"Hmm... after this, make sure we don't lose contact, okay?"

"Of course, Miss. I'll answer your calls anytime you call," Max said confidently, making Aura's smile widen. She may have lost a reliable bodyguard, but at least Aura didn't lose her best friend! That’s enough for her.

"Oh, and don't forget, I still have to arrange a time to meet your wife, Max," Aura said, making Max pat his forehead with a grin, realizing that he had almost forgotten such an important thing. Even though he’s only in his mid-30s, why is his memory like that of an old, feeble grandfather?

"Lucky you mentioned it, otherwise, I'd surely forget! Alright, I'll ask my wife as soon as possible," Max promised, answered by Aura's nod.

"I'll wait for your news."

Once again, Aura hugged Max and took a picture as a memento before he finally left the room. Now, Aura could only play with her phone while humming softly, waiting for the arrival of her new bodyguard.

Aura was still engrossed in her phone when the door opened, and the voice of Kang Ji Hwan, her talkative but kind manager, was heard.

"Here is your boss. A famous solo artist whom you have to protect. Don't let a scratch touch this girl because she is the most valuable asset for us!"

That was the prologue spoken by Ji Hwan to Aura's new bodyguard. A prologue that sounded exaggerated to Aura’s ear. She turned and put on a smile, not wanting to give a negative impression to her new bodyguard on their first day meet.

Unfortunately, Aura's smile vanished when she saw who the man standing in front of her was. The man who had slept with her! The man who raped her! The man who made Aura frustrated in just one night! Correction, within a few hours!

Oh God! How could such a coincidence happen? Was the world really this small? Or was it just that Aura was currently unlucky? How is it now? Wasn't there any other man who could replace Max? Did it have to be this man?

Aura hesitated for a moment, making Ji Hwan frown in confusion and chuckle softly, misinterpreting Aura's silence.

"Ae Ra-ya (the 'ya' is an affectionate term in Korean for someone younger or someone close), I know this new bodyguard is handsome, but it doesn't mean you have to be so fascinated like this, right?" Ji Hwan teased, making Aura grimace, realizing that her manager misunderstood.

But Aura didn't want to correct it. What could she say anyway? Aura couldn't possibly explain the actual happen to her manager, could she? She would definitely get into trouble! Aura doesn’t want that to happen. So, it’s better to act like they’ve never met. After all, their encounter was also brief!

"Don't talk nonsense, Oppa!" Aura pouted and shifted her gaze to Axel, acting as if nothing had happened between them.

"Hi, as my chatty manager mentioned earlier, my name is Aura Gracesyella Park, or in Korea, they often call me by the name Park Ae Ra, although I prefer to be called Aura," Aura said casually, shrugging her shoulders.

Axel, who was equally surprised as Aura, tried to act casual, not wanting to arouse suspicion. No wonder he seemed familiar with Aura's face, as she often appeared on television. However, Axel wasn't too up-to-date with the entertainment world.

Now, Axel's mind was filled with so many questions.

How could the woman who came to his room be Aura, a famous solo artist?

Did Aura have a side job as a sex worker?

It didn't seem likely, especially since the night before was Aura's first time. Axel knew this because he was the one who took Aura's virginity that night!

But if not, how could the madam sent Aura to serve him?

But for what purpose? Aura couldn't be short of money, right?

As a famous solo artist whose albums and songs were almost always successful, economic factors couldn't be the reason! Or was Aura trapped in the world of prostitution, which was usually considered normal in the entertainment industry? It could be, right? Yes, maybe that’s how it is.

But it wasn't possible either because if she were involved in prostitution, Aura would no longer be a virgin! Yet, until that night, Aura was still untouched! Still virgin! Was yesterday Aura’s first day entering the world of prostitution? Axel was truly puzzled by the coincidence that unfolded before him.

Axel shook his head slowly, still amazed by this twist of fate. Aura's clear voice cut through his thoughts, introducing herself.

"I'm Axel Xavier, your new bodyguard starting today," Axel replied professionally.

"I hope we can work well together," Aura hoped as she extended her hand.

"I hope so, Miss."

Axel shook Aura's hand while bowing, positioning himself as a bodyguard. Not as the man who took his new boss's virginity!

Aura turned to Ji Hwan and asked casually,

"Do I have any other schedules today?"

"Nothing. Didn't you say you wanted a long vacation after the concert? That's why I deliberately cleared your schedule! I don't want to be scolded by you like before. Once is enough for you to go berserk like that. I don’t want a second time," Ji Hwan replied, recalling the past when Aura expressed her frustration because her desired long vacation plan failed due to Ji Hwan's carelessness in organizing the work schedule.

Aura chuckled softly when Ji Hwan reminisced about that time, the time when she was still a rebellious teenager. Wasn't it understandable if Aura behaved a little annoying back then? But now, it was different. Aura was an adult and more in control of her emotions. She didn't explode like before!

"Good! I want to relax and be lazy!"

“Feel free. Use your time wisely. The agency gives you a month for vacation, so make the most of it, okay?"

"Okay! Then I'll go home now. If there's nothing urgent, please don't contact me. Understand? I don't want to be disturbed!" Aura emphasized, making Ji Hwan grin a little. Aura's command and sarcasm combined in his ears.

"Got it, Boss!"

Aura waved, leaving Ji Hwan and Axel, who was still lost in his thoughts. Ji Hwan looked at Axel and asked in confusion,

"Why are you still here? You should always be by Ae Ra's side to prevent fans from harming her!" Ji Hwan scolded, making Axel realize his duties and immediately ran to catch up with Aura.

"Let me drive, Miss," Axel said, reaching out his hand to take the car keys from Aura’s hand. She hesitated for a moment before finally handing the car keys to Axel. After all, he was her new bodyguard.

Wasn't that Max's job back then? Driving Aura anywhere is a routine, so why does Aura feel uncertain this time? Isn’t that Axel’s tasks and responsibility, right?

"Where do you want to go, Miss?" Axel asked after he was behind the wheel, and Aura was sitting comfortably in the back seat.

"The Garden of Morning Calm," Aura whispered.

Yes, Aura wanted to calm herself for a moment away from the hustle and bustle of the city, especially on a regular day when there weren't too many visitors. Aura hoped that tranquility would make her heart and mind more relaxed.

"Alright, Miss," Axel obediently replied, although slightly surprised by Aura's choice, which was far different from his initial guess. Axel thought Aura would relax by going to a salon, going on a crazy shopping spree, or doing other things that women usually did. But who would have thought that Aura would ask to be taken to a garden far from the hustle and bustle? Weird!

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