

Running out into the street, rushed to her house. Running inside, she slammed the door and, leaning her back against it, slid down. Instantly coming to her senses, she jumped up and pulled the bolt. On stiff legs she went around all the rooms, closing the windows and pulling the curtains tightly.

Having closed the last one, she went to the shower, ripping off her things along the way. And only under jets of water gave vent to tears. I did not cry, I howled from pain and resentment. How? For what? What did I do? What did you deserve? Target?

He asked what my goal was. Yes, she is! I really, really wanted to stay here to live. See around the same as me, at any time turn around and frolic in the forest, to the point of aching in the paws. Don't hide, don't run!

Money? Yes, I was ready to work for food and housing, just to stay here! Tears stifled, sobs bursting out of her throat in jerks. Alina!.. How could you accuse me of wanting to harm her?

How long I sat like that, under the jets of
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