

Grace straightened her long black skirt and grey shirt. Her flat grey shoes did nothing to accentuate her height.

She inspected her pale face in the mirror and smiled. There was no way Enrique could discover that she was Lila, not when she looked so dull and uninviting.

"Ms Jones, remember the tips I gave you. You don't have to get nervous, don't stutter for any reason and look straight into Mr Black's eyes. He already seems to have a poor opinion of you, this is your chance to redeem yourself," Mr Bright said to her.

Grace smiled at him as he spoke, he was so handsome, almost like an angel. After hearing her name being repeated, she snapped out of her thoughts.

Mr Bright had been trying to get her attention while she was busy swooning over him. "Are you alright? You seem a bit out of it today, is anything the matter?"

"I'm alright, Sir. Thanks for your concern, I'll do my best in the interview," she smiled at him.

"Okay then, I have some things to attend to, let me know if you got t
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