
Chapter thirteen

‘I’m Nma Uchendu and I’m in level 3 in Accountancy Department.’

‘And you were able to solve this?’ He asked.

‘It’s a piece of cake for me, as a matter of fact, I like solving problems and I’m quite happy to have helped someone in distress.’

‘You can say that again.’ He chuckled.

‘Well, if we are done here, can I just resume my studies?’ she asked.

‘Sure you can but you’ll do one thing.’

‘Which is?’ She asked.

‘You’ll have to go out for dinner with me.’

‘No, no, I didn’t do this for a dinner.’ She said.

‘You can call it my appreciation to you.

I owe you, in fact you’ve saved my butts.

I would have been in for it in the test.

How can one write what one does not fathom?’ he asked.

‘Alright, if you insist I’ll have dinner with you.’

That night the two of them had dinner in one of the best eateries on campus.

They kept running into each other on campus and before you know it, James lost himself totally to her. He fell incredibly in love with her and swore to himself he was g
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