
Have lunch , dinner and breakfast with me

The next few day was a hectic one for Seraphina as she had to work through out , she had decided to create a whole brand rather than just branch out , she would still own her company back in Dinuh as well so it wasn't a big deal .

When thinking of who she wanted as her vice president she immediately thought of Stacey who was her asisstant back in Dinuh although she did not lose her job she barely had anything to do there so she decided to send stacey a message 

I'm going to keep it short , I would like you to be my vice president at the new company in Fahad . It's not something you have to do because I understand that it's not easy to uproot your entire life and just move here so I will give you two weeks to give  me an answer .

After sending the message she thought about office design , studio rooms , practice rooms, class rooms and even the upper floors which were the boarding homes for the trainees and decided to call the team that designed

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