



  I cleaned off the blood on my palms with a white handkerchief and my face also, after which I exited the scene where I had just shot a man dead, leaving my boys to clean up after me. It was a chore now, something that had to be done. This was the life I was brought up in. The life I had gotten accustomed to, the life I now held dear. The Mafia ring meant everything to my father and consequently, to me and my twin brother. It was our obligation to keep it running, no matter what.


  I slid into the passenger seat of my silver Honda Accord, having finished what I came into that neighborhood to do and my driver began to move the car. My thoughts drifted back to what made me finish off the man I'd just killed. He had been owing thirty grand for a year now, and he'd been running. If there was anything I detested strongly, it was when they ran around with my money. Like they did not know I wasn't a man of mercy. They always ended up finding out in the comfort of hell, I always kept it quick and smooth. In this town, we had everyone under our control, even the hypocrites known as the cops.


  The default ringtone of my phone rang out loudly, interrupting my thoughts and I checked the caller ID, it was Dennis, my bestfriend and also my brother's. Even if our personalities differed— seeing as I was very calm and reserved and he was extremely outgoing— my twin and I always ended up picking interest in the same people. It was no wonder that he found Darlene enchanting, as well.


  "Dennis." I greeted immediately I retrieved the call.


  "Xander, what's up? Are you home?" He replied.


  "Heading there now, should I be worried?" I asked, he sounded urgent.


  "Not exactly, I caught some rumors and I decided to come hear from you, directly. And your brother, as well." He cleared up. Probably the engagement rumor, but I didn't indulge him yet, I needed to be sure. After all, I would tell him all about it when he arrived, anyways.


  "Frederick is home. Down with a flu, but he's been taking medications." I revealed.


  "Aw, I guess I'd be doing some babysitting duties when I arrive." He said, laughing. I chuckled, causing the driver to look at me through the mirror, looking like he had just seen a ghost. I set my lips back to its previous thin line and he looked away sharply, noticing the change in my mood.


  "You would be taking over from me, thankfully." I told him and he laughed again.


  "See you soon." He replied. I hummed and ended the call.




  On getting home, I met Frederick on my couch in my room, his legs spread like wings as he fixed his gaze on a new series we were now watching. We exchanged pleasantries and I walked into my bathroom, starting the shower. The door to my room opened and I heard Dennis and my brother start talking. After a scaldingly hot shower, but just as I liked it, I was out of the bathroom and I changed into a pair of shorts, joining them in front of the television.


  "This movie ends with—" Dennis started and we both wacked him on the head with the back of our palms; some twin telepathy shit. He groaned.


  "What was that for?" He cried, rubbing the back of his head. We glared at him.


  "For trying to ruin the movie. Now watch and shut up." Frederick replied. He laughed and we all watched the movie in silence until I asked,


  "So, what rumor have you listened on again?" I asked and he straightened up, a grin etched on his face.


  "One that had me elated, I hope it's true." He announced. Frederick looked confused.


  "What's the rumor?" He questioned, just as impatient as I was.


  "About Xander getting married. Is this true? Because I already have a speech planned in my head for the wedding and I'm also about the kill you, for concluding I did not deserve to know." He accused. I rolled my eyes. Frederick broke into laughter. It wasn't funny. Getting married was even more strange, now that Dennis was fantasizing about it.


  "Bro, it's not what you think." I defended.


  "So you ARE getting married?" He gasped and Frederick was still laughing. I threw a tennis ball at him and he ducked.


  "I am." I agreed. Dennis was full on grinning.


  "To who? Who's the lucky woman?" He questioned.


  "Darlene. She's not lucky. Marrying me is far from lucky." A smirk was on my face as I spoke.


  "Yeah, we know. How did it happen, though? Love at first sight type of shit?" Is asked and I rolled my eyes. As if there was anything like love at first sight.


  "It is for the business. I would not be getting married if it was not for my father." I explained and Frederick continued for me,


  "Yeah, pops forced him into this. He's marrying a baker's daughter."


  Dennis looked at me for confirmation. I nodded my head.


  "Fuck, why?" He questioned.


  "She's cute as fuck, though. I'd take her over those snobby bitches ladded with their father's money." Frederick assures Dennis.


  "Yeah. She's my type. It's funny how my dad knows it. I'm only trying to shift the date now, we can't be married so soon." I told him.


  "How soon?" He asked and I sighed, bracing myself for his reaction as soon as he heard.


  "Next month." I announced. His jaw dropped. I was sure it was not enough time to prepare for the wedding.


  "What?" He asked.


  "My father wouldn't listen. I plan to speak to her about it." I informed him.


  "I don't think she'd reject you." Dennis assured me.


  "She won't. I only want peace in the household."


  "I'm sure all would go well." Frederick spoke now.


  I hoped so.



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