

I collided with Rose in my dash. I glared at her and snapped, "We need to talk."

She gave a confused look to me. I pulled her in a hug and wished her b'day once again. Then I took off out of there. Just as I opened the door, my arm was grabbed by someone. It was Chris. He pulled me out of the house and closed the door behind us.

"What do you need now?" I cried out.

Chris gave me a look at my exasperation but shook it off and replied, "I just wanted to say that go home and think about my offer. If anytime, anytime you need me, just give me a call. Alright?" And then he gave me a 'hug'. Oh alright. Its a 'world weirdness day' today for me I guess.

I gave him a nod and started walking away from him. His actions were making me feel way weird.

I started searching for the keys of my car in my clutch on my way. I found them and just as I pulled my head up, I my steps halted instantly.

Eric was standing there very coolly while leaning against his car. Expensive goggles on his expressionless handsome face and looking quite dashing in his ragged jeans and navy blue v neck t-shirt.

I blinked my eyes but he was still standing there only. Guess I wasn't having an open eyed dream.

I walked to him fastly and snapped, "What the hell are you doing here?"

He straightened and said,"Get in the car."


"Just do what I fucking say." He snapped.


He shook his head like I was the most stupidest creature of the world and then his one arm came under my knee and I was hauled up over his shoulder.

"Heyyyy..." I cried out loudly but I didn't get chance to say anything further because I was thrown down in the passenger seat of the car. Surprisingly quite gently and smoothly.

And to my horror when I turned my head to look at him when he was getting in the driver seat, I saw Chris standing exactly where I left him. And both of them were glaring at each other.

And then we drove off.

I saw Eric's grip was tight on the wheel and his lips were tightly shut.

"My car is at Rose's."

"Don't worry. Its already taken care of. It'll be at your place when you reach there." He said. My eyebrows shot up but I refrained myself from saying something stupid.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Who was he?" He asked in return.

"You should answer me first because I asked first." I snapped.

"You wanna get home safely?"

"Of course." I gasped.

"Then answer me first."

I slammed my head on the dashboard.

I controlled myself from strangling his neck and said while gritting my teeth,"Rose's brother. Chris."

He nodded his head and didn't say a word for a minute and then asked,"Is he your brother alike or something?"

My face turned red at his question. Brother? Ha!!! For God sake, I was having nasty thoughts about him just half an hour ago.

My flushed face didn't go unnoticed by him and I noticed he increased the pace of the car and his lips were in a thin line now.

I ignored his question and asked,"Tell me why were you here?"

"You didn't meet me today."

I scrunched my face in confusion, "We had a meeting?"

He didn't answer and said further, "I was trying your phone but you didn't pick up, so I went to your house and asked your parents about your whereabouts."

"What the fuckkk?" I shouted.

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"You went to my house and met my parents?"


"Why...?" I cried. "It wasn't like I was moving to another country in a day! You should have met me tomorrow. What was the emergency?"

"It's my choice to meet you or see you whenever I want. So just shut up." He said calmly.

My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened at his audacity. I huffed out loud and crossed my hands under my breasts.

Suddenly I realised we weren't on the way of my home.

"Where the hell are we going?" I shouted.

The car stopped suddenly and he was in my face the next second.

"For fucks sake, will you stop shouting?" He snapped

"No!" I snapped back. "Not until you drop me back to my house safely."

And then his lips were on mine. He fucking kissed me.

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