
chapter 2

'The real queen' from earlier stood in the middle of an abandoned garage the boy was tied to a chair groaning softly, he had lost the fight for his freedom.

'the real queen' paced the garage before coming to a stop in front of the young boy, "you see, I am not the bad guy here they are chasing me, your kind they want to kill me," her facial expressions hardened as she blurted out the last two words. her face changed from one of frustrated to determination.

"but I won't let them.


...But as I tried to go inside the gate- my bone started cracking and reshaping, I landed on the floor with my knee and howled into the night, it wasn't a nice feeling, I was howling in pain.

I was whimpering and screaming, and people were starting to gather around me, on a normal day I would have been embarrassed but that is not today, the excruciating pain alone asked me not to feel embarrassed. This reminded me of that night.

The night that I got tied to a chain and raped for hours, though today was not as painful as that day but the thought were, even more painful.

It wasn't a nice feeling unless if you consider your bone breaking, cracking and reshaping as a nice feeling. But it stopped finally and the pain stopped with it, replaced by a new feeling that I could not detect. I tried to stand up but I couldn't stand with my feet, my legs were now covered in fur. That was when I realized that I have shifted, I have never seen a wolf shift before, so that should explain why I was surprised.

The next feeling that came was that of happiness, I am now a full blown wolf. I was very happy at that very thought, I was proud of myself, I know my parents are going to be proud of me too, my gaze landed on the pair of foot that was standing carelessly in front of me. I raised my eyes to look at my bestie, the one and only, his eyes was full of joy and happiness, he was happy for me. I tried to send him a smile with a question nagging at the back of my mind, ' was that how it feels like to shift?'

' no that was because you have never shifted before," my wolf answered, how come she new this? What I did not know.

" You did great bestie, you did wonderfully well, I am proud of you, " Gunner bent down to my level and I ran into his arms snuggling my head into his palm, he caressed the back of my head near my ear and I moaned at the touch. I could feel myself getting angry but I was not angry, I ignored the thought and flatted my ears moaning every now and then.

"Are you going to tell your mom or will you rather surprise them?" Gunner asked I raised my lips to talk but all that came out of my lips was a wolfish sound.

" Ah..." He face palmed himself and muttered, "I forgot you can not talk while in this form." He continued caressing my ear.

'This feels wonderful' my wolf was also excited, I have almost forgotten about the mate thing. I was happy that I finally got my wolf, even if we are smaller than most of them werewolves I didn't care.

I looked up at the little crowd that have gathered around us, some of which were my friends, Susan was towards us, a loving smile was playing across her lips. My second best friend was also standing by among the crowd with her hands carefully planted on her hips, she seems happy, she was also proud of me? I thought she hated me?

" Congratulations, you have finally gotten here, mom will be so proud of you."Susan was my elder sister, one and only sister though, I have other sisters but we weren't close. Susan shifted at (15) that is five years ago, tho she haven't found her soulmate yet.

"She is so cute," I heard a girl say and I growled at her.

" Woa woa, calm down bro, she was just saying the truth," a boy said, Tom was his name, his arms was gently wrapped around the girl's neck.

I tried to take a few steps as my sister held her breath while watching me hopefully. I smiled at her, though it was a false smile. She smiled back not noticing the worries that followed after the smile.

"You can do it Ash! You can do it." She encouraged.

" This is going to be a long night," Griffin said with a sarcastic smirk on his face, he was mocking me.

" Shut up! Did you start walking immediately you shifted?" His sister smacked him in the stomach.

" Ouch, I didn't say that." He held his stomach and make a funny face, we all laughed.

" Now leave us, go on, continue your party," Susan commanded pushing the crowd away, so we could be alone. "They are gone, now continue," she encouraged.

I shook my head, 'no, we should go to a more private place,'

" She said, she does not want to start her first walk here." Natasha said, I have warned her several times to stop reading my mind but, she did it again, I was not mad at her if anything, I was grateful for the interpretation.

" Who will take you there?" Susan asked more like say.

Gunner offered to carry me so I accepted, he swiped me up from the ground and started walking.

"Put her down gently, now." A voice that as long as I remembered was Kyle's said and I navigated my face towards it, Kyle was standing in our path with his fangs enlongated as he bared his fangs at Gunner.

"Who are you to tell me what to do with my best friend?" Gunner growled at him.

"I am her mate, she is my mate, my soulmate!" He said the last part in a whisper, I almost cringed.

" I would rather, be hanged on the stake than accept you as... The moon goddess would not even do that?" I huffed at the thought, he can't be my mate, may the moon goddess forbid it.

'Mate,' my wolf said and I smiled, 'we will meet him soon.' I said in my head but my wolf shook her head furiously.

' no! mate! Kyle mate! Our mate!' my wolf chanted happily I was confused! what does that mean?!! Wait what? What exactly? Kyle... Jerky Kyle? My mate? My head began to throb at the thought. My head was full of so many thoughts, I was confused I need to clear my head but I can't shift in front of this crowd, my wolf wasn't helping, instead she was advising me to hug our mate.

I jumped down from Gunner's arm and bolted off, running along the bush in my wolf form, I tripped and picked myself up stumbling and steadying myself, I wasn't trained. I might have gotten some bruises but I didn't care. I kept running into the bush.




To be continued

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