

Riella's POV.

Fuck Carolyn.

That was one thing I kept thinking of while I had my interview with a group of people. You know how I said that my body didn't appreciate eating so very early in the morning?

It was because of certain reasons.

The stupid good-luck coffee Carolyn had forced me to take early that morning was starting to affect me. My stomach was churning deeply and now and then, new sweats broke out on my skin leaving me uncomfortable.

Tears were starting to pool in my eyes at how uncomfortable I had gotten with the clothes I had on. Asides from that, I was experiencing this deep irritable bowel syndrome and I just want to get the fuck out of the room but I couldn't afford to mess up my interview.

“You said you have never done this before?” A man who had introduced himself as Damien Martin had been the only one throwing questions at me ever since I walked into the room. The others just jotted down.

“Yes, this is my first time,” I replied, managing to keep my head straight so I could maintain eye contact with him as I answered.

“So, what makes you think you are good for the job? What makes you stand out among the nineteen people waiting out there?” He asked.

We had been screened earlier and had somehow dropped to twenty. The question he asked, I didn't quite know how to go about answering it but I knew I had to say something.

“I was the managing director of Salmon Art Gallery, New York branch before it closed down. I have worked with a lot of people. Every day, I have talented people walk into my office where we have mature conversations."

"I know how to pull and manage events because from time to time, we throw events for charity and all that. I am always up to date with the latest happenings. Aside from that, I don't joke with my work. I know how to maintain good human relationships. I have attended meetings with people of high social class and know the way and how to run a company. What makes me not qualify?"

I turned the table around and threw the question at him even though I wasn't sure about everything that just came out of my mouth. Are these reasons enough for them to employ me?

I couldn't help thinking.

There was a shocked silence for about a few seconds. I didn't know if it was born out of awe at my words or plain stupidity at what I had said. Either way, when I was asked to wait while the council deliberated for some time, I felt happy to be out of the room.

While the other applicant conversed in low tones in the lounge, I found myself wondering about the toilet. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in a place like this.

I must have been at the toilet for a very long time because when I joined the crew back at the lounge, a young man whom I had seen earlier was already addressing the others. I slipped into their midst.

“...the company has your account details so we would be forwarding the compensation fee to your accounts. That would be all.” I joined the others just in time to hear that.

“Excuse me?” A lady amongst us clad in a black satin flare skirt that was tucked into a white shirt and had matched her clothes with black pumps called out to the man.

“Yes, miss.” The assistant smiled down at her since he was taller than she was.

“Who got the job and why?” She asked in a very demanding tone that coulda annoyed me if I was in the man's place.

“We usually keep that confidential but since you asked, a certain MS. Riella Monroe got the job. And it was not…”

I turned him out.

He did not just mention my name right?

I could not believe it.

“Nonsense!” The lady's irritating voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “I don't see how she is any better than the rest of us.” She hissed before stomping away.

I should have been annoyed by her words but I was too busy getting the news to sink in that I didn't care. When the assistant beckoned to me to follow him, I allowed myself to smile so easily.

The assistant gave me a file which I collected. Then, he led me to the elevator that would take me to the boss's office. The one I was to work with.

As soon as I stepped into the premises, I allowed my eyes to sweep over the large space that housed my office. It looked surreal that I would soon be sitting at that desk, working for the CEO of SMARTSPACE.

As I walked toward the door, that was after passing through a mini corridor that I knew led to his office, I felt the air on my body stand and I knew I was nervous again. I stopped in front of the dark mahogany door to adjust every piece of clothing I had on.

When I felt my stomach churn loudly again, I reeled back for a moment and took a deep breath. Again, fuck Carolyn.

Before I could think, I raised a hand and knocked softly on the door. When I waited for a few seconds and didn't hear a thing, I knocked again.

Then I heard it. 

I heard the deep voice that ordered me to come in. Taking in a deep breath, I pushed the door open. I took a moment to look myself over before walking in.

As soon as I walked in, my eyes as if controlled by some buttons went straight to the large mahogany desk, over to the chair and the person seated on it.

And just like that, I knew I was fucked up.

Why the hell didn't Carolyn tell me that he was this hot?!

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