
Chapter Four


I am so angry, I was stood up, I was stood up by that fuvking asshole, does he thinks I want this, to be married to him.

I knew today would be eventful because this morning I woke up to many notifications from my F******k, most of which were my highschool classmates friends request and most of these were people who never said a word to me at all in school, they were now been too sweet and friendly which was nauseating and that's when I knew something was off, I could only confirm when Aliyah called me to tell me that some bloggers announced my engagement with the CEO of Carter incorporated and boy was I shocked, It was just two days ago I heard about this, she sent me the link to the bloggers page and the most viewed blog was about my engagement, but it was the caption that got me.

*CEO of Carter incorporated engaged to the heiress of Carrington's winery* who is the heiress?, Me?, My father would rather give out the company to strangers than name me as his heiress, and why should I be an heir to a company that destroyed everything I know as a family.

I tried to hack into the site to bring down the news, but everytime I do, the news just popped back up, I eventually got tired of it and left it like that, but then I started receiving calls from classmates asking to be invited for the wedding, I had to block everyone and refused to answer calls from numbers I wasn't familiar with.

But you know what got me more stressed than ever, it's because of the date I will be having with him. My father sent a stylist over with over four dozens of dresses and shoes from different designers and high end boutiques, he really does want me to make an impression, after an hour of fussing about which dress I should wear, I decide to wear a pretty lime Bottega dress with white floral patterns,and a pair of platform, I had my curly hair straightened and put into a ponytails with some light makeup, and the color of the dress made my eyes pop, in all I could say I looked really pretty.

I arrived at the venue for our date which was a five star french restaurant, the restaurant was picked by his grandfather so we already had a table. This restaurant has a lot of celebrities dine here and was hard for ordinary people to come to because their waiting list is as long as three months ago, and I hope i will see anyone famous today.

The waitress brought me to our table at the VIP room and he wasn't even here yet, I thought he must have been waiting for me since the I took some time dressing up, I ordered a glass of champagne to wait for him.

Thirty minutes gone and two glass of Champagne, he hasn't arrived yet and my face is flushed because I drank on an empty stomach,so I decide to eat something, and because I'm a light drinker.

I ordered some hors d'oeuvre and by the time it was ready and I ate, another hour had gone, I was done so I decide to call up my dad, and after dailing twice he finally picked up

'what is it child?' he sounded annoyed, like I shouldn't disturb him since I was supposed to be meeting with his soon to be son-in-law.

"I've been here for over an hour and he hasn't show up, is he aware we were supposed to meet?" 

'He is, He maybe busy at the office, He's the CEO, just wait for a while' with that, he hung up in me, not wanting me to say anything else.

I suck up deep breaths and waited, another hour gone and no show, but then the waitresses begin to whisper to themselves, I knew they were talking about me, when the waitress came with the bill she had a look of pity, I felt humiliated, why should she pity me, I don't care if he shows up or not.

I was fuming in the taxi, I wanted to call Aliyah, but she was at a company dinner which was quite important to her, she's trying to make partner of the firm, and if she succeeds, she will be the youngest black female lawyer to do so, I didn't want to disturb her with my never ending problems. 

I just sucked it up and went home, got to my room, cleaned up my face and went to sleep, trying to forget that I was just stood up by an asshole.

"So you mean, he stood you up?" Aliyah asked over the video call, today's the weekend and although Alee is the office, she called me to ask how the fate went and if I got to see 'his royal hotness' , more like 'royal jerk face', so I explained to her the events of last night and boy was she as angry as I was.

"That dude needs some chill, he couldn't call, he just made you wait"

" For two hours, I would use such time to work on my codes, and I when I told dad what happened, he was like, he is a busy man, he is the CEO of a big cooperation blah blah blah" I mimicked his words, I wasn't happy with my Father, I have not been happy with him since this charade, or maybe long before that.

"Your dad makes my dad who doesn't know who I am seem cool" she chirped, and we laughed at that, Alee had a difficult childhood and seeing her make a joke of it, I'm happy she's finally letting go.

"Well I think the reason he didn't show up would be his girlfriend, she did arrive from LA last night, I think he's been forced too" Alee always have the latest celebrity news even if she's so busy, she keeps up with her celebs more than I've ever done.

"So am I, but I'm accepting my fate, he should have been there so we'd know what to do"

Two knocks on my door and then Penelope, one of the maids comes in with a bunch of roses, a note and a box of chocolate.

" For you, Miss"

"Thanks Penny" I said receiving the package, 

"Ooh roses and chocolate" I heard Aliyah from over the room, as I sat on the bed to check the note

"Who's it from?"

"I'm trying to see, hmm, it's from the CEO" I sassed, Alee laughed, when she finally cool of 

"What does it say?"

I read it to her, he's apologizing for not coming to the date yesterday and that he had an Important meeting which went overtime and that he'd like to make it up if we would meet up today.

Sending flowers and an apology doesn't cut it, I was humiliated and hurt, all this note did was to make my blood boil as the event of last night flood my brain, I squeezed the note and threw it to the trashcan, I missed though

"So, you're going right"

"Oh I'd go" I replied nodding , as a smirk hung on my lips as a good plan entered my head

"Oh I know that smile, what are you planning?"

"Nothing" I quickly replied, if I tell her, she would not agree with me and give me a hundred reasons why I shouldn't.

"Don't do anything silly, go to the date, meet the hunk, and hump him" 

Hump him?, Really?, I rolled my eyes at her words, I have a better idea.

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