
Chapter four


I growled in anger as I watched him walk towards the doorway but my anger was quickly cut short.

"You dare not growl at your superior. Have you lost your senses?!" Her eyes burned, her jaws tightening. I rolled my eyes at her, crossing my hands but that's when it happened.

The slap from the woman had me cradling my burning cheek in pain. I was shocked at her sudden reaction, and all I could do was stare at her in pure hate, wanting to strike her back. But I remembered why I was here- the reclaim the throne which rightfully mine.

Retaliating would not only get the Alpha raging, but I might find myself behind the bars again, ultimately thwarting the plan to gather the needed evidence against him and strike while the rod was hot. I needed to take my time, play the good girl and watch how things would turn out from there on.

"Get out of my sight, you insolent can't!" She kept hurling vile words at me and I knew I had to leave.

"Excuse me," I growled, hurrying to the bathroom.

"She is going to suffer if she will be with me for a long time, because she clearly has no manners whatsoever!" The woman yelled, addressing the Alpha. I shut the door and turned on the tap, pretending to be washing my face while suppressing my fury. That's when I caught sight of the window.

"Don't mind her. I'm pretty sure a few days with you will shave those bold, roguish notions off her head. I want her tamed, and I don't mind what kind of punishment you give her." It was the Alpha speaking.

"By the way Mrs. Aria, I got a complaint from one of the guards about one of your maids..." the rest of his words quickly faded into the background as I moved towards the bit-oversized, bay window.

I glanced around carefully, my mind screaming freedom. I grabbed the edge of the window and shook it. It cracked! My heart skipped a beat at this development.

It all seemed too good to be true. I shook it again and again. It finally came free. Gently lowering the steel, I grabbed the platform and lurched myself forward before squeezing my body into the space.

The air came rushing, I had never felt happier. My heart was racing erratically as I stared at the thousand rooftops of the Pack stretched as far as my eyes could go. I slowly hopped on the first roof and crouched.

The woman was beginning to speak on top of her voice again, goading me to move faster. The last thing I wanted was to get caught.

Once I made my way to the edge of the roof, I looked down, noting the guards who were stationed at their posts.

Breaking through the roof would surely cause chaos, I thought. In the end, I opted to climb down silently on the other end where there were no guards watching.

A few minutes later, I climbed down, ignoring the gaze from the Pack members as I began to run.

The adrenaline coursed through my body, causing me to run even faster. I didn't stop until I got to the Boundary. I hid behind a pile of wood, my chest rising and falling frantically.

I peeked through the stack of wood and to my horror, the boundary was filled with guards. I was still thinking about how I was going to go through undetected, when some guards ran in, reporting that I was missing.

"Shit!" I cursed, before I began to sneak towards the other side of the small houses in the distance, praying that I would somehow run past without any of them seeing me. I was basically praying for a miracle, and miracles rarely happened.

I was still walking across the pile of wood when a cold voice sounded chillingly close.

"Stop there!" He yelled.

"And don't move an inch." A second voice thundered. I froze instantly.

"What are you doing here and who are you?" The first voice that had stopped me, asked.

"It's a rogue! Don't let her move any inch further!!" Anothеr guard yelled. The alarm was sounded and the guards began to close in.

I immediately spotted an open space not far away from where I stood. The guard was already so close when I took off, taking advantage of the open space.

"Stop right there!" Another command sounded, followed by an arrow that blew past, missing my head by a few inches.

I increased my pace, nearing the boundary gradually.

That's when something tripped me. I fell on the floor, face first. The pain decreased my momentum, and some of the guards caught up.

Not wanting to go down without a fight, I fought back hysterically, slashing some throats in the process. In a few seconds, some of the guards were dead and the lucky ones, wounded.

I turned and continued running, scared as fuck! A very heavy pain on my face seemed to be spreading to the side of my head, causing me to yell in pain, slowing me down drastically.

The remaining guards caught up soon enough and soon I was surrounded. I stood there in the center of my assailants, panting like a scared animal, not knowing which way to turn and run as they closed in on me, seemingly enjoying my fear.

Without warning, they all attacked once again, but somehow I managed to find my way out, yet again. I had barely crossed the boundary when a blow lurched me forward, causing me to crash again. A hand grabbed me and turned me so I could face him.

"You look familiar." The figure rasped, before it began choking me. I couldn't see him because my vision was blurry but I knew instantly that it was the Alpha.

I tried to fight, my efforts were feeble. At last I surrendered listlessly but my assailant kept choking me until I passed out.

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