
Chapter 4 Bernard Resort

Janet kept her word and took the girls out as a compensation for missing the birthday night out at Quiddox. But she warned them not to order anything too expensive as she can’t afford to lose her whole salary, since they all refused to go to the place she chose and would rather come to a high end location.

“Ohhh Bernard Resort, I have missed you. It’s been so long we were here” exclaimed Tokunbo. 

Danielle doesn't like any serene ambience and can't help but complain “ This place is always boring, I don’t miss it a bit, no guys, no party, the bar and the view is the only nice thing they have got going on for them here, you know how I hate quiet and serene environments”

Bibiana dismissed her complaints  “It’s not every time we want gra gra, jaga jaga, sometimes peace and quiet, nice conversation and good cocktails”

Danielle still not convinced said “Whatever”

Janet looked at her friends bickering and sighed “I am already pitying my ATM card…Lord! Take the wheels”

They were all still laughing at Janet’s plight, when some guys walked towards them to ask for directions to a get together they came for that’s taking place at an exclusive spot by the beach.

The girls looked up, looking excited,  finally some fine looking men. Danielle explained that they were not sure where the party is been held, they are just here to hang out and thay they should ask one of the waiters.

As the guys moved towards the bar to enquire, Tokunbo whispered to the girls “I am about to get over Kunle, should we ask for invites to the get together or pretend we are lost and crash the party?”

Danielle was very excited with the mischievous suggestion  “Lets crash the party!”

Janet the voice of caution as always had to dampen their excitement “Didn’t you hear them say exclusive spot? What if they are cult members or something, please let’s just eat our snails with cocktails , have fun and go home, I don’t want wahala o”

Bibiana nodding “Okay, for once I agree with Janet, let’s just gist and…”

Tokunbo cuts in “Hold that thought, is that not Jayden? Dee’s ex boss?” 

They all look out through the window,  Danielle got excited and was already trying to stand up when Bibiana pulled her down “Nah nah, sit down Dee, you have had more than enough chances let Janet try her luck this time”

Danielle scowling sat down pouting. Tokunbo turned to Janet “Okay Madam Janet, you have talked the talk, now it’s time to walk the walk. Time to show us the stuff you are made of, off you go, before he disappears, because it seems like he is waiting for someone”

Janet wide eyed and stammering a bit said “b b b… but I am not ready yet, I didn’t know he will be here, I can’t just walk up to him just like that’’

Danielle laughing  “Oh Jay Jay, I already knew you were just making mouth, you don’t have the guts, I have so won this bet”

Bibiana laughing said “Janet you look good and you can do it, remember I am rooting for you, oh the guy is really hot, can I join the bet?” 

Danielle screamed “NOOOO! Janet is a loser already, but you will be too much of a competition, capital N - O” they all bursted out laughing.

Janet reluctantly stood up after much goading and taunting from Tokunbo and Bibiana. She walked nervously towards Jayden with only one thought in mind, “Oh God what have I gotten myself into?, if I back out, I won’t hear the end of it for the next few years. Oh grounds please open up wide and swallow me up”. 

She looked back and all three girls are looking at her with apt and keen interest smiling sheepishly and waving their hands at her while mouthing “go, go”.

As she got closer to him all she could think of is how she won't make a joke of herself. She kept mumbling to herself on what she will say and how she will say it, but when she got closer to him everything went blank.

"Change of plan, Change of plan" she muttered and stared at her wrist to make sure she is not wearing a watch, when she saw her hand was bare she  moved closer and with shaking voice said "Hi"

Jayden turn his attention towards her and replied “Hey” with a curious smile.

She looked at his face for the first time and her heart skipped a bit. She was thinking now I know why Danielle can't keep still, he is so hot, he looks like a Greek god. 'Those dimples' She swallowed her saliva, she was so nervous that she didn’t know when she started rambling nonstop 

“I am so sorry to bother you, actually I was going to pretend I don’t have a watch and ask you for the time, but I am so nervous that i don’t even know what to say anymore. I am so sorry for bothering you, but my friends back there (pointing in their direction) are bent on making my life hell if I don’t do this, actually we had a bet that 2 of us will ask the same guy out and the first person to get his attention will be the winner and the loser who everyone already know is me (she gave a short nervous laugh) will be the wimp and honestly I know I am crazy to even agree with this in the first place but I don’t know why I was running my mouth that I can do this, when I know perfectly well I can’t pull this off, please just pretend to listen to me for a while (her face pleading) and pretend to give me your number just type 180 (call centre number) or *156# (USSD) or something , **she handed him her phone** so they don’t laugh at me today. I won’t bother you after this. I will be on my way, pretty please? I will go back and they won’t laugh at me if you do”

Jayden looking amused and almost laughing said “Whoa! Hmmm, do you always talk like this? I meant nonstop?”

She stared at her hands really nervous now. "No, I am just a bit flustered" 

Jayden typing on her phone chuckles “Okay, you don’t need to be shy, I will type on your phone”. 

He noticed the phone was not password protected and typed in his real number and called his phone. She was so nervous and she kept looking towards her friends that she didn’t even notice.

Jayden noticed that she was very shy because of how nervous she looks, her eyes were darting between him and her friends, maybe she wanted to make sure they see him collect her phone. 

He looked at her and smiled – “I can’t see your friends clearly from here but I guess they can make that out right?” 

Janet nodded and he handed her the phone – “There, done. But you didn’t tell me your name”. 

She took the phone from him “Janet” she replied quietly. 

Jayden can’t help but smile – “Janet, nice name, I hope your friends won’t tease you today” smiling deeply he said "good luck with your bet”.

He waved at the boys signaling to him to join them. “Alright I will join my friends now, good luck”.

“Thanks” she replied with a smile and walked back towards the bar area. She can't stop thinking of how hot He looks, he is smoking hot and way out of my league.

At the bar, the girls were like 

“Wow, you did it”

“You see, it’s not that bad”. 

“You didn’t die”. 

Janet was feeling really confident now and smiling triumphantly – “I told you all I can do it, easy breezy, and I got his digits” She looked at Danielle while waving her phone and doing a little victory dance.

Danielle wide eyed started screaming – “Give me his number, give me now”.

Janet was scared she will take her phone and see 180 or *156# or some random number he typed and said “No, I am not giving it to you, it’s a bet and all is fair in love and war, go get his number yourself” **tongue out** 

Tokunbo laughing  “Dee, she is right, you have to work your way up, cos it seems like Jay Jay is ahead of you now” 

Danielle scowled at her.

Bibiana now really starting to enjoy the bet said with a big smile “This is going to be interesting”. 

Janet was just smiling and thinking. 'Thank God they didn’t insist on seeing my phone, my game would have been up for sure'

The girls talk some more about strategies, boyfriends, work place and everything in between. Janet stood up to signal for the waiter to pay their bills, but Danielle stopped her “No Jay Jay, have I ever let you paid for any of our high end outings before? You know whatever you say or do, I won't allow it. Save your salary, you will probably need it for Damon. Bee and Toks have split it between themselves. By the way, how is he doing? I will stop by to see him tomorrow, he is so cute”.

Janet looked at her friends, shook her head and said “Dee, it was supposed to be my treat. Johnson is capable of handling such expenses now, Damon is doing better and will be back to his mischievous self very soon. Toks and Bee I am so sorry I hope Dee didn't force you to pay?”

Tokunbo looked at her, smiled and said “It was actually my idea”.

Janet faked a pout and said “You guys sha wan turn me to a scrub” 

They were still laughing and singing I don’t want no scrub as they walked towards the rented Limo.

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