
Chapter 3 - Continued

"So, those are numbers are my I*******m password and home security number. Again-"

"Don't share with anyone or write them down. Got it." I said tired, eyes an inch away from closing.

"You're tired." He pointed out the obvious, thank you sir. At this point, his attractiveness is not making me swoon over him.

"I have been learning addresses, phone numbers, passwords and security codes since morning and it's," I looked at my watch, "seven pm. I am tired but I can still do this."

"You really are motivated, I like that. How about we end here, there are somethings we still need to cover but that can wait."

"Thank you do much!" I exclaimed in relief, I had only a small amount of push left to do all of this.

"Great then. Do you have transportation to get home?"

"Yeah, I'll be requesting an Uber."

"Do you find it safe?" His eyes moved from the laptop to me, whose bag is already laying comfortably on the shoulder and my heels are in my hands with my flat shoes housing my feet.

"Not entirely but for me, it's much better than using the bus."

"Oh okay." He starts packing up, *looks like someone is tired too*.

"I will be heading out then."

"Oh no, I am dropping you off."


"If you don't mind of course."

"Oh... I uhm, sure. You can drop me off. I really appreciate that." I hope none of the guys I've been with are outside. I hope Tom is not outside!

*Oh Candice, why did you take his belongings! *

"No problem let's go. He walked before me and held open the door.

Okay, maybe I am swooning over him just a bit.

"Thank you." I smiled and he replied with a polite nod.

"Let's go relive a great memory."

"What?" I asked, entirely confused. What memory could I have with hi- oh. This idiot! "Oh, come on!"

"What? It is a great memory for me." We both made our way into the elevator once the doors opened.

"Can we make a pact to never speak of this again?"

"Nope." He smiled while looking straight ahead, "tell me-" oh no, Candice what have you done?- "which departments are you skilled in?"

A volcano exploded inside me, heating up my outside structure beyond comfort.

Why do I say the things I say sometimes?

"Cat got your tongue Ms. basket baller?"

The cat released my tongue and I spoke, "when is the elevator going to get down?"

He laughed as I crawled to the corner of my life.

"Now." And the doors opened, reducing the heat on my face. "You aren't answering my question."

"I think I will take an Uber."

"Wow, you can dig a hole but not climb out of it hey." He joked, opening the door to his black Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 S.

"This is amazing."

"The exterior or model?"


"You a fan of cars?"

"Produced from 2003 to 2010 with only two-thousand-one-hundred-fifty-seven models made, an engine of 5.4L and my favourite, a sensortronic brake control. This very car achieved a 60 mph acceleration time of 3.3 seconds when tested in April 2016 by Motor Trend. I could go on and on but you get the idea.”

"Nice, I’m impressed. We should attend a car show sometime." He started the car and into the warm night we ventured, with zero awkwardness this time. Just me blushing to death.


"This is it, thank you once again." I unbuckled the seatbelt.

"You are welcome, go get some rest because I expect you in the office by 6am tomorrow."

My laughter buds were triggered, and I found myself hitting my thigh, seconds away from tears scrolling down my eyes. "That is a good one."

"I am serious." Derek said, indeed serious.

"Oh... well, I better get that rest then."


"Bye." I got out of the car and made my way to my apartment.

Before my key could make home to the hole on the door, I was roughly pulled into the apartment.

"Who was that tall glass of chocolate handsomeness?" Rebecca's eyes threatened to swallow me whole just as much as her teeth shown from the smile threatened to shred me if I did not provide a suitable answer.

"Hello to you too friend, that tall glass of chocolate handsomeness is my boss so untangle your panties right this moment." I dropped my bag on the floor and did a necessary three-hundred-and-sixty neck turn."

"Dang it! I wish my boss was just as handsome as him. Instead, I got a fifty-five-year-old goof ball as a boss." She dropped herself of the couch, legs stretched.

"How was your first day?" I joined her on the couch.

"Good, I managed to impress the big boss with my coffee making skills and got to come back home early because of that. I am still yet to see how smart that man is."

"He has never lost the best sales businessman award in the country; I am sure you will see his smartness soon."

"HM, I will hold you on that. How was your day?"

"Disgraceful." I groaned as I wished to the universe to bury me.

"You flirted with your boss, didn't you?" Rebecca removed my hands from my eyes, girl got strength ey.

"In my defense-"

"You didn't know it was him?"

"Yes." And that is all it took for the short human beside me to laugh her lungs out. Laugh until tears rolled down her face, adding salt to my injury. "Your friend is in an embarrassing dilemma and all you could do is laugh?"

"Yeah." She inhaled and exhaled to bring back her posture, "I warned you that such will happen if you didn't stop your habit of flirting with every handsome human with a third leg."

"Your warning wasn't loud enough miss!"

"Ah Candice, you are one funny human. Now tell me, which embarrassing flirts did you pour on the man?"

"The first one-"

"Oh man, it wasn't even one. Where were you?"

"The elevator." I brought back my hands to my face, which is burning from the memory that keeps replaying itself.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I always tell you to think before flirting."

"I know! Look, what I said was that if I had met him before then I wouldn't have forgotten because I don't forget handsome faces."

"I am going to go ahead and assume that he said he knows you."


"And you didn't think that maybe he knows you because he is your boss?"

"No, that just compelled me to further say that me being new in the building shouldn't be a bother because I am well equipped in many departments." My sounded perfectly like one of a girl that has been crying.

"Oh my goodness! Candice!" Rebecca covered her face with a pillow and screamed her lungs out, "at times I feel ashamed to call you my best friend."

"Lies, yesterday you were wishing you had my get-what-you-want personality."

"That is before I knew that it would get you in an embarrassing mud pudding of flirting with your boss!"

"You will be further mortified to know that he picked up that I was flirting with him and asked, I said no I am not."

"That is not mortifying." She let go of the pillow.

"I said I am just being a basketballer and shooting my shot, he is after all worth the shot."

"Noooooooo! Oh my!" Rebecca slipped off the couch to the floor.

"I am sorry."

"You honestly want to kill me."

"Will it make you feel better if I tell you that I fainted in front of him when it dawned on me that he was my boss?"

"No, no it doesn't Candice."

"You're just being dramatic, stop looking like a dead person and come sit down."

"You successfully killed me with your flirting nature."

"You are welcome."

She stood up and sat back down, "I am guessing the atmosphere was cool because if it wasn't he wouldn't have dropped you off."

"Really? I thought he dropped me off because he liked me." I bat my eyelashes at her and received a slap at the back of my head as a compliment.

"You and I both agreed that bosses are off your hitlist and my crush list."

"The problem with you is that you haven't been properly showered with that man's beauty." I stood from the couch packing my stuff, "he qualifies to be part of the handsome Greek gods. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, do not fantasize about your boss!"

"I can't promise that I won't." I winked before closing my bedroom door and letting everything hit the grown.

I got out of my clothing and got into my towel, turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm by pulling out my red A6 notebook. My fingers paged to the second page, "Goodbye Mark." I scratched his name off with a blue highlighter, "And hello Gary." I wrote the name with a smile.

I have a good feeling about this year.

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