
Lucas Kiss Me

Chapter Fifteen

In a glimpse of my eyes, we are here in front of our house. Mia doesn't say anything about what is about the negative energy that I felt a while ago. 

"Did you feel that energy?" I asked Mia. 

She doesn't answer me until we get inside the house. I can feel her fear even if she doesn't show it to me. I can sense that she is too worried about me. I grasp her hands and ask her again. 

"Mia, don't hide what you feel, I can sense it... Have you forgotten that I am your other half?" 

She is like a smoke-shaped human, I can't even see her face nor her eyes that speaks what she feels. But, I am sure for myself that Mia hides something from me. 

" Forget it, what's important right now is that you are safe. "

" I can't understand, why don't you want to tell me?" 

"Soon, Thana you will know." 

I was left alone with many questions in my mind. I feel there are too many secrets that hide in my personality, my identity of being a witch. I go inside to my room and throw myself in bed. Looking at the ceiling, thinking, and wondering about the negative energy that I felt. 

Those sharp fangs and burning eyes like a fire that flaming my soul. I wonder what creature he is? The night is so vivid and the cold breeze of the evening makes my body frozen and I stare at the night sky and the clouds seem closer to me, the wind howled and I see the moon that gives light to my room. 

A moment later, my eyes closed and I fell asleep. I wake up when I remember what my Grandmother said to our opponents who are hiding in the dark. I looked to the window where the curtain is slightly parted. I go back to sleep and let all my worries carry away. I just think about that tomorrow, for a new day. I don't know why but I feel excited to see Lucas again. 

I woke up too early and prepared to go to school. I wear a black skirt above the knee and a powder blue blouse. I put some powder in my face and a lip balm that Mandy gave to me. I brush my hair many times that I never used to do. 

Well, maybe I am just growing up and I want to look beautiful today. Suddenly Lucas came into my mind. Why do I feel so excited to see him? 

I went out of my room and went to the dining area and picked the foods that my mother prepared for me. 

"Thana, why did you come home late last night?"  My Mother asked me, I can't even say to her that I see Lucas after my school and have a long hour with him just because of his grades. 

 "Oh, yes, Mom, I'm with Andy and Mandy. We have a group study." I lied to my Mother.

"Okay, be careful, and don't use your magic in front of many people." 

I just nodded at her and hurriedly walked outside and I met my Aunt in the doorway. 

"Oh, you look beautiful today". 

I just smile at her and open the door and quickly walk toward my school. Just like I always did, I flicked my finger three times and in a second I was in the front of the St. Claire Academy. 

I'm accustomed to the happening within the St. Claire Academy. The cautious, chaotic and judgemental eyes focused on me, but today is too different. Mandy is not with us to have breakfast that we always used to do before the classes start. I tried to talk to her, but she just ignored me and focused on Liam. 

She found a new friend that can go along with her. She is now with Victoria and the others. Does my magic need her to remember that Andy and I were her true friends. I attended my classes together with Andy and dined together during our break.  Mandy pretends that we don't know each other. There were times we met in the hallway and seemed nothing to her. Her time now is focused on Liam and with Victoria. I can't even understand why she gets along with that girl. 

Second day of my tutorial class with Lucas and Andy is with Selena, after my classes, I went towards the library to meet Lucas and start to lecture him about all the lessons, just like yesterday he was patiently waiting in the front of the library it feels so glad that he was serious about what are we doing and hopefully he can pass the final exams. 

"Hi" I greeted him and smiled a little. There were times I avoided him because it made me remember the night when I saw him naked. I just shook my head and walked inside the library. To my surprise, he offers me sandwiches and drinks, I smile and give thanks to him for the kindness that she shows to me. 

Lucas was too serious and stay focus on what he is doing and I am happy to know that he can easily catch up on all the lessons that I teach with him. 

Time flies too fast as the days go by. I get along with Lucas for the long hours that I'm with him. I realised that he is a very kind-hearted person, but there were times he didn't listen to me and there were days I waited for him for a long time. But, after those things happen, he always pleads and says sorry to me that I always forgive him. 

He always treats me after we finish our tutorial lessons and offers to take me to my house, but I always refuse because my mother and my grandmother forbade me to socialise with anyone like him except Andy and Mandy. While Andy and Selena have also become friends and she often goes with Andy and me. And Mandy was becoming a stranger to us, there were moments I wanted to talk to her as she always does when she stays away from me. She's deeply in love with Liam, sometimes I blame myself that all that is happening to Mandy right now is my fault, I should not give the love magic poison to her and Liam. 

I walked to the parking lot where Lucas was waiting for me. He requested a break in our tutorial lessons. I gave in to him after all three days from now the tutorial lesson with him will be soon over. I wonder where he will take me now. 

I get inside his car and I don't have any idea where he will take me. We are both quiet along the road and I feel too shy to ask everything about him. 

"Have you tried to watch the stars at night?" He questioned me abruptly. 

"Oh, stars? Well, they are so common and even the moon during the darkened night. I used to hold the clouds and even I can talk to the moon?" 

Lucas laughs at me from what I have said, I don't even know why I'm just telling the truth. Well, I don't care if he doesn't believe me. 

" That is the one I like about you? "

" What? Do you like me? "

" Yeah, absolutely, you are funny, you say spectacular things that other girls don't do." 

I rolled my eyes at him and turned my gaze out of the window of the car. In less than an hour, we can reach the place that Lucas said to me. The place is a bit high so you can feel the coolness of the air. It was getting dark when we got here. He held his hand to help me climb to the hill. In fact, I can climb here without getting tired with the use of my magic. I can easily get here. 

I was amazed at what I have seen when we reach the hills. It was so beautiful and it's so captivating. So this is the place where we can stare at the stars, I don't even know that he is a bit romantic. I gaze at him from what he is doing, he laid down the mat and then he sat down, he looks at me and he invited me to sit next to him. 

At first, I was too shy to sit next to him but, since Lucas was being good to me I will consider that he is one of my friends. He turned his gaze from afar and just said nothing. 

"So, what are we going to do? Waiting to get dark to see the stars?" 

"Well, yeah! I always do that, especially when I am sad, I just feel relaxed when I do that". Lucas explained to me. 


He just nods and seems he has another word to say, but he chooses to be quiet. I don't even know how many hours we have been like this until it gets darker. Then suddenly, Lucas holds my hand that rattled me 

"What are you doing?" 

"Oh, nothing, I am sorry you are just too kind to me and different from the other girls that I have known." 

"Okay, but you don't need to hold my hands." 

"Why? Is there something wrong with that? What if I say I like you." 

"No, don't make fun of it." 

"I'm serious, I like you on the night I danced with you. I started to like you." 

"What?" I was surprised by what Lucas said. 

All of the sudden, Lucas gets closer to me and he kisses me. His lips touched mine and I could feel his tender kiss. I don't know why I let Lucas kiss me. 

When I was back to myself, I suddenly stood up from my seat and just looked at Lucas wondering why he did that and why l let him kiss me. 

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