
CH - 2 [Celesta's POV]

I was awoken with a throbbing headache. When I noticed that I laid somewhere comfortable with my eyes shut, I tried to remember previous events and how I ended up here.

When suddenly the memories flooded in, and I realised that I was kidnapped.

I snapped my eyes open and found myself laying on a comfortable leather car seat. I stretched my limbs while thanking heavens above that he didn't duct-tape me as I sat upright slowly not wanting to make the headache any worse than it already was.

I looked around the car and noticed that the interior of the car looked very luxurious, 'kidnapping must be a very rewarding business' .I thought when my eyes moved towards the window, only to find it blacked out.

I slowly moved forward and took a quick peek at my abductor. The creepy man was behind the wheels, busy driving.

I took it as a sign from above. As I slowly shifted towards the door beside me and slowly tried to open the door but it didn't even budge. I kept struggling with it for some time but nothing happened.

I finally lost my temper and started banging on the door while shouting, " Help, Help please somebody help me. I am being kidnapped."

In hopes, that some kind stranger would listen to my pleas and alert the cops. I kept shouting and banging the door for what felt like an eternity but nothing happened. I was tired and thirsty I wanted to stop but at the same time, I didn't want to give up so easily.

When finally my abductor cleared his throat to get my attention and said, " It won't work the doors are soundproof and we are miles away from any civilisation. So why don't we just talk? "

Anger shot through my veins as I yelled at him with all my might forgetting my tired state, " You piece of shit! You bashed my head and kidnapped me. Now you want to talk to me. How you even dared to ask such a ridiculous question?"

He replied calmly, " I didn't kidnap you."

I laughed dryly at his response when in reality all I wanted to do was punch him hard in his face.

" So bashing someone's head like a watermelon and taking them hostage is not called kidnapping, then what it is called dear sir? " I asked with venom dripping from my voice.

He answered with hints of irritation, " I didn't just bash your head."

" No, No you didn't just bash my head, you also cornered me in the empty parking lot and then tried to beckon me towards yourself while standing next to a completely normal car, definitely not the one with the blacked out window."

As soon as I finished my sarcastic response, he pushed the breaks of the car and brought it to a sudden stop which almost made me fall on my face first.

He then ran his hand through his snow-white hair while breathing heavily like he was breathing his wrath out.

His action scared me and I bit my bottom lip in fear and cursed my big mouth. He was twice my size, making him angry was the stupidest thing I could have done. If he tried to attack me I wouldn't even be able to defend myself.

After some time passed and his breathing finally calmed down, he proceeded to remove his goggle and keep it on the car slab.

After that, he took something out of the freezer, picked big black polythene from the passenger seat of the car and opened the door.

Letting the blazing sunlight come inside the car. I tried shielding my eyes from the sudden exposure to light.

'It must be afternoon by now.' I thought as he stepped out of the car and shut the door behind him.

I sat still trying to predict his next course of action when suddenly the door beside me opened and revealed none other than my abductor.

He took a seat beside me and closed the door behind him. I scooted away in the corner, trying to put some much-needed distance between us.

I glared at him suspiciously and prepared to defend myself from him. If he tried to do something inappropriate but he just sat still and continued to stare at me with his guilt-filled ocean blue eyes.

His actions confused me, the feelings in his eyes seemed genuine that I almost forgot that he was my kidnapper. When the black polythene in his right hand suddenly caught my attention. I looked at it as I tried to figure out its contents.

He noticed the sudden aversion of my eyes and looked around trying to figure out what caught my attention.

When he saw me intensely staring at the polythene. He just shook his head at my cautious behaviour and slowly opened the polythene.

He then took out an ice pack from the polythene and then slowly shifted towards me as if he was trying to say that he was harmless and then he gently kept the ice pack on my head, particularly where he bashed me before.

I found his action very dubious but the ice pack against my injured cranium felt very pleasant.

So I just let him hold it against my head without much protest and let myself relax a little as my pain dulled down.

After some time, he finally started speaking, in a very soft like he was talking to a five-year-old, "Celesta I am sorry for bashing your head, but I didn't have any other option. If someone would have heard your screams and would have called the cops. You would have been in big trouble."

I asked with a puzzled look on my face, " Why would I have been in trouble you were the one who was kidnapping, not me?"

He left a sigh before he continued speaking, " While making a report they could have found about your fake identities and could have thought of you as a criminal on the run, why else someone will change so many identities, so frequently."

I looked down as I nodded in agreement, understanding his point. 'So he was just trying to protect me.' I thought

When it hit me that he knew about my fake ids. Many questions were raised in my head, ' Who he was and how did he know my real name and my fake identities' and the only one who could answer those questions was sitting beside me.

I finally looked up and then confronted him in an extremely serious tone," Who are you?"

He smiled with satisfaction like he was just waiting for me to ask this question.

" I apologise milady for my rudeness." He said as he dramatically bowed down in front of me.

Then he sat upright again and continued speaking," My name is Jude Xenon but you may know me as Mr X."

My eyes widened at his response, I was shocked out of my body. As my mind started running a hundred miles per second.

'Never in a million years, I would have thought that he was Mr X. I imagined him to be some strange old guy. Who liked to sit alone in the dark dungeon and dictate my life but he turns out to be the complete opposite of that except the strange part.

He looked in his early twenties, and I have to accept that he was very handsome. He could have easily become a model if he tried.'

I continued to gawk at him unable to come up with a response. When he finally had to shook me out of my trance state.

" Celeste! Celesta! Are you okay?" He asked loudly while shaking my shoulders.

When I finally came back to my senses," Yeah, yeah I am fine." I muttered while still comprehending my situation.

'That explained how he knew my real name and about my ids but still, something didn't add up.'

"Is everything alright?" He asked with a worried voice.

I nodded my head slowly and asked in confusion, " yes, but I am still perplexed about one thing"

"And what that thing will be?"

" If you are, who you say you are, then why didn't you just came to my flat to meet me? Why you stalked me and cornered me in an empty parking lot? It would have been so much easier that way."

He sighed in defeat as he answered, " I don't like to be seen by humans."

I chocked out a laugh at his weird explanation as I remarked, " You said humans-like you weren't one."

He smirked in response, " Yes, I am not a human but then that makes two of us."

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