
TAKEN thirteen

TAKEN thirteen

They both sat on the same table and placed their order, Allen began eating hungrily without minding if Flora was interested in the food or not, he wasn't going to eat something this better at home anyways, so he took his time, not leaving any grain of the food out. Flora watched her boss eat, it wasn't mannerless though, but it was obvious he was very hungry, she wouldn't blame him. He uses the strength he was supposed to save for later to scold her for not dressing as he wanted.


Allen looked up to see Flora still staring at him without taking a bite from her food. He stopped eating and gently rubbed his mouth with the napkin on the table. He wondered why she stared at him this awkward. "You don't like it?" he questioned her preference of food.

"You can have it if you want" she bluntly said to sound rude on purpose but Allen gladly dragged her own serve of the food and dig his spoon inside. She didn't know how to react but she was

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