
Chapter 4

Harper's dream was different as she slept on the couch.

Instead of facing her mate, she watched his muscular back from afar. He was standing on a hill in front of the castle in the Autumn air. Werewolves were racing toward him in their wolf forms. 

Leaves circled from the sky, wolves howled at the skies, and anxiety immediately struck Harper.

She knew the werewolves weren't friendly. Their paws hit the ground as they violently leaped forward. She could feel their anger from a mile away. These werewolves were here to kill.

So why didn't her mate escape?

Snarling and growling could be heard coming closer. It made Harper's chest fill with fear. Again, she asked herself why her mate wasn't running away? If he continued standing there, he would be killed!

Even though this was a dream, Harper shouted. "Please, move! Run! Get away from the hill, or you will die!"

As expected, her mate didn't pick up on her voice. Instead, he peculiarly lifted his hands and fingers. A chant left his lips, and Harper held her breath when a wind seemed to respond to his words.

For a moment, time stopped, and the atmosphere grew colder. Out of nowhere, gnarly green roots struck through the earth. Suddenly, it was the werewolves being chased.

Some of the wolves stopped in their tracks, others ran forward, but none could make it to Harper's mate.

He stood perfectly still while werewolves howled and whimpered in pain as the land seemed to turn against them. 

Harper could only watch how most of them got impaled on roots or choked to death by vines. Some were squeezed so hard that their brains and eyes flew from their heads. 

It was a bloodbath, and the scene was horrendous.

Harper's heart stopped as she watched werewolves die to the left and right. She didn't understand what was happening. Was her mate a wizard who was gifted with the ability to control nature? 

Her eyes widened by the minute.

Blood covered the green grass. Werewolf bodies hung from roots that had appeared out of nowhere. Roses grew from their flesh, and Harper woke up with a shrilling scream.

She sat up on the couch and tumbled onto the hard floor with a loud thud. Instant pain struck her like lightning, and she yelled. "Fucking shit!"

As Harper squirmed in pain, laughter echoed between the walls, and a shadow fell over her. "I don't think I've ever heard you swear before. It doesn't suit your innocent voice."

Harper lifted her head, shocked at the large hand Saint held out for her. 

It was probably her imagination, but his fingers seemed less raw-boned than before. It was like Saint had put on some weight from simply sleeping, but even Harper realized that was ridiculous. 

She was obviously still dizzy from waking up. 

"Thank you, but I can get up by myself. You're in no shape to—"

Saint wordlessly grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet like it was effortless. It made the air seize in her lungs. She stared into his chest and furrowed her eyebrows.

How was Saint so strong? He was only skin and bones and yet didn't seem bothered by holding up her weight.

"You were saying?"

Harper blushed.

Saint let go of her hand, and Harper lifted her chin to meet his green, intense eyes. She immediately discovered he was mocking her. There was silent laughter in his gaze as if he took great pleasure in knowing Harper had underestimated him.

It also irked her that Saint was taller than what she deemed necessary. He had seemed so feeble yesterday that Harper had paid little attention to his body, but he was by no standards a small man.

"Thank you..." Harper mumbled.

Saint simply stared down at Harper without saying a word. His tall posture made Harper square her shoulders to appear more confident. She could have sworn she saw a hint of a smile flash past Saint's lips, but it was gone when she met his gaze.

Still, Harper's heart was racing. Being around Saint made her body react to the simplest things.

"Uh... I'm going to get us breakfast, and after eating, I will attend my classes in the human world. Your job today is to not make a sound. There will be grave consequences if my father finds you."

Saint took a step closer. "Are you always so bossy?"

When Harper didn't reply, Saint's gaze slid down her length and took her in like a predator eyeing its prey. Her shoulders, breasts, stomach, hips, and then finally, his intense gaze lingered on the area between her legs before swooping back up to meet her gaze.

A shudder traveled down Harper's spine, and her cheeks heated. It's how Saint studied her that made Harper feel feverish and as if she was burning. She was even experiencing lightheadedness. Saint's gaze was bold as if he wished to devour her. As if he was attracted to her.

The worst part was that Harper felt the chemistry between them even though she should ignore it—Saint was a monster. He was also too hairy and malnourished. How was she even attracted to him?

Saint took yet another step closer, and Harper came to her senses when he touched her shoulder. His fingers felt like electricity on her skin. Heat churned within her, and she backed up from him.

"Uh..." Harper could barely speak. She was so nervous. "I'm going to fetch us breakfast!"

Saint tilted his head without breaking into any emotion. Like always, he appeared unnaturally calm. "You never answered my question."

"What question?"

Amusement struck his voice. "Are you always so bossy?"

Harper was already heading for the door but stopped briefly with sudden irritability making her pout. "I'm not bossy."

Saint didn't comment on her words, and Harper hurried away, thankful not to deal with him anymore. Harper didn't understand why, but her head was a jumbled mess around Saint. 

It felt like she was walking on eggshells around him. If Harper wasn't careful, the most innocent touch, word, or even a glance in Saint's direction would send her into a fierce heat.

Grumbling, Harper rounded the corner to enter the kitchen and found her father staring at her wide-eyed. 

As expected, her father seemed to have moved on from their fight. It was his style to pretend their quarrels never happened. And for Saint's sake, Harper would let go of her anger for the greater good.

Her father cleared his throat. "No offense, but are you sure you wish to head to school wearing your pajamas?"

Harper blushed. She had been too caught up in her exchange with Saint that she hadn't had time to change clothes. 

"I will change clothes before school... But to save some time, I will just eat my breakfast inside my room."

Her father lifted an eyebrow. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is fine! Perfect, actually!" 

Harper grabbed a plastic bag brought from the human dimension and shoved bread into it. She also attacked the muffin's plate and threw whatever she could find into the bag.

The bacon in the frying pan had Harper hesitating. Someone who hadn't had food for over a decade wouldn't be picky if the food was mixed, right? She shrugged before throwing it into the bag.

Harper slipped down some eggs as well. It made her father gawk at her, prompting a nervous laugh from Harper. 

"It's that time of the month. I'm just... You know, I have a craving for food, sweets, and meat..."

Her father's face paled, and understanding swept over his features. He returned to his news magazine. "Do whatever you must to survive. I won't question it, but I hope you're feeling well enough to attend the ball this weekend on your birthday."

"Of course I do," Harper plastered a smile on her lips. She hoped she had enough food to feed the skinny giant inside her room. "I wouldn't miss the ball for anything in the world, but... I really have to go now! Bye!"

Harper's watched his daughter run out of the kitchen with the bag swung over her shoulder. Harper could probably feed the entire village, but he knew better than to get between a woman and her period. 

"Have a nice day!" Harper's father shouted after his daughter. "And remember to drink water!"

"I will!" Harper shouted back and headed for her room. She prayed Saint would be satisfied with the food.

As she walked to her bedroom, Harper closed her eyes and was met with the mental image of Saint's hungry gaze.

Remembering how Saint had looked at her early made her weak in the knees. Desire coursed in her veins. Saint had wanted to devour her, and Harper was afraid she would let him.

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