
14. Confused Staring Show

~Ashton's POV~

Something is not right. The unsettling feeling in my heart is growing stronger and stronger with each second passing.

The distance from Bambi just a few days before our wedding was killing me so badly that when I was talking to her over the call, I booked the next flight to Paris and thought of surprising her and spending the night with her on the romantic streets but...

It feels like instead of her, I am going to get a surprise which I won't like at all.

I don't like the way I feel. I don't like how my heart is pounding in my chest and how heavy it is at this moment.

My heart feels so heavy that even breathing feels like a big task.

I placed my hand on my chest to calm my racing heart and took some long deep breaths but the more I tried, the more agitated I became.

I thought this disturbing feeling would vanish the moment I was close to reaching her but as the plane touched the ground, waves of frustration and worry started to punch me straight in the gut.

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