

She didn’t know that her life would make a complete turnaround after she accepted the role as the face of the company. She had so many things to do that she could rarely sleep and enjoy her time with her husband. It was as if the Public Relations department saw her as some enemy of some sorts.

She was trying to balance her marriage life, her school work and her work at the same time. At first it was difficult but her husband was a great help to her. He helped her grown and encourages her to dive in deeper to achieve her goals.

Selena was at school stuck in the library studying for an exam she was supposed to write in a week. She was going though many books that would be of great help to her when her new friend Vivian came and sat opposite her.

“Aren’t you tired? You have been stuck in here for a while now,” Vivian asked.

“I have to do it now or else when I go home, I won’t be able to,” she said frowning, thinking

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