

Chapter 2

[Exploring The School]

Ellie kept pointing at different places as they passed through so many blocks.

“How many libraries are here?” Elsa asked as they walked.

“Just twenty.” Julia said and shrugged.

“Twenty!” Ellie exclaimed.

“That is to tell you the number of students in this school.” Julia said.

“We are almost there.” Julia announced.

“You guys should behave polite, don’t interfere in anything if you don’t want to be picked on.” Julia warned.

They got to a particular block and entered it. They passed through few corridors and finally got to the principal office.

"Good day, how may I help you, ladies?" The secretary asked them, politely.

"We are here to see the principal for the clearing of our names." Ellie stated politely.

The secretary dialed some numbers on the telephone that was placed on her desk and picked it up.

"Hello, sir." The secretary said.

"There are some ladies here who requested to see you." She said.

"Okay, sir." She said dropping the telephone.

"He said you can come in." She said and gave an hearty smile.

They nodded politely and walked towards the door leaving Julia.

As they entered the principal's office,

"Good day sir." They greeted simultaneously.

"Ellie and Elsa Williams, Right?" He asked, going through some files.

"Yes sir." They replied in unison.

After a while of waiting patiently, he picked up the telephone that was placed on his desk.

"Come to my office right now." He said and dropped it.

"As you know this is shining stars high, any where we go, we must shine so please do not disappoint us in the nearest future." He said enthusiastically.

The secretary entered,

"Take them, give them their uniforms and the necessary things and also go through this files." He said as he handed some files to her.

Ellie and Elsa were so elated.

I mean who would not be... *Shrugs*.

They left the office with Julia following them.



After they were done with collecting their uniforms and other things. They went into the main school which had the classes and the lockers hall.

They went in search of their lockers each, unfortunately Ellie and Elsa lockers were kinda far from each other.

"My locker is far from yours, like the corridors down." Julia said, pouting which made them smile.

"The famous J boys will be arriving soon." Julia said suspiciously excited.

"Really?" Ellie squealed.

"Yes." Julia said.

"Yes, yeah we know, can we move?" Elsa obviously not interested in the topic.

Ellie and Julia just laughed at her bluntness.

"I cannot wait to see Jayson's handsome face, you know." Ellie said.

"Wait, you have a crush on my... No, I mean Jayson." Julia asked surprised.

"Yes." Ellie said while her cheeks turned pink from blushing.

"I watched the last debate competition he took part in, he was so confident and bold, i just.. Just like him." She answered with a shy grin on her face.

"Woah, Jayson is every girls' dream." Julia said.

"What of you, Elsa?" Julia asked.

"I have a boyfriend." Elsa simply replied.

"Ohh, okay." That was all it takes to end the once exciting conversation.

As they were walking along the corridor, screams and shouts erupted as the famous J boys appears in the walking lounge.

"Oh my gosh, take a look at Jayson's cute face."

"Jeremy's new hairstyle is cool."

"How I wish I could get a night with Jace."

The shouts and screams went on and on.

"Can someone tell me why their names all begins with a 'J'.?" Elsa asked.

"Actually it is mere coincidence." Julia replied.

"Okay." Elsa scoffed while Ellie was just staring at Jayson..

Then the four girls from earlier on entered,

"Hi, Jayson." Shawna, one of the girls greeted him but he did not reply, he just passed by her.

"Who is that?" Ellie asked.

"That is Shawna Greene." Julia replied spitefully. But it went unnoticed by Ellie.

Then the rest of the boys followed, well not all of them as the flirts and play boys — Jace and Jeremy — had to do some winking and licking of lips at the newly admitted students. Gross.

The girls just left to go to their dormitory.


"What is the name of your dormitory?" Julia asked.

"Name?" Elsa asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, every dormitory has a name." Julia cleared the question.

"Ohh, okay." Elsa said.

"I don't remember being told what dormitory we would stay in." Ellie stated.

Julia sighed.

"You guys are a pain the ass, check the book that was given to you." Julia said.

Going through it,

"Okay, I think Emerald dormitory." Elsa answered.

"So close to the diamond dormitory." Julia thought aloud.

"Who stays there?" Ellie asked.

"The J boys." Julia simply replied.

"Really?" Ellie squealed like a baby.

"Yes." Julia said while Elsa rolled her eyes at her sister's behavior.

"What is yours?" Elsa asked still amused at the fact that dormitory has names.

"Gold." Julia said.

"Was not expecting any thing less." Elsa said.



As they got to their dormitory, they went in search of their rooms. They stopped at a door that has room number 19 written on the top of it, they were both going to share a room. Well, it is not only them that share a room together.

There are twenty rooms in total in each dormitory except for diamond dormitory because it was used by the past senior girls and senior boys but the school already exterminated that, so the J boys took it as opportunity, two for each room.



As they unpacked their bags and placed everything properly in their rightful place.

They sat down on the bed, looking so tired.

"Hey, Elsa, I want to go for a stroll." Ellie said as she walked to the door and opened, she left.




She was taking in the beautiful view of the school and was about to go into the adjoining corridor when she bumped into someone and she hit the floor with her buttocks. Ouch!

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