
Chapter 9

Alanna's lips trembled.

Ever since turning 18 years old, Garrett would caress her cheek or pinch her butt from time to time.

Alanna's mother had gotten into many fights with him over this, but Garrett never changed his ways. The torture only stopped after she left home for college.

However, she couldn't possibly tell Hades about this.

She met Hades' eyes and simply said, "No."

Hades still had an unpleasant look on his face. "I hope there will never be a next time."

He was referring to Garrett causing a ruckus on the company grounds.

"There won't be a next time. I'll hand in my resignation letter immediately."

Hades narrowed his eyes and suddenly chuckled. "Seems like someone's determined to leave."

"Yes," Alanna replied bitterly.

Hades chuckled again. His laughter was so cold and chilling that it just made her heart crawl. "Alright then. I won't get in the way of your resignation."

Alanna responded, "Thank you."

Hades glanced at her one more time before walking toward a sea
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