

Kyle King

`Mom, when will you be available?` I asked, cutting her short. 

`I am already at your house with your fiance, Kyle. Get here immediately, you close from work. Please don`t bring Xavier with you, alright,'she replied, hanging up the call.

I sighed, picking up my briefcase, `We will meet at the club house after I am done with Ava and my mom."`

Xavier stood up, glancing at his wrist watch. `I thought we were supposed to meet at your place by seven o'clock? Never mind, I will call you once I get to the clubhouse. Good luck solving your mother`s issue.`

`Wait,` I called out. `Do you think I should return the money to Tessa?`

I still felt guilty, even though everything in me tried to justify my actions, but my conscience was unstable.

`It's up to you, bro. I told you it was a stupid idea, but you listened to your mom as always. I can`t give you any advice because you won't listen to me. You know, bro, you should stop involving me in your family affairs because, according to your perfect mom, I am a dumb bachelor who knows nothing about relationships or marital affairs because I can`t keep one!` he replied, banging his fists as an emphasis.

Another fight, all because of my mom and Ava. I couldn`t lose my best friend at this crucial moment, even though he was right. I don't know why I kept bothering with my family affairs when I never listened to his advice. I was bent on satisfying my mom because she was all I had left except Katherine, my uncles, and aunties. Also, a fight with her would mean me losing the company, and I wasn't ready for that after all the things I have been through.

Xavier was a friend who stood by me throughout my tough years, and to date, he's still the man I would pick to fight any war with me. 

I walked towards him, watching his angry gaze. `I am sorry for not always listening to you, Xavier. I appreciate everything you have done for me, even though sometimes it feels like I don't appreciate you. Henceforth, I will try my best to infuse your advice whenever I ask for it, and I won't promise that my mom's remarks will stop, but I will talk with her.`

He replied, `Alright, Kyle. I hope you will keep your word. I have to go. The team members are already working on an interesting project, and I need to check up on it. Good luck with your mom and Ava.`

`Okay, you will update me once I get to the clubhouse. Take care, bro.` 

I checked through my phone and read the last message from Ava. It was another threat message and an order to be at the house immediately after I closed from work. Ava is being bossy. Tessa wouldn`t have tried sending such a message to him. Gosh! Why am I thinking about Tessa?

The drive home was boring and silent. I kept thinking about the engagement ceremony and how I was going to take care of the bills. An email came in while I was watching a presentation slide sent by Xavier. It was a reminder from the Robert family project team.  I hadn`t submitted the application form or the proposal. According to the mail, the deadline was the last week of the month. The team had two weeks to prepare the proposal. I sent a quick text to Xavier and also included the deadline. That should give him something to gear the team members into action. 

Faster action.

`You`re finally home, I was beginning to think that you decided to let Xavier change your mind.` Mom said, raising her face from the novel she was reading. `How were work activities?`

I sighed, dropping my briefcase. `Yes, mum. Have you eaten already? Where`s Ava?`

You just got here, son. Go take your shower and meet me outside. Ava would be with me too` ,she replied, getting up.

I heaved, taking heavy steps to the bedroom. I knew what the meeting was all about: Ava`s engagement party and the publicity. Mom would also want to reprimand me for my employee's attitude towards Ava. I was ready for them, but I wanted to do it peacefully. I couldn`t lose Ava yet. 

I loved her. I felt that spark when I was with her, unlike when I was with Tessa. I was happy when Ava was around and sad when she kept her distance, like now. Today made me realise the depth of love I had for Ava. Feeling a little better with that realisation and acceptance of my feelings, I walked into the cosy shower and hummed a favourite tune i learnt in the office.

Romina was preparing her special chicken pepperoni pizza with red sauce. There were also roasted pork slices on a tray decorated with lettuce and little slices of orange. The arrangement was tempting, and I almost stole a pork slice, but Romina was quick to send a warning gaze.

`Take it easy, Romina. I just wanted to see how good your pork slices are and if they're worth my mom`s applause.` I grinned, eyeing the tray. They were too good to be ignored.

Romina took a pork slice, staring at it. `I feel Mrs. Dahila would like it, but since you want to taste it and you`re the boss of the house, here you go, sir.`

I grabbed the piece quickly, throwing it into my mouth immediately. Mehn! It was hot and delicious. Mom wouldn't complain about this meal, but maybe she could have an issue with the pizza. She had never liked Romina specials and preferred Tessa to cook some traditional dishes nobody wanted.

`This is really tasty, Romina. Well done. Quick question though: why pizza tonight? Was it mom who instructed you to change the dinner plans?` 

`Mrs. Dahila supervised the preparation for the pizza and red sauce. She also prepared the pork slices herself. In her words, `I wasn`t different from Mrs. Tessa.` I didn't argue with her, sir.`

I groaned inwardly. Mom would always be mom. She still didn't trust Romina and her cooking, or should I say meals? Anyway, anything that would make her not criticize and bully Romina, I was in support of it. Still, I believe Mom shouldn't have spoken to her that way, so I decided to apologise to her.

`Romina, I am so sorry for what my mom said to you. You`re one of the best cooks I have ever employed in this family, and I appreciate your efforts. Yeah, I know that sounds weird coming from me, but believe me when I say it.` I patted her shoulder before taking a pork slice and rushing out.

`Thank you, Mr. Kyle, and smart move,` she yelled, bursting into laughter.

I strolled outside, checking my phone. Xavier had several messages demanding my presence at the clubhouse. I informed him that I would be there by eight o'clock due to my mom, and he replied with an angry emoji and a promise to cut me off as his friend.

I sent a voice message informing him about the situation at home and also making a promise to bring in innovative ideas and Ava so that the project might go faster than expected. We were already wasting time, and time wasn't what we had on our side. If the media knew that we were falling deeper into debt than we already knew, they would roast us for months.

Imagine one of the biggest tech companies in Nashville closing down after the divorce of his wife. Geez. I will be a laughing stock among friends and foes. Then, there will be a family meeting, and knowing his mother, she wouldn't fight like before for him because he hadn't given her the one thing she has always wanted: a grandchild.

`You finally showed up. Please, can we get started with the preparations? I have a meeting with an exclusive client by nine o'clock, and I can't miss it,` Ava said, ignoring my hug as I sat near her.

I shrugged. `Alright. We will be done soon. About the preparations, I would like to let you know that I don't have the funds for an elaborate party, so I would suggest we stick to a small gathering.`

Mum chuckled, `Did you do a small engagement party for your barren wife? If I remember quite clearly, you spent close to one million dollars on her ring and those nonsense decorations you used to surprise her! Now, you won't argue, but do what I say, okay? You`re going to organize a party according to Ava`s taste, and that's final!`

I sighed, suppressing the anger that was rising in me. I couldn`t win this battle, but I could try.

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